You are requested to attendthe Annual Meeting of Stoke Lyne Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 10th October 2017in the Parish Meeting Room at 7.00 pm


1Apologies for absence

2Declaration of interest in items on the agenda

Members are asked to declare any personal interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. (Please discuss with the Clerk if appropriate)

3Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 11th July 2017



bAccounts for approval and payment and receipts

cBarclays Bank Statements

d Bank signatory changes

eExternal Auditor Report

5Planning Matters

Fields Farm, Bainton (Enforcement update)


Erection of garden building

Peyton Lodge Swift Housell Stoke Lyne Bicester OX27 8RS Ref. No: 17/01748/F

Installation of 1 x electronic communication cabinet

Chamber Cabinet Street Through Stoke Lyne Stoke Lyne Ref. No: 17/01652/TEL

Remove existing cattle troughs and to build a solid block wall in its place with wooden slates above, as end of shed.

Lower Farm Stoke Lyne Bicester OX27 8SD

Ref. No: 17/01280/F

For information:-

Erection of stable block and use of land for grazing of horses (Re-submission of 16/02042/F)

Location: Land North Of Church Farm,Stoke Lyne

Permission for development granted subject to conditions -19th May 2017

6Village Issues


Obstruction outside Lone Farm

Grass cutting

Village fete


8Correspondence –not circulated

CDC Annual Parish Liaison meeting

CDC Local Plan (supplementary document)

Names of OCC contacts in Highways

9Date of next meetings

10Any other business

Councillor attendance

Anne Davies

Clerk to the Council

Notes on declaration of interest

(i)any Member arriving after the start of the meeting is asked to declare personal interests as necessary as soon as practicable after their arrival even if the item in question has been considered,

(ii)with the exception of the circumstances listed in paragraph 9(2) of the Local Code of Conduct for Members, a Member with a personal interest also has a prejudicial interest if it is one which a Member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the Member’s judgement of the public interest. In such circumstances, the Member must with draw from the meeting room, and should inform the Chairman accordingly,

(iii)it is not practical to offer detailed advice during the meeting on whether or not a personal interest should be declared, or whether a personal interest should also be regarded as prejudicial.