Сhoose the right variant

1 Lexical stylistic devices-

A) Metaphor, metonymy, epithet B) Rhetorical questions C) Polysyndeton, asyndeton

D) Ellipsis, inversion E) Chiasmus, repetition

2 Lexical stylistic devices-

A) Rhetorical questions B) Hyperbole, oxymoron C) Asyndeton, polysyndeton D) Ellipsis

E) Repetition, chiasmus

3  Lexical stylistic devices-

A)  Ellipsis, inversion B)Chiasmus , repetition C) Synecdoche, irony D)Polysyndeton, asyndeton E) Rhetorical question

4 Lexical stylistic devices-

A) Polysyndeton, asyndeton B) Ellipsis, inversion C) Chiasmus, repetition D) Antonomasia, epithet E) Rhetorical question

5 Syntactical stylistic devices-

A)  Rhetorical question, repetition B) Antonomasia, epithet C) Hyperbole, oxymoron D) Irony, synecdoche E) Metaphor, metonymy

6 Syntactical stylistic devices-

A) Antonomasia, epithet B) Polysyndeton, asyndeton C) Hyperbole, oxymoron D) Irony, synecdoche E) Metaphor, metonymy

7 Syntactical stylistic devices-

A) Antonomasia, epithet B) Hyperbole, oxymoron C) Irony, synecdoche D) Ellipsis, inversion E) Metaphor, metonymy

8 Syntactical stylistic devices-

A) Antonomasia, epithet B) Metaphor, metonymy C) Hyperbole, oxymoron D) Irony, synecdoche E) Chiasmus, repetition

9 Lexico-syntactical stylistic devices

A) Antithesis, climax B) Metaphor, metonymy C) Hyperbole, oxymoron

D) Irony, synecdoche E) Chiasmus, repetition

10 Lexico-syntactical stylistic devices

A) Metaphor, metonymy B) Simile, litotes C) Hyperbole, oxymoron D) Irony, synecdoche

E) Chiasmus, repetition

11 Lexico-syntactical stylistic devices

A) Hyperbole, oxymoron B) Metaphor, metonymy C) Periphrasis, antithesis

D) Irony, synecdoche E) Chiasmus, repetition

12 Lexico-syntactical stylistic devices

A) Irony, synecdoche B) Metaphor, metonymy C) Hyperbole, oxymoron

D) Litotes, climax E) Chiasmus, repetition

13 She was a faded white rabbit of a woman.

A) Metaphor B) Metonymy C) Chiasmus D) Oxymoron E) Epithet

14 He sat with Daisy in his arms for a long silent time.

A) Epithet B) Metonymy C) Chiasmus D) Oxymoron E) Metaphor

15 He behaved pretty busily to Jan.

A) Metaphor B) Oxymoron C) Chiasmus D) Metonymy E) Epithet

16 He opened up a wooden garage. The doors creaked. The garage was full of nothing.

A) Metaphor B) Metonymy C) Oxymoron D) Chiasmus E) Epithet

17 She was obstinate as a mule, always had been, from a child.

A) Metaphor B) Metonymy C) Chiasmus D) Simile E) Epithet

18 He felt that his presence must, like a single drop of some stain, tincture the crystal liquid that was absolutely himself.

