Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Regular Session 1900 Hours
Canby Fire Station Meeting Room
Board President Aaron Branum FC Ted Kunze
Board Vice President Buner Ellis III DC Tom O’Connor
Secretary Treasurer Dawn Depner DC Robb Milano
Director Laura Green BC Todd Gary
Director Steve Thoroughman CFO Lori Fawcett
EA Kris Rocha
Also in attendance: Capt. Tighe Vroman, Capt. Val Codino, Capt. Jim Davis, Dr. Richard Davies, FF Bob Bunnell, FF Brad Frank, FF Matt English, FF Nic Newcomb, BC Wayne Austin and citizen Jeanette Denos with Add Upon LLC.
The meeting was called to order by Board President Aaron Branum at 1901 hours.
A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Director Steve Thoroughman. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
CITIZEN INPUT (Agenda Items):
· Bills: CFO Fawcett reported on the following:
o Addupon, in the amount of $5,784.04.
o Feeney Wireless, in the amount of $7,217.25
o US Bank NA (TAN), in the amount of $948,553.50
· Financials: CFO Fawcett reported on the following:
o State Pool Interest remained static at 0.54%
o Local Investment Pool shows a total of $668,134.28
o TAN shows a total of $.27
o Current Deposits & Earnings show a total of $1,404,068.93
o Current Expenses show a total of ($1,278,831.63)
o Total available to the District is $868,476.55
o Current Year Taxes shows 98.41% received for FY14
o Prior Year Taxes shows 110.43% received for FY14.
o URD Fund shows a total of $120,750.31
o Ambulance Service has received 104.72% of expected revenue.
o Fees Income shows a total of $7,597.21 FY14.
· Payroll: CFO Fawcett reported the payroll costs for the month of May, as follows:
o May 6, 2014 = $124,245.57
o May 20, 2014 = $91,785.40
· A note of thanks was sent from a citizen named Marcina to FFs Frank, Haag and Newcomb for their service and assistance on her ambulance transport.
· Mr. Roy Josi sent a note of thanks for the excellent service he received from Captain Tighe Vroman and the A Shift Paramedics during his time of need.
· Nate Maravilla and Ramiro Hernandez sent notes of thanks for their job shadow experiences at CFD.
FC Ted Kunze, DC Tom O’Connor, DC Robb Milano, BC Todd Gary and CFO Lori Fawcett reviewed their Staff reports. (*see attached reports for reference.)
Presentation of FY 2012 Audit
Mr. Roy Rogers of Pauly, Rogers and Co. called into the station via phone to give an overview of the audit report sections and details. After his review he reported Canby Fire had received a “clean” or “unqualified opinion”.
A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman to accept the FY 2012 audit as presented. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
Financial Policies
CFO Fawcett presented new financial policies for the Board’s review. She stated that the policies were thorough but not cumbersome, and protect CFD by statute, process and function. CFO Fawcett stated the only change made to the present copy was that a portion regarding a signature stamp had been deleted.
A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman to approve and adopt the Financial Policies as presented. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
Review of Final Union Contract and MOU
President Aaron Branum and Secretary Dawn Depner signed the final Union Contract and the one-time VEBA MOU contribution.
New District Counsel
Chief Tom O’Connor reviewed several options for new District Counsel. He suggested the Board of Directors wait for CFD’s new Fire Chief to be appointed before selecting new District Counsel in order that he may be a part of the selection process. The Board agreed to postpone further discussion on this topic until the July 23rd meeting.
New Fire Chief/CEO Recruitment Process
President Aaron Branum thanked all involved Staff as well as the community for their participation in the Chief Panel Interview Process. He stated they have made a conditional offer and will announce a name as soon as possible.
A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman to move to Executive Session from Regular Session at 1953 hours per ORS 190.660(2)(a) Employment of Public Officers, Employees and Agents. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman to adjourn from Executive Session into Regular Session at 2112 hours. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
A motion was made by Director Dawn Depner to approve James X. Davis as Fire Chief of Canby Fire District. Director Steve Thoroughman seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Budget Hearing: FY 2014/2015 Budget
A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman to move into Budget Hearing. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
No public comment.
A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman to adjourn from Budget Hearing. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
Resolution 2014-04: A Resolution Adopting FY 2014/12015 Budget and Making Appropriations and Levying Taxes
A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman to adopt Resolution 2014-04, a resolution adopting FY 2014/12015 Budget and making appropriations and levying taxes. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
Resolution 2014-05: A Resolution Extending Canby Fire District Compensation Coverage to Volunteer Members
A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman to adopt Resolution 2014-05, a Resolution Extending Canby Fire District Compensation Coverage to Volunteer Members. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
Resolution 2014 – 06: A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds from General Fund Contingency to General Fund Materials and Services
A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman to adopt Resolution 2014-06, a resolution authorizing the transfer of funds from General Fund Contingency to General Fund Materials and Services. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
FY 2014/15 Management Comp Plan
A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman to approve the Management Compensation Plan. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
Wellness IGA with Clackamas Fire
Chief Milano explained the process he went through to research FF medical physicals and fitness testing. He noted that we have an established relationship with Clackamas Fire and the cost will remain approximately the same.
A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman authorizing Chief O’Connor to sign the Wellness IGA with Clackamas Fire. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
CITIZEN INPUT (Non-Agenda Items):
· President Aaron Branum thanked those present, including his fellow Board Members, for support during the Fire Chief Recruitment Process.
· Director Steve Thoroughman encouraged CFD unity in support of Chief Davis.
· Freshly appointed Chief Davis stated that it has been a dream of his to work at Canby Fire District. He is extremely excited about the opportunity. His number one goal is to bring all members of CFD together as a unified team. Chief Davis thanked the Board of Directors for the opportunity to serve in this capacity.
A motion was made by Director Steve Thoroughman to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting. The motion was seconded by Director Dawn Depner and unanimously approved.
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Time: Regular Meeting at 1900 hours
Location: CFD Station 62 Meeting Room
Adjourned from Regular Session at 2151 hours.