Dear AP Employees,
I invite you to get involved in the affairs of the Administrative ProfessionalAssembly by serving on one of the A & P Committees.You are encouraged to nominate other A & P employees as well as yourself if you would like to serve.
Service terms begin October 1, 2006 and expire September 30, 2009. Appointments to A & P committees are presented to the AP Assembly for approval based on names provided by the Nominations & Elections Committee. Committee descriptions and number of vacancies are listed below.
A & P Nominations and Elections Committee – 3 vacancies
The Nominations and Elections Committee is responsible for submitting nominations for officers and standing Assembly committee members to the Assembly for approval and making recommendations to the President for membership on university committees. This committee shall set general election guidelines, maintain election eligibility, and maintain voting records. The
Nominations and Elections Committee shall oversee all aspects of final election processes. Assembly members receiving nomination for elections shall be ineligible for Nominations and Elections Committee membership.
A & P Professional Development Committee – 3 vacancies
The Professional Development Committee is charged with aiding and encouraging the professional growth and development of the Administrative and Professional members. The
Committee studies and recommends on professional leave, continuing education, and recognition of professional achievement.
A & P Welfare Committee – 4 vacancies
The Welfare Committee reviews and makes recommendations about Administrative and Professional salaries, benefits, and evaluation procedures.
A & P Calendar and Schedules Committee – 3 vacancies
The Calendar and Schedules Committee recommends policies and changes to the University Calendar and schedules to the Assembly Executive Committee.
A & P Grievance Committee – 5 vacancies
The Grievance Committee provides mediation teams to assist with the resolution of work-related complaints and evaluates grievances filed by Administrative and Professional employees and make recommendations to the president and appropriate vice-president.
Please submit your nominations between the period of Tuesday, June 20, 2006 and Thursday, July 6,, 2006 and include a biography form for the nominee. Forms may be found on the A & P Assembly website. Nomination submissions and/or questions should be made to Karen Rankin, Chair of Nominations & Elections Committee, via email, or phone, (334) 844-5116.
Best regards,
Drew Burgering
Chair, Administrative Professional Assembly