GLHRN COC Grant application Ranking Score Sheet Grant Application:______
Amount Requested: ______
Name of person ranking:______Project:RENEWALNEW
(Grade 1-3,5-9, and 12)
Category / Possible points / Score / Notes1. Extent to which the Project Application addresses GLHRN priorities. / 0 to 5 points.
2. Extent to which the Project addresses HUD/NOFA priorities / 0 to 5 points.
3. Amounts and sources of matching and leveraged funds identified in the Project / 0 to 5 points. 25% cash or in-kind match is a requirement of HUD funding.
4. Reach performance measures / 0 to 5 points
5. Number of clients served or units
4-50 -1 points
50-75 -2 points
Over 75 -3 points / 1-3 points
6. Program is renewal or new program for permanent supportive housing; rapid re-housing), Homeless Management Information System, Supportive Services Only (SSO) for Centralized or Coordinated Assessment System, or transitional housing that exclusively serve homeless youth projects- 10 points
Transitional Housing project – 3 points
SSO project – 1 point / 10, 3, or 1 point
7. Referrals come from the HARA – 5 points
Coordinate with the HARA – 3 points
Created a plan to work with the HARA – 2 points
Work outside the HARA – 0 points / 5, 3, 2, 0 points
8. The proposed project has a system to engage most vulnerable homeless populations or sub-populations especially chronically homeless and Veterans / 0 to 5 points
9. The goals, objectives and outcomes help participants obtain and remain housed and fit individual needs of participants. / 0 to 5 points
10. Timely reports
Below 70% -0
Up to 80% -1 point
Up to 95% -2 points
Up to 100% -3 points / 0-3 points
11. HMIS data reports error free
Below 70% -0
70% to 80% -1 point
81% to 95% -2 points
96% to 100% -3 points / 0-3 points
12. The HMIS/HARA/SPDAT agreement has been agreed to. / 1 point
Recommended for funding: YesNo
Ranking Level Recommended: ______
Points max