Sydney CentralRegional Weeds Committee
Meeting No 2014.2
Friday 12th Sept 2014
Auburn Council
Present / ApologiesLeanne Bunn (Randwick)
Mel Hall (NSW NPWS)
Jeff Hill (Woollahra)
Alex McKenzie (Strathfield)
Mark Latham (Strathfield)
Kerrie Davies (Auburn)
Adam Smith (Rockdale City Council)
Paul Ibbetson (NSW NPWS)
Anne Duncan (EO Sydney Weeds)
Jen O’Meara (Sydney Olympic Park Authority)
Nell Graham (City of Canterbury)
Vicki Currie (Marrickville Council)
Anthony Schofield (WAP PO) / Sue Stevens (Waverley)
Andrew Jack (SOPA)
Damon Bassett (Marrickville)
Samir Patel (Sydney Trains)
Rob Stevenson (Canada bay)
Peter Goss (Canterbury)
1. Welcome
The Chair welcomed all participants to the meeting.
Members present declared any pecuniary interests: NSW NPWS, HRCC,and Canterbury, indicated that they received WAP funds.
2. Actions arising
1. Confirmation of previous minutes (Meeting of 6th May 2014):
Moved:Jeff Hill
Seconded:Paul Ibbetson
2. Matters arising from the previous minutes.
The meeting went through the status of the table of actions arising from the last meeting as indicated in Attachment 1.
Further discussion was had in relation to the following actions:
Action 2.2.4. Boneseed priority
It was noted that it had started flowering and was already setting fruit. It was agreed that it was important to look for it and map it while visible –it was possible to come back and kill it later.
JS informed the meeting that WONS material is available from Hillary Cherry at OEH – these were good extension materials.
It was noted that not only was the marking on the ground important but also the mapping on the Sydney Boneseed map was also critical for planning: all new locationsare to be sent to EO to input into the regional boneseed map.
Several members noted that they had been working on Boneseed for 4-5 years in their areas and had had success in eradication (now monitoring) i.e. eradication is feasible.
Action 5.1.Market Inspections
Alex McKenzie noted that an inspection of the markets had been undertaken in conjunction with DPI. They had found tortured willow cuttings, basket asparagus and other things (e.g. natives). WAP PO suggested using resources of the committee to get advice about how to set up inspection program e.g. suggested contacting Karen Jenkinat HRCC.
*Please note that the actions arising from this meeting have been incorporated into Attachment 1.
3. Matters arising from the Board/Steering Group meeting
3.1. Boneseed (already discussed)
3.2. Weed spatial data (EO)
Chair emphasised the importance of spatial data for planning and strategy. It was noted that member’s support would be required to update SWC GIS information for high-risk species, new incursions and the WAP project locations.Volunteer was sought to assist EO – Leanne Bunn (Randwick).
Action 3.2.1Members to provide support in relation to update of SWC GIS information (all).
3.3. Weeds Action Program (WAP PO)
Year 5 allocation process
Anthony advised that funds were announced last week and letters of offer would be provided soon (within a month). Members were advised that further funds available (130K) had been allocated according to the prioritised list from May applications. It was noted that it was a high priority to spend funds and that some partners had already commenced. Funds to be spent by June 30th 2015.
WAP Stage 2
The Chair drew attention to the recommendations adopted by the WAP Steering group about WAP Stage 2, which were:
1. Each partner will be required to submit one application covering the 5-year period, to ensure certainty of funding. Applications must address regional priorities.
2. The Sydney region application will focus on strategies to improve prevention, containment and eradication within the region, and prevention of escape to other regions. Participation in weed management is also an important consideration to increase effectiveness as there are many more communities and stakeholders with capacity to be actively engaged. The issue of low co-contributions (or lack of adequate reporting from partners) would also be addressed as part of the application process.
3. Individual applications will be collated to form the Sydney region application. The Board, in its role as WAP Steering Group, will review applications in conjunction with DPI.
4. Review of strategic documents, incorporating spatial data needs to be undertaken to inform the Yr. 5 application (High Risk Pathways and Site Management plan and Regional Inspection plan) by 30 April 2015.
5. High risk local government areas, with inadequate inspection programs should be identified (as part of spatial planning using GIS) and proactively encouraged to apply.
6. A program should be developed to build leadership capacity to feed in to Board/Steering Group and RWCs. Aspects could include leadership, meeting procedures, governance and project management, for example.
He also noted that the Board/Steering Group also agreedthat:
- a regional workshop to review strengths and weaknesses of Stage 1 was a good idea and that it would give consideration to how this should be implemented, along with the adopted recommendations.