A) Metaphor B) Metonymy C) Chiasmus D) Oxymoron E) Simile

19 To give the whole world is a …

A) hyperbole B) simile C) periphrasis D) euphemism E) metonymy

20 As proud as a peacock, As light as a feather …

A) periphrasis B) euphemism C) hyperbole D) simile

21 Scared to death is a …

A) hyperbole B) simile C) periphrasis D) Euphemism E) metonymy

22 Coffee imprisoned in the can is a…

A) metonymy B) irony C) metaphor D) epithet E) simile

23 Thousand years old is a…

A) euphemism B) simile C) periphrasis D) hyperbole E) metonymy

24 A rough diamond is a …

A) metonymy B) irony C) metaphor D) epithet E) simile

25 Awfully pretty is an…

A) epithet B) oxymoron C) epigram D) antonomasia E) irony

26 The sleepless pillow is an…

A) epithet B) oxymoron C) epigram D) antonomasia E) iron

27 From room to room they went, hand in hand, lifting here, opening there, making sure -- a ghostly couple.

A) periphrasis B) euphemism C) hyperbole D) parallel constructions E) prover

28 The shadow of smile is an…

A) epithet B) oxymoron C) epigram D) antonomasia E) irony

29 As sweet as honey, As cunning as a fox …

A) periphrasis B) euphemism C) hyperbole D) simile E) proverb

30 The man was like the Rock of Gibraltar …

A) periphrasis B) simile C) hyperbole D) euphemism E) proverb

31 ”Wild wind”, “loud ocean”, “remorseless dash of billows”, “formidable waves”, “heart-burning smile”; “destructive charms”, “glorious sight”, “encouraging smile”

A) Epithets B) Suspense C) Asyndeton D) Euphony E) Climax

32 A doll of a wife (the wife is like a doll), an angel of a girl (the girls is an angel), a hell of a mess, a devil of a sea, a dwarf of a fellow, a horse of a girl, a fool of a policeman, a hook of a nose, a vow of a hat, a jewel of a film.

A) Epithets B) Suspense C) Asyndeton D) Euphony E) Climax

33 As dumb as a fish, As white as a sheet …

A) periphrasis B) euphemism C) hyperbole D) simile E) proverb

34 To a medical student the final examinations are something like death

A) periphrasis B) inversion C) hyperbole D) euphemism E) proverb

35 The biggest little town is an…

A) epithet B) oxymoron C) epigram D) antonomasia E) iron

36 As black as coal, As obstinate as a mule …

A) periphrasis B) simile C) hyperbole D) euphemism E) proverb

37 Crowded loneliness is an…

A) epithet B) oxymoron C) epigram D) antonomasia E) irony

38 For that one instant there was no one else in the room, in the house, in the world, besides themselves.

A) periphrasis B) climax C) hyperbole D) euphemism E) proverb

39 Thousand pardons is a…

A) hyperbole B) simile C) periphrasis D) euphemism E) metonymy

40 As slow as a tortoise, As clear as a bell …

A) periphrasis B) euphemism C) hyperbole D) simile E) proverb

41 A young middle-aged woman is an…

A) epithet B) oxymoron C) epigram D) antonomasia E) irony

42 The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, could boast of the advantage over him in only one respect.

A) periphrasis B) polysyndeton C) hyperbole D) euphemism E) proverb

43 Lexical stylistic devices-

A) Metaphor, metonymy, epithet B) Rhetorical questions C) Polysyndeton, asyndeton

D) Ellipsis, inversion E) Chiasmus, repetition

44 Lexical stylistic devices-

A) Rhetorical questions B) Hyperbole, oxymoron C) Asyndeton, polysyndeton

D) Ellipsis E) Repetition, chiasmus

45 Lexical stylistic devices-

A) Ellipsis, inversion B) Chiasmus , repetition C) Synecdoche, irony

D) Polysyndeton, asyndeton E) Rhetorical question

46 Lexical stylistic devices-

A) Polysyndeton, asyndeton B) Ellipsis, inversion C) Chiasmus, repetition

D) Antonomasia, epithet E) Rhetorical question

47 Syntactical stylistic devices-

A) Rhetorical question, repetition B) Antonomasia, epithet C) Hyperbole, oxymoron

D) Irony, synecdoche E) Metaphor, metonymy

48 Syntactical stylistic devices-

A) Antonomasia, epithet B) Polysyndeton, asyndeton C) Hyperbole, oxymoron

D) Irony, synecdoche E) Metaphor, metonymy

49 Syntactical stylistic devices-

A) Antonomasia, epithet B) Hyperbole, oxymoron C) Irony, synecdoche

D) Ellipsis, inversion E) Metaphor, metonymy

50 Syntactical stylistic devices-

A) Antonomasia, epithet B) Metaphor, metonymy C) Hyperbole, oxymoron

D) Irony, synecdoche E) Chiasmus, repetition

51 Lexico-syntactical stylistic devices

A) Antithesis, climax B) Metaphor, metonymy C) Hyperbole, oxymoron D) Irony, synecdoche E) Chiasmus, repetition

