Student Surveys Planning Group (SSPG), Wednesday, December 10, 2008 – Meeting Notes
Attending: Michele Bitoun, Ron Braeutigam, Evelyn Caliendo, Steve Carr, Debbie Crimmins, Mary Desler, Lonnie Dunlop, Sally Ewing Mary Finn, Linda Garton, Tim Gordon, Bill Hayward, Jake Julia, Marianna Kepka, Marilyn McCoy, Lisa Metzger-Mugg, Michael Mills, Susan Olson, Paul Schatz, and Cathy Stembridge
Report from the Executive Committee
Communication to the Northwestern community on SSPG and student surveys (draft provided in advance of meeting) – will be sent in January from President Bienen. Mary Finn said she is getting requests about surveys via Jason. Mary Desler commented that it is useful to schedule and select samples to avoid over surveying of students.
Discussion on involving students – ASG conducts surveys and we would like to have their input, but decided against having student representative
Quick Review of 2007-08 Surveys
Reviewed updated list of major student surveys conducted last year
Assessment and Student Surveys
Jake Julia – During last accreditation NU was “dinged” for not doing enough assessment. Steve Fisher had started a group and the current group does not want to re-invent the wheel. They will need survey data on both curricular and co-curricular programs.
Marilyn that the trustees are very interested in student satisfaction. Mike said that this year NU was the first choice of 57% of the students, down from 60% last year. It is lower for men than for women and for Asians, indicating that we are a “back-up” school. Ron said that is a side effect of playing in the major leagues.
Discussion of Major Planned and Ongoing Projects
COFHE surveys – Debbie Crimmins
Suite of surveys Schedule/Planning
Alumni survey in 2008-09
Senior survey in 2008-09 (Senior survey 2008 satisfaction is on the SSPG web- site. Please contact Debbie if you would like more information.)
Alumni survey (Joint IR and OARD project) – Cathy Stembridge and Debbie Crimmins
The survey will help the board determine programming and stay relevant. There
will be a report at the March meeting. We surveyed over 20,000 alumni and
included alumni association, OARD, and AAU questions.
CIRP entering freshman survey – Paul Schatz
Results are posted. Response rates were down slightly (to 70% from 79%) due to HERI’s on-line administration. Most other schools had much larger declines in response rates.
Coordination of senior exit surveys – Lonnie Dunlap
The first destinations survey has shown consistent patterns for job search, career preparation, and destinations. Convening a group to coordinate. Perhaps centralize to reduce the number of surveys and also to better measure student attitudes and outcomes. UCS will use Student Voice this year with its branching capability. Will review what everyone is doing and share results.
Need for systematic survey of drop-outs – Mary Desler
Four international students from Korea recently had to leave because of the exchange rate and the economy. Student accounts and the Registrar monitor registration and tuition payments. Carolyn Lindley has written to students on financial aid, but some students leave quietly. Need to monitor the situation.
School Presentations
Medill, first year experience survey (Michele Bitoun)
Last year’s freshman were the first with the new curriculum. They e-mailed all freshman a few weeks after school ended with an on-line survey about class, community, advising, and technology (Michele handed out copies of the survey). The results were positive about the new curriculum. 60% response rate and 85% would come to Medill again.
WCAS, senior exit survey (Mary Finn)
A short paper survey was done at convocation asking about major, minors, internships and future plans. Out of 950 students at convocation, received 415 surveys. Asked about removing the restriction on a second minor, and 87 would do 2nd minor. It would create more pressure on Business Institutions and Health Studies. 258 students were employed, 53 PhD students, 50 med school, 47 Law school, and 20 getting MBAs. A lot of students had internships. Similar to previous years. WCAS also surveys sophomores and seniors on advising.
McCormick student surveys and assessment (Steve Carr)
The powerpoint of his presentation is on the SSPG web-site.
Engineering schools are accredited by ABET accreditation which is based on:
Evaluation of content (defined very broadly)
Proficiency of our continuous improvement processes.
Two-loop process
Achievement of outcomes by graduates
McCormick has an ABET web-site. Faculty members have to update information about the courses that they teach.
Measurements include senior exit survey and survey of alumni 5 years out and the 2nd five years (instruments are on their web-site and links are in the powerpoint).
Next meeting scheduled for March 6th