Open a Workgroup (Sample Document Title)

SSIS Technical Document: Tutorial

Document ID: SSIS-151108

Publication Date: 06.15.15; Last Review 06.16.16; Revised 07.17.17

Author: SSIS Writer

Purpose: Understand how-to open a workgroup in SSIS

Audience: All SSIS Users

Optional Sections

Issue (why is this important?)

Mitigating Factors (requirements, variables, limitations, or assumptions about the end-user’s experience, operating environment, etc.)

Step-by-Step Instructions (use a numbered list when a sequence must be followed)

Illustrations (will have a few pre-set sizes for screen captures, icons, etc. If captures need to be larger, they will have to add pages to the technical document.) Some decisions will need to be made about formatting these so they are inline with the text vs. being attachments or coming at the end of the text.

More Information (who to contact for additional support, or when updates to this can be expected.)

Related Documents: [insert hyperlinks here]

Key Words: [have to figure out how to assign these…]

Applies to SSIS Versions 15.3 and later (or some boilerplate statement – should we include an alternate formats available statement for accessibility?)
