Team Volunteer Check-List
Coach of Record (2):
Your manager may have already appointed his 2 coaches of record.
Assist the Manager with the instruction of players, and the administration and management of practices and games. These coaches are covered by League insurance and will be the only coaches permitted on the field or in the dugout during game play.
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Team Parent(s) (1 required 2 recommended):
Attend Team Parent’s Meeting, plan team functions (party, gatherings, etc.), purchase drink tickets, schedule drinks and snacks, assign duties to other families (banner, etc.), Liaison with Team Sponsor.
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Umpires (2):
Attend Umpire Training and umpire at the 2A and above levels. Attend Parents From the Stands Training to be available to volunteer if no league umpires are assigned.
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Field Prep Coordinator (1): Reminder – share duties with visiting team if needed
Assumes responsibility for the game field maintenance. Schedule families to be responsible for the pre-game and post-game field setup and maintenance when your team is the home team and for emptying the trash in the container next to your dugout after each game.
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Scorekeeper (1 primary, 1 alternate): Reminder – share duties with visiting team if needed
Home team keeps official game or team scorebook in a manner consistent with the League and Manager’s guidelines.
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Announcer (1 primary, 1 alternate): Reminder – share duties with home team if needed
Announce games over PA system on Yankee & Wrigley. The visiting team is responsible.
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Game Writeups (1 primary, 1 alternate):
For AA, AAA, and Majors: Winning team are responsible for posting game scores and write-ups to –Managers might do themselves or he may want you to appoint a volunteer that would be good at this duty. At A, Tball and 5T teams are not responsible for reporting score but may write game summaries.
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Safety Officer (1 primary, 1 alternate):
Bring ice and first aid kit to all practices and games.
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Name: Email:__ Phone:
Bench/bleacher Monitor (1):
Responsible for cleaning the bench and bleacher area and emptying the trash can after each game and depositing the trash in the dumpster. Emptying trash barrels are team responsibilities – ask Gray Hats for bags.
Name: Email:__ Phone: