St. Louis Gateway Chapter
December 2006
Holiday Board Meeting
Board Member Attendees: Doug Stuart, Jim Barrett, Laurie Allison, Bill Hammerschmidt, Rick Seiler, Matt Crandon, Brent Cox, Chuck Luntz, Joe Thompson, Brent Hanke and Christina Winkler
General Membership Attendees: Sandra Estrada (Boeing)
Minutes: Minutes were approved for November 2006
Treasury: Report was approved.
Oct open action: Doug Stuart will work with Julie Chakides on scheduling the audit.
Scholarship Discussion: Doug Stuart will be writing the request for speaker letter to Ike Skelton
General discussion on scholarship category types concluded the current types are acceptable.
Scholarships will be divided as follows: up to 2 scholarships for children of Army Veterans, up to 2 for children with parents working in the Defense contractor and up to 2 for Extraordinary Achievement.
The committee members are:
Chuck Luntz, Dave Hutchins, Julie Chakides, Keith Guller, Jon Bopp, and Rick Seiler
Rick Seiler will have applications/letters ready for review for review at January board meeting. The committee will being the fund raising and then decide how much money is available for scholarships Committee members will meet to discuss each of these items.
For 2008, it was requested companies be approached to sponsoring a soldier of the year. Boeing will contribute $5,000 to the fund for 2007. Joe Thompson will contribute $1000 for the Wounded Soldier fund for 2007
Oct info for reference:
The board requested more scholarships are awarded to soldiers and not so much to high school students who are not in the ROTC. There are four commands in MO, the committee is requested to examine where the monies are going and bring in more soldier applications. Send notification of the available scholarships to the deployed soldiers.
Membership Drive: Brent Hanke (SAIC) will head up the Membership Committee.
Nov info for reference:
Our current membership numbers are approx 50 below target. Brent Cox is interested in helping with the membership drive/committee.
1) Membership committee should contact Rocky Sickman concerning the available AB memberships
2) Doug Stuart will contact Dave Irwin & the Scott AFB team for possible members there.
3) Membership committee will contact the Military Appreciation POC to have a table at the Bush Stadium Appreciation Day
4) Doug Stuart & membership committee chairperson will draft a letter to be sent to current members for recruiting purposes.
5) Chapter business cards for the board members to hand out with the web page for recruiting purposes
6) Joe Thompson will contact Harry Levens (St. Louis Post Dispatch) to write an article regarding our scholarship fund and membership drive.
January Activities: January Board Mtg: held at Boeing – Bldg 305
Thank you to the Boeing Corporation for hosting our meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Christina “Gus” Winkler
Secretary, AUSA St. Louis Gateway Chapter