The Pocahontas County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, July 21, 2014 at7:00 PM at the Pocahontas County Board of Education Conference Roomwith the following members present:
Emery G. Grimes, President
Cheryl M. Beverage)Members
Jessica Hefner)
Janet E. McNeel)
Suzanne Stewart)
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Ms. Stewart, the Board unanimously approved the agenda.
Superintendent Bechtel informed the Board that two new principals are now on board; Mr. Gregory Ball at Marlinton Elementary School, and Mr. Joseph Arbogast at Hillsboro Elementary School
- Janet Warner voiced her concerns to the Board regarding the fifth grade move from Marlinton Middle School to Marlinton Elementary School. According to Ms. Warner, the amount of classroom space at Marlinton Elementary School is limited. She stated that it is not in the best interest of the students to make decisions based on space limitation, which she believes is now the case at Marlinton Elementary School. She said that in an ideal world an additional kindergarten teacher, second grade teacher, and fifth grade teacher would be hired to minimize the class sizes; however there is not enough space left to house the additional classes.
Ms. Warner questioned how the Board could have voted to move the fifth grades students from Marlinton Middle School to Marlinton Elementary School without considering class size fluctuations. - Louisa “Cammie” Kiner addressed the Board with multiple concerns.
First, Ms. Kiner stated that she was off on medical leave during the time grade quick training and Office 365 training was offered; Ms. Kiner asked if the trainings would be offered again during the continuing education days at Pocahontas County High School. Ms. Kiner also asked if training on Policy 5000 could be offered on those days as well.
Terrence Beam stated that Policy 5000 training would be offered during those days at Pocahontas County High School.
Second, Ms. Kiner stated that, in February, at a special Board of Education meeting held at Marlinton Middle School to discuss the proposed school calendar for the 2014-2015 school year, she asked if there would be an Inclement Weather policy adopted by the Board to address extreme temperatures in the schools.
Ms. Kiner stated that she and the other teachers at Marlinton Middle School offered to purchase their own free-standing air conditioning units for their classrooms, but were told that the wiring would not withstand the load.
Mr. Grimes directed Ms. Kiner to Ronald Hall, Director of Maintenance, to further investigate that option.
Third, Ms. Kiner stated that, when the fifth grade move was proposed, parents were told that the move would not affect their students’ education. Now, the eighth grade play will no longer be offered as a part of the curriculum because Margaret Baker is now employed full time.
Mr. Beam offered clarification. He explained that Ms. Baker’s employment at Marlinton Elementary School was not a result of the fifth grade move. He stated that a half-time art position was posted at Marlinton Elementary School and accepted by Ms. Baker – Ms. Baker was not transferred, nor was her contract extended to cover art at Marlinton Elementary School. Mr. Beam stated that the eighth grade play has been spearheaded by Ms. Baker and paid for by a grant through Dramas, Fairs, and Festivals. If a replacement drama teacher could be found, the eighth grade play would continue as it has.
Ms. Kiner then voiced her concerns about the beginning band program for sixth grade students. She stated that the sixth grade students who had beginning band in the fifth grade would not be able to join the varsity band in the sixth grade; they would be required to take beginning band again in the sixth grade. Ms. Kiner pointed out that this is redundant and not productive for the students who had beginning band in fifth grade. She stated that her daughter is musically talented and has been receiving private guitar lessons since she was in the second grade, and believes that repeating beginning band will not benefit her at all.
Fourth, Ms. Kiner stated that the teachers employed to fill the new fifth grade positions at Marlinton Elementary School do not have a strong background in mathematics. When the move was proposed, the parents were promised that the teachers that the Board had in mind for those positions had a strong background in math.
Mr. Beam and Mr. Grimes both adamantly denied any such statement. Mr. Beam stated that the position of “Teacher of Multi-Subjects at Marlinton Elementary School” was posted and applications were accepted. Those applications were then considered by the principal and faculty senate. Ms. Fortney and Ms. Spencer were recommended by the faculty senate and principal individually – the central office did not place emphasis on the hiring of any particular applicant and the Board Members were not privy to the applicants’ information prior to the names appearing on the agenda. Mr. Beam pointed out that posting a job with a particular person in mind, is illegal. Mr. Beam stated that Ms. Spencer and Ms. Fortney both have the required certification to provide proper instruction to fifth grade students and they were deemed the most capable candidates for the positions by the interview committee, the principal, ultimately the superintendent and approved by the Board of Education – just as Policy 5000 requires.
Mr. Beam stated that Joanna Burt-Kinderman plans to work with the teachers at Marlinton Elementary School to develop a strong mathematics program and the teachers are encouraged to attend pertinent trainings when available. Mr. Beam pointed out that the county Board Office administration is very lenient in its allowance of teachers to attend professional development, noting that a teacher’s request is rarely denied.