- the GIS project was an important aspect of any strategic review, including high-risk pathways etc. SWC needed to get the best information and use it to plan with partners.
Anthony further discussed developments in the progress of WAP stage 2.
Key points:
- Would require revision of priorities and strategies – High Risk pathways, weeds. Likely to be done at next regional meeting
- Would be a 5 year /regional application
- Would be tested with DPI at an early stage.
- Noted that the focus would be on prevention/early detection. Class 3 and 4 weeds would only be funded for capacity building.
- Reporting would be annual with 6 monthly progress reporting.
- Better project monitoring would be required.
- SWC needed to improve level (or documentation of) of co-contributions.
WAP Annual reporting
Anthony presented summary and highlights. Noted that results and outputs were much improved, with respect to progress towards targets.
The Chair noted within the context of allocated funding under the WAP the changing emphasis (within the WEEDS INVASION CURVE) towards early intervention and prevention and away from Asset Protection.
3.4.SWC budget and business plan
Agreed high priorities for SWC 14-15 business plan
- Boneseed eradication (Members)
- Website – need people to assist with this – enthusiastic volunteers needed to form a working group. It was noted that the Far North Coast weeds website was a good example for the working group to look to.
- Media coverage to profile SWC members and their work –
e.g. boneseed (coincide with spring), in the Sydney-wide aim to eradicate it, we need everyone to look out for it and send locations to us. Member support required, as local stories were needed. JH noted that Rockdale eradication of Chinese knotweed was also a success story that could be publicized.
- Main event agreed be field day (more participative than forum). Suggestions for themes/ activities needed. Volunteers required for working group to help plan.
- MH mentioned the DPI/SWC bio-control workshop on Tuesday 16th September.
- LB mentioned the need for a public seminar on weeds – in conjunction with another event? It was agreed to consider a public seminar event as part of WAP Stage 2 application.
Other activities:
Mapping – updating information, capacity building
Events – Field Day, Display at garden show
Surveys -Training survey, Expenditure survey
Communication – education/ media profile
Engagement and partnerships – e.g. nursery and garden industry
Grants/funds mentioned to fund activitiesfor both SWC and members – e.g. SOS, NSW Environmental Trust, DPI Innovation Grants (it was emphasized that they were looking for new ideas, not academic research).
Action 3.4.1EO to talk to Adam Smith (Rockdale) re Chinese knotweed story.
Action 3.4.2Web working group to consider Far North Coast– Look Learn Act website – as a good example.
Action 3.4.3 Volunteers requiredfor field day working group – contact EO ASAP.
4. Weed Action Program update (WAP PO)
Annual report 13-14 – was recently completed. Already covered as part of Item 3.
5. Roundtable reports
5.1. Strathfield (AM)
- notedA. falcatus where RMS were working on the M4.
- issue with Coolatai grass – lack of coordination by contractors.
5.2. NPWS North East (MH):
- Went to Australasian Weed Management conference. Very worthwhile – will send links to proceedings when she gets it. Highlighted the need to do better to “sell” weed work - work not valued because of how its presented by weed managers.
5.3. Rockdale City Council (AS)
- Reported that A. falcatus plant found in Hawthorn St Ramsgate (a large EEC). New incursion form required.
Action 5.3.1.AS to send new incursion form for A.falcatus
5.4. Marrickville (VC)
- Reported thatthey have not been involved very much for past 5 years. Now developing a strategic approach to biodiversity involving community engagement and are looking to use networks to better effect. Interested to know impact of Order 30 on their Council.
5.6. Randwick (LB)
- Informed that there is a PhD student working on Pampas Lily of the valley (Salpichroaorganifolia) looking at chemical properties, DNA. Advised that she is doing bush regeneration and controlling effectively with Lontrel.
5.7 Auburn (KD)
- Informed that Council were supportive or re-joining SWC.
5.7. Canterbury CC (NG)
- Informed about a research project on edible weeds in parks. Will send around email. Risks associated with edible weeds were discussed. MH said that she had a contact in Hobart – there had been a demonstration at the AWC.
Action 5.7.1.NG to send details of project on edible weeds.
5.8 Strathfield (ML)
- Has an education background. Discussed work with Railcorps at Chullora.
- JS informed the meeting that NPWS had had a re-organisation of area administration boundaries and his area now covered central Sydney, so he had joined this committee, in addition to NPWS being a member of WBM.
