How did geography, culture, and climate play a role in the development of different religious outlooks in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Israel? How were the political and social structures of each civilization tied to its religious views?
Geographically, all three civilizations occurred near major rivers since water was easily available and agriculture flourished. Egypt was established along the Nile. Mesopotamia which literally means “between two rivers”, located their city states between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. Israel was developed near the Jordan River.This was an exceptionally fertile area (known as the Fertile Crescent). Populations flourished and civilizations developed in direct connection to religious beliefs.
Climate for all three civilizations in the fertile crescent was hot and humid, and there was the blessing and bane of the unpredictable flooding – a blessing since floods brought the fertile soil, and a bane since they were so destructive.
The Egyptians struggled to scientifically and reasonably overcome the violence of the climate, Mesopotamia tried to appease the gods to continue to prosper, while Israel stood behind the “woe is us, whatever God gives is good” philosophy with regards to the climatic conditions
In Mesopotamia, of the four creator gods 3 were directly connected to agriculture (storms, earth, and water). The massive temples that were built paid tribute to the gods as the Mesopotamian civilizations realized that they needed a successful agrarian culture to survive. The people of Mesopotamia relied on their gods for every aspect of their lives, and built massive temples in tribute..
The culture of the Mesopotamians was based on their relationship with the gods. Houses had separate quarters for the patron god of the region. If the gods were happy, then the people’s subsistence was plentiful.
Since the Mesopotamians were at the mercy of this hostile environment, they believed that they were also in the hands of unreasonable and enraged gods leading them to continually attempt to appease them, basing their culture on this appeasement.
These effects of the climate on civilization was also true of Egypt however the Egyptians built their civilization based on their society, rather than on the whims of the gods.
Israel maintained a polytheistic world, even after they had proclaimed a supreme God. Their culture was a balance of loyalty to the one God while remaining subservient to the lesser gods.
Political and Social Structures and Religion
Egypt’s political hierarchy was dominated by the pharaoh who was also believed to be divine. They looked at the world as a human cycle; life, death, afterlife. As Egypt was continually attacked, the aristocracy of the military grew.
Each city in Mesopotamia had its “patron” god who “legitimized the rule of kings and presided over pacts” (Mesopotamian Religion, n.d.) establishing a political connection to religion
Israel had religious backing for their existence, being the “chosen people”, and existed with this religious idea foremost in their minds. Israel’s status changed after the consolidating presence of King David with the reign of King Solomon (and his ferocious religious/politically based temple). It split allegiances with the tribe of Israel in the North and Judah in the South as both areas maintained ever growing military presences.
Mesopotamian Religion, (n.d.). Retrieved March 2012 from