Iowa Educational Services for the

Blind and Visually Impaired

2015 Summer Programs

Something for Everyone!

In collaboration with:

Iowa School for the Deaf

Easter Seals/Camp Sunnyside

Area Education Agencies

Local School Districts

Note to parents regarding transportation: Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired offers both residential and day camps during the summer.For residential camps, parents will be responsible for transporting their child to and from the camp location on the first and last day of camp. For day camps, parents will need to transport their child to and from the camp daily.


Dates / Camp / Location / Target Population
7-12 / Camp Explore / Camp Sunnyside
Des Moines
Camp / Students of all abilities currently served on an IEP by Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (IESBVI). Ages 6-21 and who have not received a diploma. There is no limit to number of campers for participation.

IESBVI collaborates with Camp Sunnyside by providing financial support to campers. In-service training for camp counselors to learn about adaptations for blind and visually impaired campers is provided by IESBVI staff prior to camp. IESBVI provides staff support during day and evening activities. Health services and overnight supervision is provided by Camp Sunnyside staff.

All campers MUSTcomplete and turn in the 2015 Camp and Respite Application and Resident Camp registration forms through Easter Seals to participate in this camp. The application and registration forms are now online at Print the forms, complete and return to:

Kate Simpson, Program and Support Specialist

Easter Seals Iowa. 401 NE 66th Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50313

Phone: 515.309.2375, Fax: 515.289.1281, TTY: 515.289.4069

Camp registration deadline is May 15. You will not be registered if you do not complete the Camp and Respite Application and Resident Camp registration forms found at by the May 15th deadline. There is no cost to participate in this camp. Indicate, on the financial portion of the registration form, that Iowa Braille is the responsible financial party.

This unique residential camp opportunity is available for students of all abilities. Easter Seals, Camp Sunnyside provides an accessible outdoor environment to experience recreational and social activities. A variety of camp activities including swimming, boating, hiking, crafts and singing camp songs daily are part of the experience. Check out pictures and activities at

IESBVI staff provide support for campers to participate in all activities.

Contact persons: Kate Simpson, Program and Support Specialist

Easter Seals Iowa. 401 NE 66th Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50313

Phone: 515.309.2375, Fax: 515.289.1281, TTY:515.289.4069

Iowa Braille contact: Phyllis K. McGowan 319.472.5221, Extension 1028

Dates / Camp / Location / Target Population
7-12 / Big City O&M Camp, “Connected” / Valley West Inn,
Des Moines
Camp / Must be between the ages of 13-18 or going into grades: 7th-12th
Must be a long white cane user and able to demonstrate usage of at least one of the two primary cane techniques.
Must have had some exposure to some type of street crossing (residential, semi-business, or commercial business).
Must be able to comfortably travel throughout and within a crowd setting, while remaining calm and efficient.
Must be able to demonstrate self-help, care, movement, and functional skill expectancy level within one year of grade level.
Must be open minded to learning and utilizing new skills.
Post registration and prior to gaining acceptance into the camp, every student’s Orientation & Mobility Specialist will be contacted, and a recommendation and checklist MUST be completed. Acceptance will be based on results of the checklist as it will reflect the student’s current skill level and need for this type of exposure.
This program is limited to 12 participants.

Do you ever feel disconnected from the world around? Is there ever a time you just wish you knew what is going on around you? Are you looking for a night out or just something fun to do with friends? Getting connected with the community around you is actually easier than you may think! If this is your status then Big City O&M Camp “Connected” is just the camp for you! Come join us as we learn to network with each other and the world around us! Throughout this non-stop week, campers will be finding and participating in one new following after another. In the mornings and afternoons campers will be given independent O&M opportunities to practice, strengthen, and update their traveling skills. They will utilize the various travel methods and components associated with a "Big City" environment! Following the O&M activities of the day, the real sharing begins. #adlwithfriends. Campers will return back to their residencies to participate in groups to complete various daily “Living” skill activities. Now that you have read this feed, are you ready to like and sign in?

For questions about Big City Living O&M Camp contact: Chrissy Murphy at 614-886-5573 or orDeena Recker at 641-814-3428

Dates / Camp / Location / Target Population
14-19 / Camp Abilities - Move & Groove 2015 / Iowa Braille School
Camp / Students interested in sports, recreation and leisure 7-13years of age. Students should be predominately independent with self-care and have few behavioral concerns. Students should be prepared to be active throughout the week and willing to try new activities.

