DAAD IP Summer School CONCEPTS OF HOLINESS: Performing Belief
10-22th July 2014, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
To secure a place at the Summer School 2014 in Mainz, please fill out the form below and return it to us by
1st May 2014. Please notice that there are special conditions for participants from IP partner institutions.
For details, please see below.
The registration form can be sent to us via
Email: (Stefanie Husel, coordinator)
Fax: +49-6131-39- 24020
Post: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
IP Summer School 2014
Dieter-Gresemund-Weg 4
55099 Mainz
In order for your registration to become valid, please transfer the registration fee of 99 Euros (49 Euros for participants from IP partner universities) to:
Name / Landeshochschulkasse MainzKonto Nr. / 550 015 11 / IBAN / DE25 5500 0000 0055 0015 11
BLZ / 550 000 00 / BIC / MARKDEF 1550
BANK / Deutsche Bundesbank, Filiale Mainz
Reference / 6101 28286 9422015 IP2014 “NAME, FIRST NAME
Please note that you must put the reference number in order for your payment to be allocated correctly! We can only confirm your place once we have received the payment. The registration is binding. If you wish to withdraw from the programme later, the registration fee cannot be reimbursed.
Terms & Conditions (only for participants from IP partner universities!!)
1) Reduced registration fee (49 Euros) for Students from IP partner universities (i.e. University of Vienna, Trinity College Dublin, King’s College London, University of Lodz).
2) Postgraduate and doctoral students from the IP-partner universities are eligible for funding by the DAAD. Scholarships include participation fee, reimbursement of travel expenses, free accommodation and lunch. Before registration, please contact your local coordinator.
3) The registration is binding. If you wish to withdraw from the programme later, we will ask you to provide details of at least one new candidate for our consideration.
4) You will be required to stay for the whole duration of the programme from 10th through to 22nd July 2014. If you arrive later or leave earlier, you will not count as a regular participant and thus not be eligible for funding.
5) 90% of your travel costs can be reimbursed upon presentation of all original travel documents. All tickets (boarding cards, train tickets etc.) must be sent to us by post within two weeks after the end of the Summer School. Please note that we will not be able to accept scans or photocopies.
6) The IP Summer School does not provide insurance cover for participants. An EU insurance card usually covers the costs of any medical care required; however, e.g. it will not cover transportation back to your home country if needed.
By sending this form back to us, you confirm that you have read the terms & conditions set out above.
We very much look forward to see you here in Mainz!