- WHERE column indicates why we have a particular committee:
- RI is stated by RI in the Lead Your District: Committees Guide
- DOM is District Operations Manual
- Rec is recommended by not required by RI-these are highlighted in orange and could be eliminated if not needed.
- REFERENCE indicates the pages in the particular document referencing that specific committee
- MEMBERS/CHAIR indicates if a particular appointment schedule &/or membership requirements are stated
- DESCRIPTION is an explanation of the purpose of the committee.
Alumni (TRF) / Rec / RI Guides / Manage an ongoing relationship with alumni in the district, connect clubs with their alumni, oversee alumni associations in district. Alumni are those who have participated in a program funded by TRF. Great source for new Rotarians (Youth Exchange, GSE)
Annual Fund (TRF) / Rec / Assists in educating Rotarians about Annual Fund/ SHARE/ EREY programsinspires them to contribute.
Awards / DOM / Directory section / Generally chaired by DGN; 4 members appointed each year by DGE / Selects and distributes district awards according to guidelines in DOM
District Conference / RI / Pgs 5-6 / Plans and promotes the district conference and helps ensure maximum attendance.
District Speech Contest / DOM / 11.1 / Chair and at least the 3 regional coordinators: central, west, east. / High school students compete for scholarships at the club, regional, and district level. Speech is based on RI President theme each year.
Endowment/Permanent Fund (TRF) / Rec / Assists in educating Rotarians about the Endowment/ Permanent fund and inspires them to contribute.
Extension / RI / Pgs 7-8
RI Guides / Develops and implements plans to organize new Rotary clubs within the district.
Fundraising (TRF) / RI / Coordinates the district’s fundraising goals for the Annual Fund and the Endowment Fund, soliciting gifts and educating Rotarians about their gift options
Grants (TRF) / RI / Oversees the qualification of clubs, assists clubs in applying for Rotary Foundation grants, ensures that proper stewardship and grant management practices are implemented, reports irregularities in grant-related activities, and promotes Rotary Foundation grants
Interact (Youth Svc) / Rec / RI Guides / District Interact Chair leads the committee; Members may include both Rotarians and Interactors / Promotes Interact (ages 12-18), encourages new clubs, and provides local support for clubs.
International Service (Dist Prog) / Rec / RI Guides / Promotes greater awareness, direct lines of communication and accountability for all types of international service-when two or more countries collaborate on a communityserviceproject that involves Rotarians from one or more countries.
Major Gifts (TRF) / Rec / Assists in educating Rotarians about Major Gifts and inspire them to contirubute at that level.
Membership Development / RI / Pgs 9-10 / Identifies, markets, and implements membership development strategies that are appropriate for the district and clubs which will result in membership growth.
Nominating / DOM / 1.6.3
RI Pg 12 / 7 total, different clubs
- 3 PDGs-shall not have served for one year preceding appointment to this committee
- 2 incumbent club presidents
- 2 incumbent club secretaries
Paul Harris Society (TRF) / Rec / Assists in educating Rotarians about the Paul Harris Society ($1K/yr)inspires them to participate.
PolioPlus (TRF) / RI / Supports Rotary’s commitment to polio eradication and encourages participation in PolioPlus activities
Public Relations/Image / RI / Pg 12 / Promotes Rotary to external audiences and fosters understanding, appreciation, and support for the organization’s programs; educates Rotarians in role of effective external publicity, favorable PR positive image of club plays in support & growth
RI Convention promotion / RI / Pg 14 / Promotes attendance at the annual RI Convention to Rotarians throughout the district.
Rotaract (Youth Svc) / Rec / RI Guides / District Rotaract Chair leads the committee; Rotaract Representative is a member, other members may include both Rotarians and Rotaractors / Promotes Rotaract (18-35), encourages new clubs, and provides local support for clubs.
Rotary Fellowships (Dist Prog) / Rec / RI Guides / Independent groups of Rotarians, family members, program participants and alumni who share a common passion.(motorcycles, dancing, etc.)
Rotary Foundation (TRF) / RI / Pgs 15-16 / DG is an ex officio member of the committee.
Includes sub-committees: Fundraising, Grants, PolioPlus, Stewardship; may include Alumni, Annual Fund, Endowment Fund, Rotary Peace Fellowships, Scholarships, Vocational Training Teams; Committee consists of chairs of these subcommittees / Assists DG in educating Rotarians about TRF programs and fundraising activities and inspiring them to participate. Serves as a liaison between TRF and club members.
Rotary Friendship Exchange (Dist Prog) / Rec / RI Guides / An internationalexchangeprogram for Rotarians andRotarycouples. It provides participants with the opportunity to experience other cultures by staying in the homes of Rotarians, visiting their clubs and participating in the life style/activities of their communities.
Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) / RI Guides / Promotes RLI, solicits applicants, sources certified facilitators, coordinates with area districts, and implements RLI events.
Rotary Peace Fellowships (TRF) / Rec / RI Guides / Promotes program, solicits applicants, and selects recipients to promote to RI for academic peace fellowships-covers tuition fees, room board, round-trip transportation, all internship field-study expenses.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards-RYLA (Youth Svc) / Rec / RI Guides / 3-day intensive training camp that brings together at-risk youth to further develop character and leadership skills and learn about Rotary. / Promotes RYLA to Rotary clubs & high schools, solicits counselors, Jr. counselors, & facilitators, help develop & present program, serve as staff during RYLA camp.
Scholarships (TRF) / Rec / Promotes, solicits applicants,& selects recipients of District and Global Grant Scholarships.
Stewardship (TRF) / RI / Ensures the careful management of Rotary Foundation grant funds and educates Rotarians on proper and effective grant management
Training / RI / Pg 17 / The district trainer serves as the chair and assigns responsibility for training meetings and functions as necessary. / Supports DG & DGE in training club district leaders overseeing the district’s overall training plan. Committee members are responsible for working with the convener of each meeting.
Vocational Service (Dist Prog) / Rec / RI Guides / Rotarians have the dual responsibility of representing theirvocationwithin the club and exemplifying the ideals ofRotarywithin the workplace. One of the central goals ofVocational Serviceis to promote advanceRotary'shigh ethical standards.
Youth Service / RI / Pg 11 / Programs include: Interact, Rotaract, RYLA, Youth Exchange / Develops, implements, and supports Youth Service activities in the district and coordinates with other committees to engage youth.