CRIS Widgets (Dashboard)
This CRIB sheet has been designed to provide an overview of the latest addition to the CRIS system. Widgets have been designed to show information relating to outstanding work on the system. Each Widget can be configured to show information either for a particular person or as a snap shot across the whole system.
This document explains the standard widgets and how to configure them.
Please note: Existing customers who use the Message of the day and the radiologists unverified report list will need to be aware that they are now Widgets rather than being fixed in place.
A new Widget can be selected by clicking the ‘Widgets’ button highlighted in red below.
Once the Widget has been selected and is displayed on screen, users can configure them by right clicking over the images contained in each widget and selecting one of the following options:
Option / Purpose
Properties… / Allows users to change different aspects of the selected widget, see ‘Chart Properties’below for more information.Please note: Any changes applied via properties are only valid for the current session and will not be retained against your user profile.
Save as… / Allows users to save a specific section of the Widget as an image Please note: the file must be saved as a PNG
Print… / Allows users to print a snapshot of aspecific section of the widget.
Zoom in / Allows users to Zoom In or out on different sections of the widget as required.
Zoom out
AutoRange / Allows users to automatically set the graph so all details are displayed on the screen.
Each Widget displaying a Chart has the following configurable properties:
Tab / PurposeTitle / The Title Tab allows the font, colour and the name of the widget to be changed.
Plot / The Plot Tab allows the appearance of the chart / Graph to changed such as the background colour and the outlines
Other / The Other Tab shows advanced options which are specific to each Widget to enable further configuration.
The CRIS system is supplied as standard with the following widgets:
Widget / Description/ The Unverified Reports Widget shows the Clinician’s Unverified Reports List which has always been a standard feature of the CRIS System. This list shows all Clinicians including the user logged in highlighted in light blue and displays the total number of reports each clinician has outstanding inclusive of unverified, addendum, unchecked and suspended reports. The [Refresh] button should be used periodically during each session in order to refresh and update the data.
/ The MOTD (Message of the Day) Widget is also a longstanding standard feature of the CRIS system and shows messages of the day displayed in USER, SITE then SYSTEMWIDE order.
/ The deceased Widget allows users to see the total number of appointments and unattended events for deceased patients on the CRIS system. Below the totals, users can view the Event Key, CRIS number and event date for each event. Users can load an event by double clicking a record in the list. The list can be updated after log in by clicking the ‘Refresh’ button.
The following Widgets are available as part of the full CRIS Widgets module:
Widget / Description/ The Unverified Dashboard gives the user the option to display all Unverified Reports, Exams or Events that are awaiting verification. The [Refresh] button should be used periodically during each session in order to refresh and update the data. This chart also displays additional pie charts displaying the proportion of Unverified, Addendum, Unchecked and Suspended reports, and the proportion of unverified reports broken down by modality. The [Refresh] button should be used periodically during each session in order to refresh and update the data.
Please note This Widget displays the total number of unverified reports based on the user who is currently logged in.
/ The Unvetted Chart Widget is designed to display information from the Vetting module. This pie chart shows which Modalities have the highest number of outstanding events waiting to be vetted. The [Refresh] button should be used periodically during each session in order to refresh and update the data.
/ The All Unverified Reports Chart Widget displays a bar chart of Unverified Reports which can be customised to show specific people. To add people to the list, click ‘Preferences’ at the top of the screen, and choose each required clinician. The user currently logged into the system will be displayed in blue, whilst all clinicians are displayed in red. The [Refresh] button should be used periodically during each session in order to refresh and update the data.
Please note: No clinicians are displayed by default upon loading the widget for the first time, and it will therefore be necessary to choose preferences and add your own user to the list at a minimum.
/ The Unreported by Modality Widget displays a colour coded pie chart so clinicians can see at a glance what proportion of modality’s are outstanding for reporting. Each colour represents a different modality which is displayed on a key at the bottom of the chart. The [Refresh] button should be used periodically during each session in order to refresh and update the data.
Document Control
Title / 2.09.10eWidgetsAuthor / David Costin / Date Created / 24/05/2010
File Ref. / RIS_CRIB299c_02.09.10e_Widgets_v1.4
Approval Sign-off
Owner / Role / Method of approval / Date
David Costin / Trainer/ Application Specialist / Verbal / 01/09/2009
Approver / Role / Method of approval / Date
Emma Savage-Mady / Training & Documentation Manager / Verbal / 24/05/2010
Change History
Issue / Date / Author / Editor / Details of Change
1.0 / 01/09/2009 / David Costin / First Issue
1.1 / 24/05/2010 / Emma Savage-Mady / Amendments and corrections including additions due to software modifications and enhancements.
1.2 / 03/08/2010 / Emma Savage-Mady / Amendments to clarify that widget properties are per session not saved against user profiles.
1.3 / 07/01/2011 / David Costin / Amendments to include the new deceased patient widget.
1.4 / 04/07/2011 / David Costin / Version Number amendments for 2.09.10e
Review Date / 04/07/2011
Last Updated: DC 04/07/2011 Healthcare Software Systems – Commercial in Confidence Page 1 of 4