Whether you are running around a track, hitting a beeping ball, dancing, skating or catching a fish come prepared to be active and involved in various sporting/leisure activities. Be prepared to amp up your fitness routine and make lots of friends. Individual, leisure and team oriented activities will be the focus of this active week-long camp with students staying in the IBS dormitories.

Contact Carla Morrow at 319-472-5221, Extension 1228 or 800-645-4579, Extension 1228 or 319-310-8597 or

Dates / Camp / Location / Target Population
June 15-19 / Expanding Our World
(Younger Students) / Norwalk Middle School
Day Camp / Students going into grades K-4 functioning within 2 years of their grade level. The program focuses on areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum and students must have a recommendationfrom their teacher of the visually impaired (TVI) to participate.
This program will be limited to 10 participants.

This is a day program. Trips each day to reinforce recreation, independent living, orientation and mobility and social skills - bowling, cooking, meal planning, grocery shopping, crafts and games.

Contact Pat Nagel-Wilson at 515-480-5862 or

Dates / Camp / Location / Target Population
19-20 / Girls’ Night Out / Waterloo
Camp / Girls ages 7 and older. Girls should possess basic self-help skills such as toileting and showering.

Girls will work on travel skills (bus, taxi, street crossings), money skills, grooming, making reservations, relationships, review safety skills and social interaction with other visually impaired students. Contact Lisa Lutz at 319-472-5221 or 800-645-4579, Extension 1128 or

Dates / Camp / Location / Target Population
June 21-26 / The Apprentice: Transition Camp / Iowa Braille School Vinton
Camp / Students ages 14-18 years, planning to attend college and/or be competitively employed. Must be receiving services from Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired and have not graduated.
This program will be limited to 12 participants.

This residential camp will provide transition age students planning on post-secondary education or competitive employment an opportunity to explore resources to support future learning.

As an apprentice, studentswill have the opportunity to discover their abilities as they gain self- confidence, independence and understanding of the world after high school and what could be their role. Have fun exploring careers, colleges, as well as how to promote abilities and develop advocacy for success. Independence and social interaction will add to experiential learning.

Contact: Wendy Miller: Mobile: 319-540-7315 or

Phyllis McGowan: Mobile: 319-361-9124or 319-472-5221 Extension1028

Dates / Camp / Location / Target Population
June 22-26 / Expanding Our World
(Older Students) / Norwalk Middle School
Day Camp / Students going into grades 5-8 gradesfunctioning within 2 years of their grade level. The program focuses on areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum and students must have a recommendationfrom their teacher of the visually impaired (TVI) to participate.
This program will be limited to 10 participants.

This is a day program.Daily trips to increase areas of recreation, independent skills, orientation and mobility and social skills - bowling, cooking, planning a meal, grocery shopping, ordering and eating at a restaurant, trip to the zoo.Contact Pat Nagel-Wilson at 515-480-5862 or


Dates / Camp / Location / Target Population
5-10 / A Walk in the Woods / Iowa Braille School
Camp / Students between the ages of 7-13 years, who receive services from IESBVI, and have basic orientation and mobility skills, and are independent with the following: toileting, feeding, and dressing.
This program will be limited to 18 participants.

Welcome to, “A Walk in the Woods,” where students can interact with nature and animals. There will be a variety of fieldtrips, where campers will receive a hands-on experience, into the great outdoors. Whether we are on a farm, or feeling the furs of a variety of different animals, the students will gain concept development in a multi-sensory way. This will be a week-long, residential camp.


Wendy Miller 319-540-7315 or or

Sara Larkin 319-310-6070 or

Dates / Camp / Location / Target Population
July 6-10 / Camp High School / Norwalk Middle School
Camp / Students going into grades 9-12 functioning within 2 years of their grade level. The program focuses on areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum and students must have a recommendationfrom their teacher of the visually impaired (TVI) to participate.
This program will be limited to 10 participants.

This is a day program. Trips each day to increase skills in recreation, independent living, orientation and mobility, social skills, and transition issues - bowling, college visit, grocery shopping, meal planning, cooking, games, crafts, ordering and eating at a restaurant.

Contact Pat Nagel-Wilson at 515-480-5862 or

Dates / Camp / Location / Target Population
July 12-17 / Planes, Trains and Automobilies / Iowa School for the Deaf
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Camp / Open to students who are blind/visually impaired ages 9-16.
Students attending must be able to care of their own dressing and bathroom needs. They must also be able to eat independently. Students must be open to going out into the community to do activities.
This program will be limited to 15 participants.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles! This is camp is for students who are interested in exploring all the different modes of transportation and the history behind them. During the camp we will visit local museums, get up close and personal with real trains, automobiles, and an airplane! We also hope to get to ride some as well! Lastly, students will get to plan a trip across town with the help of camp staff. This will be a residential camp and students will stay on the ISD campus Sunday afternoon through Friday morning.

