Planning sub-group
Note of telecon 31st January 2013
Annemarie Naylor, Locality
Gesche Schmid, LGA
Steve Peters, DCLG
Clare Clark, DCLG
- The group had before it the results of Locality’s survey of neighbourhood planning front-runners and Annemarie’s summary (attached).
- Issues faced by citizens/ those involved in neighbourhood planning included:
- Lack of knowledge of what information/ datasets are available
- Little understanding of how to find relevant information/ who to ask
- Potentially – though the survey did not really major on this – lack of skills to manipulate/ interpret the data. [And potential for this gap to be plugged by intermediaries.]
- The Annex to this paper includes a list of datasets mentioned by neighbourhood planning frontrunners, which I have generalised to make them non-place-specific. In itself, this list would be helpful to neighbourhood planning groups in giving them a starting point showing what datasets might be helpful.
- To further improve the helpfulness of this list, the group agreed that we should work on identifying:
- Which datasets are held by Central Government Depts and which ones (Steve)
- Which datasets are held by local authorities (Gesche)
- Which datasets currently sit on a Local Information System (Steve)
- Which datasets are currently on data.gov.uk (Clare)
- Whether any of these datasets have been requested by the Open Data User Group (Gesche to ask Cabinet Office)
- Where there are third party licensing issues (Gesche)
- Steve P agreed to look into the datasets in Housing Needs Assessments (which were previously submitted to DCLG as part of Regional Spatial Strategies), and whether any underlying datasets could be made available. Action: Steve.
- The group also agreed we should speak to the Planning Advisory Service about advice for local authorities on how to signpost their data relevant to planning, and include contact details. In particular, it would be useful to demonstrate what good looks like – potentially with a demonstrator tool. was flagged up as a useful site. There was also the potential for a “self-help” website, bringing together those interested in local planning to share experiences and ideas.
- Steve and Gesche to discuss potential areas to pilot/ be demonstrator.
- Steve/ Clare to update Planning colleagues in DCLG, and to contact Planning Advisory Service.
- Then, Annemarie to contact the neighbourhood planning frontrunners who responded to the survey to tell them next steps and invite their involvement. Also to flag up Steve’s work on household projections update in March with a widget enabling people to look at their local area.
- The group noted this was an example of where data needs could have been built into policy consideration at an earlier stage; and also that any demonstrator should look to be a general framework, useable for any policy area, not just neighbourhood planning.
Clare Clark
31st January 2013
Annex: List of datasets from the Locality Survey (generalised)
Population/ general background
Population data (principal council)
ONS population datasets
Household Incomes
Council Tax Bands
Cultural strategy
Crime statistics
Good Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Official Labour Market Statistics
Ofsted reports
Deprivation statistics
Pensioner and child benefit data (DWP)
Land Use
Land ownership
Boundary council assets
Landscape value
Heritage and Historic Value
Agricultural Land Classification
EU Habitats Directive
Water and electricity utilities capacity to deliver etc
Community Network profile
Heritage Strategy
SLAR [not sure what this stands for]
Environmental designations (Wildlife Trust)
Tree Preservation Orders Data
Department of Transport, Manual for Streets (2007)
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Main Report
Flood Management Strategy
Sites with special environmental protection
Flood plain map
Travel and transport
Traffic data (principal council)
Highways Data
Department of Transport, Building Sustainable Transport into New Developments (2008)
Parking Standards
Area Transport Strategy
Journey to Work
Local Transport Plan
Car ownership from DVLA
Planning policy (local planning authority)
Local Plan 2011 and evidence data sets supporting it
Planning Documents. National Planning Framework (2012) Statutory Instrument 2012 No. 637, Town and Country Planning, England (2012)
.National Planning Policy Statement 1; Delivering Sustainable Development (2005)
The Localism Act (2011)
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 61G)
Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (Regulation 6) Designation of a Neighbourhood Area Approval.
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 61G)
Documents Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (Regulation 6)
District Council: Neighbourhood Planning Guidance (2011)
Parish Plan
Parish Council, Questionnaire
District Council, Site Specific Policies and Allocations Document
Council, Place-Making Guide
Development Partnership: Local Investment Plan and Programme
Development Partnership: Joint Core Strategy
Development Partnership, Joint Core Strategy Annual Monitoring Reports
Reference material from supporting bodies including Design Council CABE and The Glass-House training material.
Housing needs
Social Housing demographics
Town and Country Planning Association, Creating Garden Cities and Suburbs Today (2012)
Housing Needs survey
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment site availability
Commercial development information (commercial developers)
Creative industries strategy
Retail study
Community views
Community views collected directly by community
Community surveys