Parthenia Onassis Grant, Ph.D.

aka Ruthie O. Grant, Ph.D.

How to Look Younger, Live Longer, Lose Weight

And Liberate Your Consciousness From Parasitic Mind Control


Phone: 323 218 5344

© 2008, 2009, 2010

All Rights Reserved

First Edition

This book is written as a source of information only. The information contained herein should by no means be considered a substitute for the advice of a qualified medical professional, who should always be consulted for any health problem or before embarking upon any health program. The author and publisher disclaim all liability for any adverse effect arising from the use or misuse or application of information contained in this book.





We dig our graves with our teeth –Mrs. E. E. O’Banion, my 8th grade Science Teacher


This eating program is designed to detox the blood, purify the blood and clear toxins out of the body. It is meant to be used in conjunction with a total body detox and cleanse of the liver, kidneys and intestines for parasites, heavy metals, Candida and mucous plaque (using Bentonite clay). It is simple common sense to cleanse, purify and detox the internal organs of toxic sludge built up over the years so that the body can actually assimilate and absorb nutrition in the live foods. Not to do an internal cleanse would be like putting expensive, new furniture into an old, dusty, filthy house or putting clean clothes on an unbathed body.


The important point to understand is that live foods are alkaline (see the Alphabetical Index on Alkalinity and pH). Alkalinity creates an inhospitable environment for parasites and microbes that need acidic conditions, low oxygen and heavy metal toxicity to thrive. Those accustomed to detoxing regularly can handle doing more than one cleanse at a time, but first timers should do no more than two at a time and should wait a week between cleanses before starting the next one or restarting the same one. Drink plenty of water while detoxing to flush toxins out. It is also extremely beneficial to sweat by using a dry sauna to throw off toxins and impurities. Those without access to a dry sauna should do some form of exercise that causes sweating.

For the novice or beginner, when switching over to live foods, it is necessary not to do so all at once because the die off reaction of detoxing and switching to a completely live diet can flood the system with too many dead parasites all at once, making the individual feel weak, nauseous, and achy, as if coming down with the flu. In reality, you are experiencing a healing crisis, which can be quiet uncomfortable for someone whose body is burdened with years of plaque, impactions, sludge and parasites from never having done a detox, colonic or enema. So, the most important point to stress is cleansing the colon, doing colonics and enemas and drinking plenty of water to flush out dead parasites and toxins during the transition period. Doing so will ensure ease of transition with the least amount of pain and discomfort during the healing process.

Everybody has at least four pounds of parasites in their colon, so an herbal colon cleanse is a priority and should be done in conjunction with colonics, which have to be administered by a professional. Those who cannot afford them, (they run anywhere from $70-125 per colonic) can administer enemas by themselves. It’s just that enemas are not as powerful as colonics which is like the difference between the power of a water hose and a straw. That’s why enemas have to be done more often than colonics. In fact, until the secondary immune system is rebuilt and one is having regular bowel movements after every meal, one needs to do enemas every day, if necessary, to keep toxins form building up in the body. Keep in mind that enemas should be done with purified water using either baking soda (2 tablespoons) or apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons) added to one of those big, red, rectangular enema/hot water bags you can find at the drug store. The point is: all of the cleanses mentioned above need to be done to maximize healing, weight loss and rejuvenation.

CAUTION: Individuals who have never done herbal detoxes or colonics and who have existed for years on dead and/or food are full of parasites, heavy metals and toxicity. Thus, something as simple as switching overnight to living foods only without detoxing first, may result in an over abundance of dead parasites and microbes in the system for some that, when not flushed out immediately with plenty of water, laxatives, colonics or enemas, may result in a painful “die off” reaction or a severe healing crisis. This does not happen with everyone, but those with the most toxic systems will naturally have the worst reactions. It is thus, wise to transition gradually. Start by eliminating one type of dead food at a time over a period of a month or two while simultaneously eating more living foods. For example, each week or two eliminate one of the following: meat, dairy, processed carbs, sugar laden drinks, canned and packaged foods and snacks, cigarettes, drugs, products containing gluten (such as wheat), then mucus forming foods (that would be all acidic foods such as dairy, meat, grains, etc.).

Those on prescription medications or who are undergoing medical treatments should seek the care of a holistic doctor to transition off of prescription meds before using natural, herbal remedies. IT IS IMPORTANT NOT TO MIX HERBAL REMEDIES WITH PRESCRIPTION DRUGS WITHOUT CONSULTING YOUR DOCTOR FIRST.

