Title I
September 27, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 3:40PM
Welcome-All members were introduced, administration, parents and school site council members.
Purpose of the Title I funds was explained-Funding from Title I is provided to increase academic achievement in ELA and Math and to supplement the school’s existing instructional programs.These are federally funded. Most of the professional development for this year is still devoted to common core. Title I funds also provide opportunities for parents to be involved.
Mr. Beakes explained allocation of funds: bases ison the number of students who qualify for free/reduced price on meals on an annual basis, this is now decided by LCAP. The funds are used for all students. Supplemental Educational Support (SES) tutoring program is funded through title I funds as well. All schools in MUSD receive Title I funds.
Pershing’s Title I program-the various programs for school and parents were explained by Mr. Beakes.
Achievement Data for 2016-2017-Mr. Beakes explained the results of the K-2nd Grade Reading Assessment Results. He also presented the K-6 SBAC results for Pershing. Pershing ranked very high within MUSD. When compared to schools “like” Pershing, we ranked the highest within the district. 47 students were reclassified as English Proficient.
-Title I Services for 2015-2016 Categorical Budget was explained: we had $214,401.00. The change in positions that were funded from this fund was explained (only two positions were funded this year as opposed to the three from the year prior). Due to local control funding, additional staffing monies are being provided through district funds. We funded positions in TSA and ELL part time office assistant.
-Title I funds for Pershing in 2016-2017 is$171,087.00.
-Parent Opportunities at Pershing were presented in detail (the parental involvement policy was presented again-this policy is in the parent teacher handbook as well).
Program Improvement Status has been suspended due to a shift to SBAC.
Mr. Beakes discussed the 7 goals in our Single plan for Student Achievement. Please see the SPSA for specifics.
Parents may request Supplemental Educational Services (tutoring). This may look different than in years past. More information will follow.
The School Site Budget Distribution from 2015-2016 was presented and explained.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:10.
September 27, 2016
Call to Order:
A School Site Council meeting was held on September 27, 2016 in the Library of John J. Pershing Elementary School.
A quorum being present at this meeting, Mr. Beakescalled the meeting to order at 4:10pm.
With this being the first meeting of the year, introductions were made.
Roll Call:
The following members were present: Doug Alton-parent, Emma Lujan-parent, Anelia Carrillo-parent, Myra Avila-parent, Antonia Ambriz-classified, Monique Atherton-teacher, Sam DeOrian-teacher, Christina Gulke-teacher, Andrew Beakes-Administration.
The following members were absent: Maria Garcia-parent.
Minutes from the May 24, 2016 meeting were presented for the council to approve. Mr. Alton made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Mrs. Ambrizseconded the motion. The council voted unanimously to approve the minutes.
Officer/committee reports
No officer or committee reports.
Old/Unfinished business
New Business
Mr. Beakes entertained a motion to invite Mr. Alton to continue his role as the LCAP representative for Pershing. Mrs. Gulke made the motion and Mrs. Atherton seconded the motion. The council voted unanimously to have Mr. Alton continue in this role.
-Parent Trainings were reviewed.
-Bylawswere provided for the council to review and no amendmentwas needed.
Officer elections also took place. A motion was made by Mr. DeOrianto have Mr. Beakes be the chairperson, Mrs. Gulke be the vice-chariperson and Mr. DeOrian be the secretary and to approve the bylaws. Mr. Alton seconded and the council voted unanimously.
-Data from the MUSD Schools previous assessments were presented.
Mr. Beakes presented the Single Plan for Student Achievement goals. The seven goals from the School Site Plan were mentioned.
Mr. Beakes presented the Site Plan Budget to review. The budget was shown with Pershing being funded at $171,087.00
The School Site Budget Distribution was presented and where these monies have been budgeted for. The specific funds from Title I and Title I P Ed. were explained in detail.
The council charged Mr. Beakes to look into purchasing Chromebooks to ensure that all of 4th grade students have one to use. Mr. Alton made a motion to authorize Mr. Beakes to purchase the Chrome books for 4th grade to have a 1 to 1 ratio. Mr. DeOrian seconded the motion and the council voted unanimously in favor.
-The council determined the next scheduled SSC meetingswouldlikely be 11/15/16, 2/7/17, 3/21/17 and 5/16/17.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. DeOrianand seconded by Mrs. Gulke. The council voted unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 4:36pm.