- Informed the meeting that NPWS involved in research with GA on controlling lovegrass, followed by direct seeding of Cumberland Plain vegetation. If it works suggested this was an alternative treatment for roadsides and rail corridors in urban areas.
- MH mentioned a student who was comparing direct seeding to landscaping at the University of Wollongong who was looking for sites.
Action 5.9.1. MH to forward email re UoW student to EO to forward to other committee members.
5.10 NPWS Central (PI)
- Mentioned his success with boneseed over last 5 years
- Been working on cooletai grass at Malabar, coordinating with Randwick, and along Canterbury Road (with Canterbury).
- Noted that corky passionflower was looking very persistent and difficult to address – suggested risk assessment needed to be re-done (much tougher therefore more expensive).
- Working on madeira vine with SOPA.
6. Election of Board representatives
The secretary, acting as returning officer, advised that there were two nominations, one for the position of Chair:
Jonathan Sanders, nominated by Jeff Hill (Woollahra), seconded by Alex McKenzie (Strathfield);
and one for the position of Deputy Chair:
Jeff Hill,nominated by Jonathan Sanders (NPWS) and seconded by Adam Smith (Rockdale).
Given that the nominations were equivalent to the number of positions, these nominations were accepted and the nominees taken to be duly elected as the SWC Board representatives.
7. Other business
Next meeting
Host: NPWS Central (Paul Ibbetsen) – Neilsen Park
Date: Thurs 4thDecember
Alligator Weed Risk Assessment Review (by Anthony Schofield, WAP PO) was undertaken over lunch by council’s with Alligator Weed.
Attachment 1. Actions arising from Sydney CentralRWC Meetings 2014.1 and 2014.2
Meeting Date / Item / Action No. / Person(s) responsible / Action / Due Date / Progress6-May-14 / 2 / 2.2.1 / EO / Follow up with Rosanna/DPI re biosecurity risk of Ligustrum undulatum by next meeting. / Next mtg / DPI advice box leaved privet not a risk. Further advice sought. Keep c'tee informed
2.2.2 / All members / Note that Corky passionflower is a high priority for SWC, be vigilant in looking out for it and address quickly. / Ongoing / Ongoing - sheet circulated by Chair. Get info out there
2.2.3 / EO / Check the contacts for railways and other public authorities for all regional weed committees. / Next mtg / In progress
2.2.4 / Chair/EO / Raise with SG the suggestion that a letter be sent from SWC reminding Councils of boneseed priority for region. / Next SG meeting / Completed. Letter to be drafted urgently.
3 / 3.1 / Adam Smith / Provide new incursion report form to EO. / 30-Jun / Completed
5 / 5.1 / Jeff Hill, Alex McKenzie / Liaise with Anthony Schofield to develop a WAP project application for inspections at Flemington markets, for consideration as part of the allocations for 2014-15. / ASAP / Completed
7 / 7.1 / EO / Facilitate further consideration of format of future forum as part of SWC event planning. / Ongoing / Field Day planned as the main event. Volunteers to assist planning?
7.2 / EO / Liaise with DPI re the weed expenditure survey. / Next FY / Carried forward
7.3 / All members / Consider what revisions needed to regional weed brochures and respond. / Respond to request / Carried forward
7.4 / EO / Further investigate Look-Learn-Act website as part of website review. / Next FY
7.5 / All members / Comments and ideas on website to inform review. / Ongoing
7.6 / EO / Seek more detail on weed app being developed by DPI. / Next mtg / Completed
7.7 / EO / Raise ideas from members with steering group in context of business plan. / Next SG meeting / Completed
9 / 9.1 / EO / Email re 2014-15 meeting dates. / 30-Jun / Completed
Meeting Date / Item / Action No. / Person(s) responsible / Action / Due Date / Progress
12-Sep-14 / 3 / 3.2.1 / Members / Members to provide support in relation to update of SWC GIS information (all). / Ongoing
3 / 3.4.1 / EO/ASmith / Publicise Rockdale success with chinese knotweed. / 30-Oct
3.4.2 / Web working group / Consider Far North Coast – Look Learn Act – website as a good example. / Ongoing / Ongoing
3 / 3.4.3 / All / Volunteers wanted to join field day working group - contact EO asap. / ASAP / Ongoing
5 / 5.3.1 / A Smith / AS to send new incursion form for A.falcatus / ASAP / Completed.
5 / 5.7.1 / NG / Send EO details of project on edible weeds for circulation? / 30-Oct
5 / 5.9.1 / MH/EO / MH to forward email re UoW student to EO to forward to other committee members. / ASAP / Completed.