Even after the physical cravings for addictive foods or drugs are gone, old habits die hard. In general, it takes 21 continuous days of practice before a new habit becomes engrained. Those who have already tried and failed to lose weight may not be desperate enough, motivated enough, or may not have enough will power to bite the bullet and give up addictive foods and substances all at once because it can be painful in that food withdrawals are just like withdrawals from any drug. For instance, giving up caffeine can result in a caffeine headache for several days if not done properly.

Thus, even though cold turkey is the quickest, most effective route to health and weight loss, it also the most difficult and most painful because it takes the most courage, discipline and determination to stick to. That is why, rather than set oneself up for disappointment, it is best to be realistic and start by eliminating one addictive food at a time, then move on to eliminating the next one.


Start with a colon cleanse first, along with a series of colonics to remove impactions and blockages from the colon, followed by a heavy metal cleanse. These remove the poisons and toxins in the body that parasites feed on and proliferate off of. These cleanses create an unpleasantly clean environment that parasites find unacceptable and totally intolerable.

Do the vitalorgan cleanses next, depending on the current state of your health. For instance, if you have blood sugar instability, yeast, mold or fungus (allergies), then doing a Candida cleanse would be a critical next step. A Candida cleanse can be done in conjunction with a parasite cleanse to clear out worms from the intestines while killing yeast, mold and fungi, all of which are parasites.

On the other hand, if the liver is toxicfrom drinking, smoking, doing drugs, obesity, eating dead, processed, greasy, or fried foods over the years, do that one next. In general, those who are obese will tend to have clogged livers, so a liver cleanse would be an important next step, depending upon whether that individual is diabetic or not. Those who are diabetic or are pre-diabetic should focus on the Candida cleanse as the next step after the colon cleanse and heavy metal cleanse.

By the same token, those with kidney or bladder problems should focus on a kidney cleanse as the next step after cleansing the colon. Liver and kidney cleanses can be done together as they both get rid of the sludge in the body’s two most important filtering organs.



In Hollywood there is an old adage that says: One can never be too rich or too thin. I always point this out to clients who want to gain weight (mostly men who are actually more interested in building muscle mass). Those concerned about losing muscle mass while on a living food diet that includes supplements, need not be concerned because the thiamin in Vitamin B1 actually builds muscle mass. So take a good B Complex everyday in addition to natural supplements of Acetyl L-Carnitine, L-Arginine, DMAE, L Ornithine, and L Lysine which are anti-aging; they keep skin and muscles from sagging. It is also important to take liquid amino acids every day as they are the building blocks of life and aid in rebuilding the digestive tract that get decimated by fried and processed foods, especially bread and pasta, which turn into a paste like glue that hardens into intestinal plaque which interferes with digestion, assimilation and elimination.


Those who are already thin and worried about losing weight on this diet need not be concerned either. When clients ask me how to gain weight, my answer is: When the body is detoxed of heavy metals, parasites, colon impactions and other toxins, then fed proper nutrition through live foods and supplements, it will automatically decrease the excess weight of those who need to lose weight and increase the weight of those who need to gain. Our bodies are magnificently designed and more intelligent than any computer; it knows what to do to maintain health, beauty and vitality upon given a break from having to protect itself from all of the toxins it is bombarded with on a daily basis.

Deficiencies of Magnesium, Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, and Nicotinic Acid will result in an inability to lose weight, or if one is under weight, these deficiencies will also prevent one from gaining weight (See Alphabetical Index under Vitamins for additional information).

Vitamin B1 (thiamin) deficiencies can cause: atrophy of muscles, diminished reflexes; poor endurance in walking. Best sources ofVitamin B1 (thiamin) are wheat germ, dried soy beans, brazil nuts, pecans, peanuts, hazel nuts, oats, whole wheat, dried peas and dried beans.

A deficiency of Vitamin D can cause: flabby, weak muscles; rheumatic pains in limbs, softened bones; joint swellings.Best sources of Vitamin D: sunshine, egg yolk, butter, milk metabolized with vitamin D, whole, dried milk.

Potassium assures the elasticity of the muscular tissues and balances the acids in the body. Adeficiency will result in constipation, incomplete digestion and weak muscular control. The best sources of potassium are tomato, kale, jack fruit, lettuce, celery, cabbage, Swiss chard, and cucumber.


Keep in mind the following ratio in daily food selection:

10% Dried fruits, seeds, nuts, beans and peas (constructive)

20% Whole Grains and Starches (reconstructive) includes bananas

30% Raw Vegetables (eliminative), includes salad dressings

40% Raw Juicy Fruits (strongly eliminative)

NOTE: Those who are diabetic or have Candida yeast should eliminate carbs and sugars for 30 days to starve the yeast and get the infection under control first. During this time, focus on healthy fats like avocadoes and olive oil, and omega three oils like flax seeds to regenerate the liver.


