A promoter of a tractor pull may have classes called “Jack Pot” classes added to their pull without association with the NATPA. These “Jack Pot” weight classes may have a different pay out, reward, trophies or a placing system for their classes separate from the NATPA. This will be the discretion of the tractor pull promoter and not of the NATPA. There are No sanctioned NATPA sponsored “Jack Pot” Classes.
A tractor does not need to be a registered NATPA tractor or member to participate in a “Jack Pot” class.
The entered tractor/personmust pass all regular rules and regulations through the NATPA tech committee for them to be entered in a “Jack Pot” class.
The weight classes will usually be as follows: DIV. II 3850 lbs. & 5850 lbs. / DIV. II-TC3850 lbs. & 5850 lbs. & 7250 lbs. / 5 MPH 3850 lbs. & 5850 lbs. & 7250 lbs. classes.The promoter may change these weight classes and divisions.
The “Jack Pot”classes may follow in conjunction of a regular NATPA weight class or may follow at the completion of the regular NATPA tractor pull or the day before.
All NATPA rules and regulations will be followed and enforced in the “Jack Pot” classes.
It will be the discretion of the NATPA Board if a tractor may enter more than one “Jack Pot” class at a certain NATPA event.
In Division II and II-TC the “Jack Pot” classes will follow the same rules and regulations as the regularNATPA Division II and II-TC classes and will be enforced.
In the 5 mph classes all regular NATPA rules and regulations will be followed and enforced.
In the 5 mph classes the tractor entered will go by what the tractor was checked and approved by the tech committee in its highest approved Division.
There will be NOpoints awarded or added in the “Jack Pot” classes towardanyregular NATPA weight classes.