52 Lexico-syntactical stylistic devices

A) Metaphor, metonymy B) Simile, litotes C) Hyperbole, oxymoron

D) Irony, synecdoche E) Chiasmus, repetition

53 Lexico-syntactical stylistic devices

A) Hyperbole, oxymoron B) Metaphor, metonymy C) Periphrasis, antithesis D) Irony, synecdoche E) Chiasmus, repetition

54 Lexico-syntactical stylistic devices

A) Irony, synecdoche B) Metaphor, metonymy C) Hyperbole, oxymoron D) Litotes, climax

E) Chiasmus, repetition

55 If we don’t know who gains by his death we do know who loses by it.

A) periphrasis B) euphemism C) hyperbole D) antithesis E) proverb

56 Who is here so vile that will not love his country?

A) periphrasis B) Rhetorical question C) hyperbole D) euphemism E) proverb

57 Fine open-faced boy, generous and soft in heart.

A) Epithet B) Parallel Constructions C) Repetition D) Antithesis E) Periphrasis

58 Andrew’s face looked as if it were made of a rotten apple.

A)  Epithet B)Simile C)Hyperbole D)Antithesis E)Periphrasis

59 The long arm of the law will catch him in the end.

A)  Epithet B) Simile C) Personification D) Antithesis E)Periphrasis

60 The hall applauded.

A)  Epithet B) Simile C) Personification D) Metonomy E) Periphrasis

61 I would give the whole world to know.

A) Epithet B) Simile C) Personification D) Metonomy E) Hyperbole

62 Stoney smiled the sweet smile of an alligator.

A)  Epithet B) Simile C) Personification D) Metonymy E) Irony

63 In marriage the upkeep of a woman is often the downfall of a man.

A)  Epithet B)Simile C)Antithesis D)Metonymy E)Irony

64 Into a singularly restricted and indifferent environment Ida Zobel was born.

A)  Epithet B)Inversion C)Simile D) Metonymy E)Irony

65 Why do we need refreshment; my friends? Why can we not fly?

A)  Rhetorical question B) Inversion C) Simile D) Metonymy E)Irony

66 «Very windy, isn’t it»? - «Very». - «But it’s not raining». - «Not yet».

A)  Elliptical sentence B) Inversion C) Simile D) Metonymy E)Irony

67 A smile would come into Mr. Pickwick’s face; the smile extended into laugh; the laugh into a roar, and the roar became general.

A) Pun B) Repetition C) Periphrasis D) Epithet E) Irony

68 Passage after passage did he explore; room after room did he peep into.

A)  Elliptical sentence B) Inversion C) Parallel construction D) Metonymy E)Irony

69 He looked at the distant green wall. It would be a long walk in this rain, and muddy one. Anyway what would they find - lots of trees.

A)  Epithet B) Simile C) Personification D)Represented Speech E) Irony

70 Mr. Boffin looked full at the man and the man looked full at Mr. Boffin.

A)  Elliptical sentence B) Inversion C) Simile D) Chiasmus E) Irony

1. The precious twins - untried, unnoticed, undirected - and I say it quiet with my hands down - undiscovered. (S.)

2. We are overbrave and overfearful, overfriendly and at the same time frightened of strangers, we're oversentimental and realistic. (P.St.)

3. There was then a calling over of names, and great work of singeing, sealing, stamping, inking, and sanding, with exceedingly blurred, gritty and undecipherable results. (D.)

4. The Major and the two Sportsmen form a silent group as Henderson, on the floor, goes through a protracted death agony, moaning and gasping, shrieking, muttering, shivering, babbling, reaching upward toward nothing once or twice for help, turning, writhing, struggling, giving up at last, sinking flat, and finally, after a waning gasp lying absolutely still. (Js.H.)