I developed the following low carb, gluten free, non-mucus forming diet after extensive research and comparing notes with a couple of friends of mine who are holistic doctors. Candida sufferers or anyone with a fungal based disease, are advised to stay on it for 30 days to help starve the yeast, mold and fungus, whose cell walls are made of sugar and need carbs and sugar to multiply. The diet includes essential fatty acids to aid in cleansing the liver and restoring healthy bacteria in the gut necessary to kill yeast, mold and fungus and to restore the digestive tract so that it can do the job it was designed to do of killing yeast, mold, fungi and other microbes.

I recommend taking daily supplements of the following supplements (See Chapter 4 and the Alphabetical Index for information on their properties): Magnesium, Coral Calcium, Macuna, Bacopa, and Tulsi or Holy Basil, B Vitamins, DHEA, CoQ10, Selenium, Silica, Vitamin C, E, A, D, Biotin, R-Lipoic Acid, Digestive Enzymes, iron, and Ellagica. During the 30 days, I took Threelac everyday for Candida. Every three days I took EDTA suppositories, Endosterol, and Glytamins suppositories to chelate heavy metals and to kill yeast mold and fungus in the blood stream. I also gave myself a coffee enema twice a week to remove bile from my liver. After the 30 days, I quit taking the Threelac and returned to the maple syrup and baking soda solution every day, three times a day for maintenance along with Ellagica once a day.


After brushing teeth, mix a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of raw coconut oil together, then swish around in the mouth for 20 minutes until it liquefies, before spitting out. The lining of the mouth will allow the anti-bacterial, anti-fungal ingredients in the coconut oil and baking soda to absorb directly into the blood stream, alkalinizing the body and killing harmful bacteria in the mouth that accumulates while asleep.

Before breakfast, put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, squeeze one lemon or lime in the water and put ¼ teaspoon of sea salt. Drink to balance, cleanse and alkalinize the stomach.


A DEHYDRATOR for making breads, crackers, dried fruits and cookies. The Excalibur is the most popular brand. It comes with a minimum of four large trays and is reasonably prices at around $200.

A HEAVY DUTY BLENDERto make sauces, nut milks, nut cheeses or desserts that are smooth and creamy. The Vita Mix is very popular, but expensive, costing approximately $500. Montel Williams has a blender that is equally as powerful and smooth for only $200.

A FOOD PROCESSOR for making crusts for desserts or breads, for chopping and mixing vegetables, and for making pates and meat substitutes. Cuisinart makes one with a big mouth for slicing whole tomatoes, apples and other large fruits that sells for less than $75.

A COFFEE GRINDER to grind nuts into fine flour for making breads, pastries and entrees. They are relatively inexpensive with a variety of brands for around $20.

RAW FOOD COOKBOOKS: The recipes included in this book are just a beginning. For those interested in more recipes, download the free raw food cookbook available at . There are other cookbooks listed in the Recommended Reading section and in this chapter.



The average person’s digestive tract (which is the body’s secondary immune system) has been severely compromised or destroyed due to the following:

  • Taking prescription antibiotics which not only kill harmful microbes but healthy microbes in the gut that nature designed to kill yeast, mold and fungi. White blood cells (your primary immune system) are not equipped to kill fungi.
  • Taking birth control pills, which feed yeast, mold and fungi
  • Overconsumption of fried and processed foods that feed yeast, mold and fungi which multiply immediately when they are fed because their cells simply divide and do not have to go through an egg, larvae and adult stage like other parasites.

In that four out of five people have engaged in one or all of the above, it would be wise to daily incorporate into the diet cultured foods containing friendly microbes (probiotics) that destroy yeast, mold and fungi and help rebuild your digestive tract and immune system.

In that buying commercially prepared cultured foods is very expensive to purchase from health food stores or Whole Foods, I have provided simple recipes to make your own. I recommend making as large a batch as possible because, when kept refrigerated, they last for months (typically 8-9 months). The cost savings is astronomical. For example: one quart jar of cultured vegetables will cost from $10-$13, whereas a gallon of it can be made for as little as $4 which would be the equivalent of $40-$50 per gallon if bought commercially. Coconut Water Kefir costs approximately $13 for one 12-16 oz bottle. You can make a gallon of it for $9-12, depending on the cost of a case of coconuts, which is seasonal. And a $4 bottle of kombucha (12-16 oz) costs less than .50 cents per bottle to make. I have provided recipes below: