Forward Planningor Planning Policy

What does the Planning Policy team do?

The key task of the Planning Policy team is the production of a Local Plan to help guide development in the district and ensure the development the district needs is delivered at the right time in suitable locations. As part of this work the team produces a range of background documents. We also publish a timetable for the development of the Local Plan. This is calledthe Local Development Scheme.

What is the Development Plan, and what does it do?

The Development Plan provides the essential policy framework against which planning applications are considered and is made up of the following documents:

  • the Bolsover District Local Plan 2000
  • the Derby and Derbyshire Minerals Local Plan
  • the Derby and Derbyshire Waste Local Plan

Minerals and waste planning are carried out by Derbyshire County Council.

The latest government guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework and the National Planning Practice Guidance are also used to help determine development proposals.

What is the Bolsover District Local Plan?

This is our primary planning policy document and aims to secure the development of the District in a way that is sustainable, secures its regeneration, makes it a better place to live, work and visit, and also looks after our heritage.

The plan contains detailed policies to control all types of development within the district.

We also devise guidance on specific topics in the form of ‘Supplementary Planning Documents’ and prepare development briefs for individual sites to secure the best quality of new development.

Where can I view the plans and other documents?

Copies of the plans can be viewed at any of our Contact Centres. The other documents are available to view on our website at is an interactive version of the Bolsover District Local Plan 2000on the website.)

How can I become involved?

We consult widely in the preparation of ourplanning policy documents. This consultation involves Parish Councils, other local community and resident groups, businesses, landowners and developers.

We have published a Statement of Community Involvement which sets out how we will involve the local community in the plan making process.

We welcome comments at all stages of plan preparation.

We have online consultation software which enables people to make comments on new planning policy documents using the internet.

Our standards are

  • To consult widely in the preparation of our planning policy documents.
  • To encourage comments on developments by raising awareness.
  • To consider all comments and to provide feedback on those in a variety of ways, including our website and Contact Centres.
  • To determine planning applications in accordance with the Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

If you want to be consulted on the development of new planning documents in the future please telephone us on 01246 242203 so that we can add you to our mailing list.

July 2015