Member Services Co-ordinator
28 hours per week
Permanent subject to funding
Scale SO1 £29,424 - £31,141 pro rata
20th June 2017 – 12 noon
Thursday 29th June 2017
Advert: Member Services Coordinator – Opening Doors London
There are over 3 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* people in Britain – and over 100,000 older LGBT* in London alone. Unfortunately the experience of older LGBT* people receiving services and support is not always a positive one. We aim to change that!
With a membership of over 1200, ODL is the largest specialist provider of services for the older LGBT* community in the UK. We provide a wide range of regular social groups and opportunities; we have a Befriending Service; we campaign for and give a voice to older LGBT* people; and we provide training and consultancy support to mainstream services. We also deliver LGBT* Connect which works with older LGBT* people across Camden for the Ageing Better in Camden programme, part of a national Big Lottery funded strategic project to reduce social isolation among older people. Our services are either delivered directly by ODL in partnership with local community groups throughout London.
This role will be to provide support to members including:
➢ Supporting sessional workers and volunteers to deliver a wide range of social opportunities
➢ Producing the ODL Listings [our newsletter] and promoting activities via social media
➢ Respond to member enquiries and sign post as appropriate
➢ Ensuring appropriate monitoring and evaluation
We are also keen to increase our diversity, so would particularly welcome applicants from the BME and/or trans* and/or bi communities.
If you are interested in applying for the above post please see the application pack including the full job description and person specification at the following link in our website www.ageukcamden.org.uk / www.openingdoorslondon.org.uk or email
Opening Doors London charity number: 1167919.
Opening Doors London is a company limited by guarantee (10123607).
Opening Doors London is a subsidiary of Age UK Camden.
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