5. She was a lone spectator, but never a lonely one, because the warmth of company was unnecessary to her. (P. Ch.)

Translate the given sentences

1. I'll disown you, I'll disinherit you, I'll unget you. (R. Sh.)

2. "Ready?" said the old gentleman, inquiringly, when his guests had been washed, mended, brushed, and brandied. (D.)

3 But it is impossible that I should give myself. My being, my me-ness, is unique and indivisible.(An.C.)

4. The descriptions were of two unextraordinary boys: three and a half and six years old. (D.U.)

5. The girl began to intuit what was required of her. (Jn. H.)

Translate the given sentences

1. The descriptions were of two unextraordinary boys: three and a half and six years old. (D.U.)

2. The girl began to intuit what was required of her. (Jn. H.)

3. "Mr. Hamilton, you haven't any children, have you?" "Well, no. And I'm sorry about that, I guess. I am sorriest about that." (J. St.)

4. "To think that I should have lived to be good-morninged by Belladonna look's son!"(A.T.)

5. There were ladies too, en cheveux, in caps and bonnets, some of whom knew Trilby, and thee'd and thou'd with familiar and friendly affection, while others mademoiselle'd her with distant politeness and were mademoiselle's and madame'd back again. (D. du M.)

Translate the given sentences

1. "She's engaged. Nice guy, too. Though there's a slight difference in height. I'd say a foot, her favor."(T.C.)

2. "You know Brooklyn?""No. I was never there. But I had a buddy at Myer was from Brooklyn." (J.)

3. I didn't really do anything this time. Just pulled the dago out of the river. Like all dagos, he couldn't swim. Well, the fellow was sort of grateful about it. Hung around like a dog. About six months later he died of fever. I was with him. Last thing, just as he was pegging out, he beckoned me and whispered some excited jargon about a secret (Ch.)

4. "Here we are now," she cried, returning with the tray. "And don't look so miz." (P.)

5. "What's the dif," he wanted to know. (Th.S.)

Translate the given sentences

1. The District Attorney's office was not only panelled, draped and carpeted, it was also chandeliered with a huge brass affair hanging from the center of the ceiling. (D.U.)

2. He's no public offender, bless you, now! He's medalled and ribboned, and starred, and crossed, and I don't know what all'd, like a born nobleman. (D.)

3. I gave myself the once-over in the bathroom mirror: freshly shaved, clean-shirted, dark-suited and neck-tied. (D.U.)

4. Well, a kept woman is somebody who is perfumed, and clothed, and wined, and dined, and sometimes romanced heavily. (Jn. C.)

5. It's the knowledge of the unendingness and of the repetitious uselessness that makes Fatigue fatigue.(J.)

Give a detailed response:

1.  What is a functional style? The belles-lettres Style. Sub styles, functions and features.

2.  What is a functional style? Publicists Style. Sub styles, functions and features.

3.  What is a functional style? Newspaper Style.

Sub styles, functions and features.

4 What is a functional style? Scientific Style. Sub styles, functions and features.

5 What is a functional style? Official Style. Sub styles, functions and features.

6 Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices. Classification of EM and SD. Phonetic Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices (Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Rhyme, Rhythm).

7 Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices Classification of EM and SD. Lexical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices (Metaphor, Metonymy, Irony, Zeugma).

8 Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices. Classification of EM and SD. Lexical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices (Pun, Epithet, Oxymoron, Antonomasia)

9 Expressive Means (EM) and Stylistic Devices (SD). Classification of EM and SD. Lexical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices (Simile, Periphrasis, Euphemism, Hyperbole)

10 Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices. Classification of EM and SD. Syntactical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices (Stylistic Inversion, Chiasmus (Reversed Parallel Construction), Repetition, Climax (Gradation), Antithesis).

11 Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices. Classification of EM and SD. Syntactical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices (Asyndeton, Polysyndeton, Ellipsis, Represented Speech, Rhetorical Questions, Litotes)