Ms. Kiner agreed, stating that Ms. Burt-Kinderman would be providing a two day workshop to teacher on July 28th and 29th and invited the Board to attend the training. - Anne Smith stated that she was very disturbed by the fact that the Board has been so misled about the details of the fifth grade move from Marlinton Middle School to Marlinton Elementary School. She pointed out what she believed to be misrepresentation to the Board: ‘no money would be spent on the move’, ‘the students’ education would not be affected by the move’, and ‘additional staff would not be required’. Ms. Smith compared the fifth grade move from Marlinton Middle School to Marlinton Elementary School to the elimination of a fifth grade position at Green Bank Elementary-Middle School and asked what hidden obligations would the Board run in to as a result.
Ms. Smith read aloud three letters:
The first from Ricky Sharp, who could not attend the meeting due to a scheduling conflict. Mr. Sharp provided the Board Members with a copy of the tentative class schedule for the 2014-2015 school year and voiced his concerns to the Board, stating it was difficult to schedule without the additional English/Language Arts/Reading teacher, but impossible to schedule without the additional fifth grade teacher. Mr. Sharp stated that he was open to constructive suggestions from the Board.
The other two letters were written by parents Courtney Curran and Holly Taylor. Both encouraging the Board to reconsider their decision to eliminate the position. - June Taylor approached the Board to state that she is sorely disappointed in the elimination of the fifth grade position at Green Bank Elementary-Middle School. Ms. Taylor stated that the Board is losing credibility with the staff and residents of the county, pointing out that key decisions (such as moving the fifth grade students from Marlinton Middle School to Marlinton Elementary School and the elimination of a fifth grade position at Green Bank Elementary-Middle School) have been voted on, seemingly ending the discussion, then brought back to an agenda to be voted on once again.
Ms. McNeel stated that she has been looking over the statistics of pupil/teacher ratio, and provided
the public with the following breakdown.
Marlinton Elementary School:18.75 pupils per classroom teacher
Marlinton Middle School:20.3 pupils per classroom teacher
Green Bank Elementary-Middle School:16.4 pupils per classroom teacher
Ms. McNeel pointed out that the number of students was drawn from a report generated in mid-May and does not take in to account possible retentions or transfers, nor does it take in to account title I, physical education, music, art, or special education teachers – just classroom teachers.
Ms. McNeel addressed some of the issues brought up at the previous Board of Education Meeting.
She stated that the
“Coordinator of Teaching and Learning” position is not funded by the county;
“Director of Attendance/Maintenance” position is a combination of an existing position and a much needed position;
Mr. Rittenhouse does not have a collaborating teacher and she understands the frustration in that positions, however, Ms. McCurdy did not have a collaborating teacher last year and no teacher at Hillsboro Elementary School has a collaborating teacher.
- Jennifer Beverage and Sarah Cover approached the Board to voice their support for Mr. Rittenhouse. Ms. Beverage stated that all of this controversy about Mr. Rittenhouse teaching alone might lead one to believe that the parents do not have faith in him and that simply is not the case. She stated that the parents believe Mr. Rittenhouse can teach all of the fifth grade students effectively; however, he should not be required to do so.
John Estep, regional American Federation of Teachers (AFT) representative, provided the Board with a presentation on Policy 5000 – hiring practices for professional personnel.
Mr. Estep provided the Board and staff in attendance with a pamphlet published by AFT outlining the hiring process for professional staff. Some of the key points were:
- The faculty senates at each school must meeting prior to the opening of school to determine who will be involved in the hiring committee.
- Any faculty member who wishes to take part in the interview process must be properly trained and certified using the module provided by the West Virginia Department of Education.
- Any faculty member who completes the training must be reimbursed by the Board of Education – and faculty members who participate in the interviews must be reimbursed, in an amount not to exceed two hours of their regular hourly rate of pay.
- All applications for each position must be sent to the faculty senate for consideration, even applications of individuals not certified to teach the required content area; however, non-certified applicants cannot be considered over certified applicants.
- The principal and the faculty senate make their hiring recommendations separately then send both to the superintendent.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. Stewart, seconded by Ms. McNeel, the Board approved payment of vendor listing of claims in the amount of $12,897.76
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. Beverage, seconded by Ms. Stewart, the Board unanimously approved to authorize payment of vendor listing of claims in the amount of $15,595.29.
