(Police Department)
Office of the
Dy.Commissioner of Police,
Traffic-I, Hyderabad.
No.Tr.T8/4673/2012-13. Date: -01-2013.
Sri T. Sampath,
D.No.7/4, C-33,
Thiaga Brammam Street,
Subramania Nagar, Salem – 636005,
Sub:-Traffic Branch, Hyderabad – Representation of Sri T. Sampath,
D.No.7/4, C-33, Thiaga Brammam Street, Subramania Nagar, Salem –
636006, Tamilnadu – Submission of information – Reg.
Ref:- Your representation, dt.27-12-2012.
* * *
With reference to the subject cited above, information sought under RTI Act is furnished point-wise, as follows:
Qn.(1) / Certified copy of the record containing the information on the Model No., Year, and the make of the digital camera used for capturing the traffic offence of jumping signal on 25-08-2012 at time 16:24 at sangeeth X-road under Gopalpuram Traffic Police station limits based on which e-Challan were issued to the owners of the vehicle numbers AP11AJ1375,AP09CK1728,AP10AQ6270.Note: Please refer to the reply for Q.No.1, vide Letter No. Tr.T8/3269/2012 Dated 09-12-2012 from the Addl. Commissioner of Police, Traffic, Hyderabad, mentioning therein, the use of Digital Cameras for capturing traffic violations was mentioned.
Ans: / Make – SONY
Model – DSC – W210
Year – 2008
Qn.(2) / Certified copies of the operating manual, and the record of specifications of the digital camera for the model number, year and the make specifically mentioned in Para. 1, and which was supplied along with the camera, by the manufacturer, when the same was purchased officially by the department.
Ans: / Certified copy of operating manual and specifications of the above camera is enclosed herewith.
Qn.(3) / Certified copies of the notification(s) / advertisements(s) / tender(s) / purchase order(s) / indent(s) containing the complete specifications of the digital camera, so issued / placed by the Hyderabad Traffic Police/ any other competent authority, based on which the digital camera specifically mentioned in para.1 was purchased.
Ans: / Certified copy of the purchase order is enclosed herewith
Qn.(4) / If the information requested in para.3 is not available with Hyderabad Traffic Police, then the copy of the record containing the official action taken u/s 6(3) of the RTI act,2005 to transfer this application to the relevant public authority for information / record on para.3. If this application is not transferred under the aforementioned section for information on para.3, and information for para.3 is still not provided, then the copies of the records containing the information / reasons recorded therein for the same.
Ans: / Already clarified in the Para. 3.
Qn.(5) / Certified copies of the records containing the reasons / information recorded therein, for the delay / non-availability of the image properties of the photo referred to in para.1, for a gap of nearly 3 months and 14 days and was provided vide letter no.Tr.T8/3269/2012 Dated.09-12-2012, by the Addl. Commissioner of Police, Traffic, whereas the same was deemed to be available with the Hyderabad Traffic Police, since 25-08-2012 at time 16:24 and was not provided with the letter no. Tr.T8/3269/RTI.Act/2012 Dated. 22-09-2012, wherein only the photo without image properties was provided to another RTI applicant.Ans: / In the first request, it was requested only for the violation photograph on the date of violation 25-08-2012 at time 16:24. As you requested, the violation photograph copy was enclosed in our last date 09-1-2012. On further request by you inbuilt image properties of the camera have been exhibited on the same photograph, and sent to you.
Ans: / The image properties containing the date and time, supplied vide Letter No.Tr.T8/3269/2012 Dated.09-12-2012 from the Addl. Commissioner of Police, Traffic, Hyderabad, contains options for removing the properties of the photograph, clearly exposing the ways of tampering the properties of the photograph. Moreover, the date and time stamp, image properties ion any digitally taken photograph can be altered manually even after the photo graph is taken, and the methods as well as the softwares are freely available in public domain –,, http://, Graphic/Digital-Photo-Tools/EXIF editors html, and many more which are freely downloadable from the internet.
Hence, kindly provide the certified copy of any other independent corroborative material(s) / record(s) relied upon by the Hyderabad Traffic Police, to undisputably claim that the photograph provided vide letter no. Tr. T8/3269/RTI.Act/2012 Dated 22-09-2012, and the image properties provided vide Letter No. Tr. T8/3269/2012 Dated.09-12-2012 from the Addl. Commissioner of Police, Traffic, Hyderabad, WHICH COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MANIPULATED WITH, and hence provides indisputable and conclusive evidence of the traffic offence of jumping signal on 25-08-2012 at time 16:24 at Sangeeth X-road under Gopalpuram traffic Police station limits based on which e-Challan were issued to the owners of the vehicle number AP11AJ1375, AP09CK1728, AP10AQ6270.
Above violation photograph taken on 25-08-2012 at 16:24 hrs is genuine. The image properties in the said camera cannot be altered.
It is certified that, both the violation photographs, provided on 22-09-2012 and on 09-12-2012 are genuine photographs and have not been manipulated to effect any alteration in the photographs.
Qn.(7) / If no information / record(s) is / are available for some / all / part of the paras in this application, then the copies of the records containing the information / reasons recorded therein for the same.
Ans: Already clarified in paras 1 to 6.
Yours faithfully,
Dy.Commissioner of Police,
Traffic-I, Hyderabad.
(PIO., RTI Act).
Copy W/C’s to the Addl.Commissioner of Police, Traffic, Hyderabad, for favour of
Copy W/C’s to the Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad, for favour of information.