Contact person: Katy Ring, 712-310-4623 or


Dates / Camp / Location / Target Population
August 18-20 / Get your Body and Brain in Shape for School / Iowa Braille School
Camp / Students ages 8-18 year old who demonstrate the ability to follow directions and independent care skills. Have an interest in body awareness, physical health and an active lifestyle.
This program will be limited to 12-15 participants.

This 3 day residential camp will engage students in an active yoga practice as a way to strengthen their bodies and brains for success in the coming year. Strategies to reduce anxiety and stress will be practiced through body awareness. Team activities and social interaction will be included to build leisure skills. Healthy choices to fuel bodies and brains will be introduced.

Contact persons: Phyllis McGowan bile: 319-361-9124 office: 319-472-5221 Extension 1028 or Carla Morrow Mobile: 319-310-8597

Office: 319-472-5221 Extension 1228

2015 Summer Program


June 7-12Camp Explore - Camp Sunnyside, Des Moines
June 7-12Big City O&M Camp: “Connected” - Valley West Inn, Des Moines

June 14-19Camp Abilities - Move & Groove 2015 - Iowa Braille School, Vinton

June 15-19Expanding Our World (Younger Students - Norwalk Middle School

June 19-20Girls’ Night Out - Waterloo

June 21-26The Apprentice: Transition Camp - Iowa Braille School, Vinton

June 22-26Expanding Our World (Older Students) - Norwalk Middle School

July 5-10A Walk in the Woods - Iowa Braille School, Vinton

July 6-10Camp High School - Norwalk Middle School

July 12-17Planes, Trains & Automobiles - Iowa School for the Deaf, Council Bluffs

Aug. 18-20Get your Body and Brain in Shape for School - Iowa Braille School, Vinton

Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired

1002 G Avenue, Vinton, IA 52349

319-472-5221 or 800-645-4579(Iowa only)

Please check the program(s) you want to attend. Some programs have limited participation or require your child’s vision teacher’s recommendation, so register as early as possible.

Camp Explore June 7-12
Big City O&M Camp June 7-12
Camp Abilities… June 14-19
Expanding Our World (Younger) June 15-19
Girls’ Night Out June 19-20
The Apprentice: Transition Camp June 21-26 / Expanding Our World (Older) June 22-26
A Walk in the Woods July 5-10
Camp High School July 6-10
Planes, Trains & Automobiles July 12-17
Get your Body and Brain in Shape for School August 18-20




Street Address


Home Phone: ( )

E-mail Address (if available :

Date of Birth: Current Grade: Gender:

Braille Print

Special Accommodations:

Parent’s Name:

Cell Phone: ( )

Employer: Work Phone: ( )

Address if different from student:

Parent’s Name:

Cell Phone: ( )

Employer: Work Phone: ( )

Address if different from student:

Indicate Legal Guardian:Both parents Father Mother Other

Emergency Contact Other Than Parent/Guardian:



Home Phone( )

Cell Phone( )

Work Phone( )

LocalSchool Information:

School DistrictAEA




I give permission for my child to travel in Iowa Braille School vehicles

on school-sponsored trips. Yes No

I give permission for my child to travel independently with mobility

staff approval.Yes No

I consent to the use of my child’s name, photograph, video and/or comments

in publicizing the activities of the IowaBrailleSchool.YesNo

Does your child receive any waiver funding?Yes No

Who is your child’s caseworker: Phone number:

Will transportation be a barrier for your child to attend?Yes No

Medical Treatment

I, the undersigned, hereby authorize the Iowa Braille school staff/representative tosecure medical attention for

. I will be notified as soon as possible and no later than 24 hours after any emergency, accident, or Health Center admission. I will notify the Health Center Staff of any changes in my child's medical status, including medication changes. I will transport my child home for recovery if illness oraccidentmake it necessary for him/her to be excused from programming. I understand that I will be responsible for the medical expenses incurred (including office calls at Iowa Braille) and that I will either be billed directly by the supplier or by the Business Office of Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School. Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School does not provide student accident or medical insurance.



Return completed application by May 15, 2015to:

Kathy Hintz

Iowa BrailleSchool

1002 G Ave

Vinton, IA 52349

Fax 319-472-5174 or