Name ______Date ______Period ______
Mary Brown, Family & Consumer Sciences
Classroom Procedures
Entering the Classroom
- Proper Dress Code:
- ID must be visible before entering room
- District/HHS dress-code is enforced (See bottom of information)
- Greet the Greeter
- Sit at your assigned seat (once assigned). Do not change seats without my permission.Substitute will rely on the seating charts and I will not change their attendance!
- Begin Warm-Up
- Keep Cell Phone Out of Sight!!!
- No Food or Drinks allowed in the Classroom!!!!!
Materials Needed: Each and Every Day
- Pen or Pencil and Notebook Paper Everyday
- I will provide a folder to keep your work in and a place to keep it in class.
- 1-500 page Ream of copy paper
- Each student must bring ONE of the following: Pkg. of large markers, Pkg. of small markers, Bottle of glue, Box of pencils, Pkg. of colored construction paper, Box of tissues
- Turn in all completed work in the designated basket.
- Assignments must have your name, date, and class period. (10 points off if name only)
- 10 point deduction each additional late day (Teacher Policy)
Grading Procedures
Each grading period should consist of a minimum of 18 numerically graded items. These grades will consist of a combination of major and daily grades. This applies to most of my classes.
Major (summative) Grades – a minimum of 4 per nine-weeks – counts 50% of grade
Daily (formative) Grades – a minimum of 14 per nine-weeks – counts 50% of grade
Special projects count as Major Grades – Listed below are several of the projects:
- Posters related to subject
- Creating booklets or brochures
- Cost inquiries or comparisons
- Special assignments for subject area
Test Day
Unit tests will be given after multiple topics/subjects are completed. However, students will be notified in advance when a test will be given. Pop quizzes given at teacher discretion and count double weight.
Make-Up Work
- It’s your responsibility after an absence to get your make-up work from Make-Up Folder
- Same amount of days to make up work as days absent without counted late
(i.e.: 3 days absent, 3 days to make-up work-be sure to label as make-up work)
- Mark date/dates of absences on make-up work (otherwise I will not know why it is late)
- Turn into designated make-up work basket
- NO assignments will be accepted if they are more than a week late from the original due date (noted in grade book
Students needed additional assistance or understanding of assignments, are welcome to come to tutorials after school on Monday. Special arrangements can be made in private with teacher. Student must notify teacher if plans to stay.
Dismissal of Class
The teacher will dismiss the class when:
- All materials are put away
- Tables are cleaned
NOTE: The bell indicates to the teacher the ending of class. Teacher will dismiss class…stay seated.
Substitute Teacher Guidelines
- The same rules apply when a substitute is present.
- Disrespect and disruption of the class will result in a referral and a parent contact.
- Students will remain in assigned seats (or may be counted absent and I will not change their attendance marks).
- Work assigned will be turned in to substitute (even if not complete), stapled, and counted as a ****regular grade! ALWAYS!!! Even if I forget to write it in the instructions.
Consequences of Inappropriate Actions
1st Infraction-Warning
2nd Infraction-Discussion in the hall and sentences assigned
3rd Parent contact
My conference times are: 2nd and 5th periods
If you have questions or concerns, you may call me at 281-641-6392 and leave a message at any time and I will return it as soon as possible or contact me by email at .
*Place pages 1 & 2 of this syllabus in your folder. You will take a quiz over this information sometime during the second week of school.
Student Expectations at Humble High School:
Dress code:
Boys: pants will be pulled up at all times, no tank tops, ear rings are not allowed in the building. We expect you to be shaved daily.
Girls: dress for success, mid drift not showing, excessively tight clothing is not allowed, overly revealing clothing is not allowed.
All: Head covering of any kind is not allowed in the building, pajamas are not allowed in the building
Cell phones are not allowed to be used during the school day from the first bell at 718 to 245. Phones will be confiscated if seen in use. If your phone is confiscated you may pay 15$ for it in the front office twenty-four hours after it is taken. If you come the same day you will not get your phone. If you refuse to hand over your phone when asked you will be placed in 3 ISS.
All other electronics such as cd players, ear phones, p3 etc are not allowed to be seen or in use during the school day. They will be confiscated if seen and turned over to you AP. If you refuse to hand over these items when asked you will be placed in ISS. Only parents may come and get these confiscated items.
IDs are required to be worn around the neck on a lanyard at all times during the school day. If you need a new permanent ID you may buy one for 5$ at the library from 7-718 daily. If you need a lanyard you may buy one in any office for 1$ daily. If you are found without an ID at any time you will be sent to the office to pay for one and consequences may be issued. You will not be allowed into lunch without a correctly displayed ID. Your ID and lanyards are your responsibility.
Students are expected to be in class on time daily. Hall sweeps will be conducted every period of every day. If you are late to class, your classroom door will be closed and you will be directed to the nearest AP office. At the AP office you will scan your ID and be given a tardy and a pass back to class. If you take longer than 5 minutes to get back to class it is an automatic D-hall. Teachers will not allow you to enter any classroom unless you have a pass, tardy pass, or ID. SEE TARDY CONSEQUENCES
Hall Passes:
Students are not allowed out of their classroom during class without a pass. The only reason a student is allowed to exit the classroom with a pass is for an extreme medical emergency, female restroom emergency, or call slip from the principal. Take care of your business between classes.
Hallway behavior:
In the hallways we expect every student to conduct themselves as young adult. Walk directly and quickly to class and leave others alone.
All absences will be handled in the attendance office.
Students are expected to be in class every day unless they have a serious illness or important doctor appointment. If you are late to school before 740 without a note go to any AP office. If you are late to school before 740 with a note go to the attendance office. After 740 ALL students go to the attendance office. Assistant principals will be checking your attendance weekly and applying the following consequences: SEE ABSENCE CONSEQUENCES.
Any and all food from the time you arrive until you leave will be consumed in the cafeteria. Food IS NOT allowed in any common area, hallway, or classroom.
During lunch students need to move directly to the lunch room and have their ID on the neck. You will not be allowed in the cafeteria without a properly displayed ID. The cafeteria lines have scanners for your IDs and you must use them there. We want your cafeteria to be clean so pick up all trash after yourselves. All students are expected to be seated during the entire lunch unless getting food. Extended time for lunch is not allowed. Food is not allowed out of the cafeteria in the morning.
Exit the building in case of a fire or fire drill. (Find location of evacuation map)
•Exit out the doors following the teachers’ instructions.
•No TALKING! until we are in appointed location.
•You MUST stay with the class
•Attendance will be taken outside. Look for Bright Colored Card.
•***Cell phone may NOT be used outside during drills.
Buses will depart from the bus ramp 5 minutes after the last class is over (250). You will move directly to your bus and get on. Buses will leave without you if you are not there on time. Do not run in front of moving buses. You may be issued a citation for endangering others if you run in front of a moving bus. You are expected to do exactly as the bus driver tells you. You will be removed from your bus if you cause any type of distraction. After-school buses for activities are provided Monday thru Thursday at 420. To ride the afterschool bus, your tutoring teacher must escort you to the bus ramp and obtain a pass from an administrator. Students in extracurricular activities will be issued a bus pass card.
What to do at 245:
At 245 all students will be required to leave the building. Unless you are with or within sight of an official sponsor adult you will be considered trespassing and could be issued a citation.
Early release students/Late Arrival:
Early release students are required to be off campus or in the cafeteria by 115 daily. If you loiter after this time you will be collected and assigned to ISS and/or an afternoon class. Late arrival students are required to wait for their class in the cafeteria.
Classroom Procedures and Guidelines Page 1