Black Hall, Room 228-7

May 5, 2014

ATTENDING: Ginni Erion-CTL Director (CEPS), Paul Farris (Ellensburg High School), Connie Lambert (CEPS), Kirk Mathias (OE), and Marji Morgan (CAH)



MEETING CONVENED: The meeting of the Executive Board was called to order at 9:03a.m.

CHANGES TO AGENDA: The agenda was approved as presented

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The April 21st, 2014 minutes were approved as presented (yellow handout)


1.  Approval of TEACH Curriculum - Title Changes

The following curricula was passed by the Advisory Council at their April 30, 2014 meeting per the recommendation of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.

a.  EDEC 493 New Course Title_Professional Educators Field Experience

b.  EDEC 494 New Course Title_Professional Educators Field Experience

c.  EDEL 493 New Course Title_Professional Educators Field Experience

1.  All Advanced practicums will be identified in CTL so that course title changes can be done at one time, rather than the course title changes trickling in.

2.  Advanced Programs – New Certificate Program

The Executive Board recommends moving forward the following curricula, after approval from the CTL-Advisory Council at their May 28th meeting.

a.  New Certificate_ Mentoring/ Instructional Coaching Certificate

b.  EDAD 567 New Course Form_Instructional Mentoring

c.  EDAD 568 New Course Form_Instructional Decision Making

d.  EDAD 569 New Course Form_Coaching and Observation


1.  Macau Program (Ginni)

a.  Ginni proposed to the CTL-Advisory Council that the Macau Program become a standing committee and have representatives on that committee from the programs that actually have international internships, not just Macau.

b.  The Executive Board recommends Steve Moore, Mark Perez, Terry McCain, and Judy Backlund be asked to serve on the committee. Ginni will check with the Dean of COTS to see if they have a member to add as well.

c.  Ginni will bring to the next meeting a committee structure and receive the charge from the Executive Board.

2.  CTL Assessment reports (Kirk M.)

a.  Majors and Minors will be reported on at the May 19th meeting.

3.  450 hours clarification (Kirk M.)

a.  PESB has stopped all discussions and will hold this until Standard IV is completed.

b.  Organizational Effectiveness is still going to collect the hours even though it is not being counted.

4.  Ad-Hoc committee to create Visual Design for CTL edTPA (Ginni)

c.  Tabled for now.

5.  Substituting courses

a.  CAH will be asked to go through the CTL process of substituting courses for the Music Education courses.


1.  Top Ten Student Teacher of the Year and Crystal Apple Award reception

a.  June 13th, in Sue Dining Hall, beginning at 1pm.

b.  The guest speaker will be Jeff Charbonneau, National Teacher of the Year (Zillah HS)

b.  The Crystal Apple award recipients will be:

i.  From CAH - Dr. Marji Morgan presented by Dr. Rodney Bransdorfer

ii.  From CEPS - Dr. Stefan Ward presented by Dr. Ken Briggs

iii.  From COTS - Dr. Martha Kurtz presented by Dr. Kirk Johnson

iv.  For their 14 years of service to the CTL, Shari Stoddard (CAH-Art Ed) and Lael Wright (Chair of Teacher Preparation-PEAB) will be presented with red crystal apples.

Ellensburg School District: (Paul Farris)



1.  2014-2015 Executive Board Membership (Connie)


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:35a.m.

Next meeting is on May 19th, 2014

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