Ms. Stewart recused herself while the Board voted on her travel reimbursement in the amount of $72.80, which passed with a 4-0 vote.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Ms. Beverage, the Board unanimously approved to authorize payment of vendor listing of claims in the amount of $22,591.17.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. Stewart, seconded by Ms. Beverage, the Board unanimously approved, the contract between Pocahontas County Board of Education and Joanna Burt Kinderman for services described in contract, at $350 per day for 68 contracted days during the 2014-2015 school year.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Ms. Hefner, the Board unanimously approved for Samantha Dent, a resident of Pocahontas County, to enroll her child in Randolph County Schools for the 2014-2015 school year.
On motion of Ms. McNeel, seconded by Stewart, the Board unanimously approved a call for Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. The Board went into Executive Session at 8:50PM, and at the conclusion of the Executive Session, on motion of Ms. Hefner, seconded by Ms. Beverage, the Board agreed to return to the agenda at 9:27 PM.
On recommendation of the superintendent and motion of Ms. Beverage, seconded by Ms. Stewart, the Board unanimously approved the following professional and service personnel.
Marlinton Middle School:REQUESTED
TRANSFER: / SHERRI L. HOWE, from Cook II at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School to Cook II at Marlinton Middle School, at state basic pay, effective for the 2014-2015 school year, term of employment: 200 days.
Pocahontas County High School:
RESIGNATION: / DEREK R. LAMBERT, as Assistant Principal at Pocahontas County High School, retroactive to July 3, 2014.
EMPLOYMENT TERM: / MALI MINTER, as Teacher of Spanish at Pocahontas County High School at an employment term of 200 one-half days to Teacher of Spanish at Pocahontas County High School at an employment term of 200 full days, effective for the 2014-2015 school year.
Pocahontas County Schools:
TRANSFER: / DORTHIE I. SHAMBLIN, from Secretary II at Hillsboro Elementary School to Itinerant Special Education Classroom Aide/Bus Aide for Pocahontas County Schools (assignment: Marlinton Middle School), at state basic salary, effective for the 2014-2015 school year, term of employment: 200 days.
EMPLOYMENT: / PATRICK C. McCURDY, as Soccer Coach (boys) at Pocahontas County High Schools, effective for the 2014-2015 season, at a supplement of $3,000. (NOTE: Position pending on sufficient number of players to make a team.)
EMPLOYMENT: / SHANNON ARBOGAST, as Soccer Coach (girls) at Pocahontas County High Schools, effective for the 2014-2015 season, at a supplement of $3,000. (NOTE: Position pending on sufficient number of players to make a team.)
EMPLOYMENT: / ALLEN TAYLOR, as Head Basketball Coach (girls) at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School, effective for the 2014-2015 season, at a supplement of $1,500. (NOTE: Position pending on sufficient number of players to make a team.)
EMPLOYMENT: / SHANE JONES, as Head Basketball Coach (boys) at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School, effective for the 2014-2015 season, at a supplement of $1,500. (NOTE: Position pending on sufficient number of players to make a team.)
By a vote of 3-2, Ms. Beverage and Ms. Stewart casting the dissenting votes, the following was approved:
Green Bank Elementary-Middle School:ABOLISHMENT
OF POSITION: / Teacher of Multi-Subjects at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School, retroactive to June 30, 2014.
OF POSTING: / Teacher of Multi-Subjects at Green Bank Elementary – Middle School, at state basic salary based on degree and experience, effective for the 2014-2015 school year, term of employment: 200 days.
Dr. Bechtel informed the Board that he and Mr. Beam recently attended the “High Schools that Work” conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Bechtel stated that the size of the convention was impressive with over 500 sessions offered during the conference. He stated that school districts from across America were represented, with an average of five to ten staff members attending. Dr. Bechtel stated that many of the school districts participate in as many of the sessions as possible, they will bring the information back to their faculty members and provide continuing education throughout the year.
Ms. Stewart stated that she finished the DVDs provided by Dr. O’Cull’s office (West Virginia School Board Association). She said that most notably, the WVSBA stressed the importance of getting information to the public. She believes that Pocahontas County does an excellent job of doing this. She said that in the past year the Pocahontas Times has reported on 25 Board Meetings, written 12 stories about school function, and published 89 articles submitted by principals – these numbers do not include the Warrior Sports stories, which are published weekly during the school year.
Ms. McNeel stated that she recently attended the Presidents’ Retreat (for Board of Education presidents) because Mr. Grimes had a prior engagement. Ms. McNeel stated that that one of her biggest concerns is the amount of legal fees paid each year. She suggested teaming up with other counties in our RESA to tackle similar issues together and reduce the amount of legal fees.
Ms. McNeel also stated that she would really like to see Pocahontas County High School have a security system in place. She stressed how important she believes it is.