Competency Framework
Name……………………………………… Assessor………………………………………………………….
Role / Band………………………………. Level of competency expected of role 1 □ 2 □ 3 □ 4 □
Competency:Management of Pressure Ulcers
Competency Statement:
To have the knowledge and skills to effectively manage pressure ulcers
Initially please self-assess your current level of competence in relation to the competency statements outlined. You may feel that you are at different levels for different components of this competency. For example you may feel that you are safe to practice autonomously in some aspects of the competency but only understand basic principles for other elements. Initial and date where you feel that you are for each statement. This information will help you focus your learning needs. Agree with your assessor a timeframe to complete the competency. At the end of this period reassess your competence and ask your assessor to do the same
Complete self assessment regarding this competency on day 1
At agreed date re-assess your level of knowledge/ skills/ attitude
Assessor to indicate level of competency achieved at negotiated end point
Link to KSF dimensions and levels / 1.Understands basic principles / 2.
Consistently able to demonstrate principles and apply to practice / 3.
Safe to practice unsupervised / 4.
Clinical decision making / Negotiated timeframe for successful completion
Knowledge required
- Understands the function of the skin and how to carry out full skin assessment
- Can describe what a moisture lesion is, and the difference between a moisture lesion and a pressure ulcer
- Understands the difference between avoidable and unavoidable pressure damage
- Has a good understand of the SCALE consensus document, in particular the 10 statements which underpin best practice in end of life care
- Understands the EPUAP categories of pressure damage
- Can explain about reverse categorisation
- Can explain the rationale for debriding/not debriding lower limb pressure damage necrosis (ie. heels)
- Understands the process for incident reporting for pressure damage
- Is aware of infection control policies including hand washing, clean technique and decontamination of equipment
- Has a working knowledge of the normal wound healing process(will have passed wound assessment competency)
- Is aware of and be able to access Oxfordshire’s Pressure Damage Strategy (CP66)
Skills required
- Can complete a full skin assessment
- Is able to correctly categorise pressure damage using EPUAP tool
- Can develop a careplan in partnership with the patient aimed at managing pressure damage
- Is able to undertake wound care
- Is able to explain to patients and carers what pressure damage is, and how to manage it
- Is able to report pressure damage incident correctly
Suggested learning opportunities to develop skills and knowledge
- Attend pressure prevention and wound managment study daysprovided by Oxfordshire Community Tissue Viability Service (OCTVS)
- Access tissue viability resources via Tissue Viability internet site
Other resources
- Tissue Viability Team
- District Nursing Service – Tissue Viability Resource Nurses
Related Policies
Guidance for Prevention and Management of Pressure Damage CP66:
Medical Devices Management Policy and Procedures CP08:
Infection Prevention and Control IF1:
Consent to Treatment CP1:
Clinical Risk Assessment and Management CP16:
Privacy and Dignity CP51:
Incident reporting policy RMHS1:
Clinicians Comments / Assessors Comments
Date / Signature
Date of competency/Training review
Subsequent Review Period
Clinicians Comments / Assessors CommentsSignature
Date / Signature
Date of competency/Training review
Pressure ulcer management competency, V2, 8.12.16