5th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices” BiomMedD’2012 29thAugust – 1stSeptember, 2012, Constanta, Romania

5th International Conference

“Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices”


Conference Announcemment

Constanta, Romania, 29thAugust – 1stSeptember, 2012

Welcome to the Conference


Dear Colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to invite youto attend the 5th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices” BiomMedD’2012, on 29thAugust – 1stSeptember, 2012.

The conference will be hosted by the University Ovidius from Constanta. One of the biggest city from Romania, Constanta is built upon the ancient ruins of the Greek strong hold Tomis, and is a pole of cultural and economic exchanges in the Black Sea Region and South-Eastern Europe

The aim of this event is to bring together scientists from both basic and applied biomedical research. A significant attendance is expected from the other biomaterials and medical societies. Several Romanian societies from the medical field will endorse this conference.

In the Conference frame will take place some round table discussions regarding the participation of our institutions to The Framework Programme 7, the main instrument for research and development in Europe.A Technical Exhibition will run in addition with the Conference and will attract widespread interest from participants and exhibitors. The conference will also host a Young Scientists Forum section and the 11th General Assembly of the Romanian Society for Biomaterials.Active participation from academy, industry and clinical centres with different specialities is encouraged.

Yours sincerely,

Iulian Antoniac

BIOMMEDD’2012 Conference Chairman

President of the Romanian Society for Biomaterials

on behalf of the Conference Staff


Romanian Society for Biomaterials


  • University “Ovidius” Constanta
  • University Politehnica of Bucharest
  • SOROT [Romanian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology]
  • UNAS [National Union of Stomatological Association]
  • SRPDMF [Romanian Society of Maxillo-Facial Prosthodontics]

Endorsed by

  • Romanian Ministry of Education, National Authority for Scientific Research
  • European Society for Biomaterials
  • Biomaterials Network (
  • Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Society (TERMIS)


Conference Staff

Iulian Antoniac(Romania)

BIOMMEDD’2012 Conference Chairman

Petru Bordei(Romania)

Co-Chairman of the BIOMMEDD’2012 Scientific Committee

Horia Iovu (Romania)

Co-Chairman of the BIOMMEDD’2012 Scientific Committee

Catalin Cirstoiu (Romania)

Co-Chairman of the BIOMMEDD’2012 Scientific Committee

Luigi Ambrosio(Italy)

Chaiman of the International Scientific Committee

International Scientific Committee

• Acad. Maya Simionescu (Romania)• Luigi Ambrosio (Italy)
• Vlad Alexandru Ciurea (Romania)• Geoff Richards (Switzerland)

• Teodor Traistaru (Romania)• Mario Barbosa (Portugal)

• Horia Iovu (Romania)• Marc Bohner (Switzerland)
• Maria Sajin (Romania)• James Kirkpatrick (Germany)
• Ecaterina Andronescu (Romania)• David Williams (U.K.)

• Dan Poenaru (Romania)• Zhang Xingdong (China)

• Mirela Toth-Tascau (Romania)• Bruce Milthorpe (Australia)

• Elena-Carmen Cotrutz (Romania)• Sampath Kumar (India)
• Marius Enachescu (Romania)• Matteo Santin (U.K.)
• Iulius Popa (Romania)• Heimo Ylanen (Finland)

• Mihai Rominu (Romania)•Peter Dubruel (Belgium)

• MihneaCostoiu (Romania)• Kunio Ishikawa (Japan)

• Cristina Ghitulica (Romania)• Jan Chlopek (Poland)
• Iulian Antoniac (Romania)• Guy Daculsi (France)
• Alexandru Morega (Romania)• Alvaro Mata (Spain)

• Paul Botez (Romania)• Abhay Pandit (Ireland)

• Simona Cavalu (Romania)• Lidija Siller (U.K.)

• Aurel Serban (Romania)• Josep Planell (Spain)

•Catalin Carstoiu (Romania)• Damien Lacroix (Spain)

• Petru Bordei (Romania)• Pedro Granja (Portugal)

• Diana Dudea (Romania)• Gultekin Goller (Turkey)

• Brandusa Ghiban (Romania)• Davorin Medakovic (Croatia)

• Marioara Moldovan (Romania)• Jose M.Martin-Martinez (Spain)

• Andrei Firica (Romania)• Rui Reis (Portugal)

•Tiberius Danut Epure (Romania)• Frederic Marin (France)

• Gelu Onose (Romania)• Alina Sionkowska(Poland)

• Costel Cotet (Romania)• Elazar Gutmanas(Israel)

• Viorica Simon (Romania)• Lucien Reclaru (Switzerland)
• Ioana Demetrescu (Romania)• Nicholas Dunne (Northern Ireland)

• Mihai Tarcolea (Romania)• Joelle Amedee (France)

• Catalin Fetecau (Romania)• Buddy Ratner (U.S.A.)
• Rodica Sirbu (Romania)• Fokion Vosniakos (Greece)
• Tania Zaharia (Romania)• Yuri Dekhtar (Latvia)
• Radu Ciorap (Romania)• Ioan Cristescu (Romania)
• Ion Morjan (Romania)• Viorel Braic (Romania)
• Marcel Popa (Romania)• Maria Maris (Romania)
• Catalin Popa (Romania)• Dan Maris (Romania)
• Dionezie Bojin (Romania)• Ionel Droc (Romania)
• Liliana Verestiuc (Romania)• Rodica Marinescu (Romania)

• Cornel Munteanu (Romania)• Anton Hadar (Romania)

• Mihai Raduta (Romania)• Norina Forna (Romania)
• Ion Patrascu (Romania)• Florian Purghel (Romania)
• Gabriela Stanciu (Romania)• Mirela Mihaela Bratu (Romania)
• Cristina Bortun (Romania)• Stefan Cristea (Romania)

Organizing Committee

Iulian AntoniacViorica SimonIzabelaStancuElena-Carmen Cotrutz

PetruBordeiDan MarisDan IliescuMirela Mihaela Bratu

Ion PatrascuTeodor TraistaruRominu MihaiDiana Dudea

Dan LaptoiuRazvan EneIulius PopaRadu Ciorap

Cosmin CotrutOana PontaMihai BurlibasaCorneliu Trisca-Rusu

Conference Secretariat

Cosmin CotrutMarian MiculescuTicutaNegreanu-Pirjol Robert Bololoi Aurora Antoniac Iuliana Stoicescu

Diana VranceanuMihaela DinuIonela Stanciu

General Information

Conference Venue

29thAugust – 1stSeptember, 2012

University Ovidius Constanta, Romania

Faculty of Medicine


This conference will be devoted to the following subjects:

Surface Engineering
Standards and regulation
Nanostructures and nanotechnology
Drug and gene delivery
Molecular Biology
Infection and sterilisation
Interaction with Living Cells
Tissue Engineering
Computer Modelling
Materials-varia / Clinical applications of biomaterials: Orthopaedic, Neurosurgery, Dental, Maxillofacial, Ophthalmology, Cardiovascular, Cosmetic, other medical fields
Biomaterials Application in biomedical instrumentation
Implant retrieval
Biomimetic materials
Failure analysis
Artificial organs
Informatic application for biomaterials
Education in biomaterials and medical engineering

Call for papers

Each participant can register with a maximum of two papers. Authors must follow the instructions for abstract(s) preparation and submission. The accepted abstracts will be published in a CD-ROM to be available at the meeting.

The abstract(s) will be submitted as Microsoft Word 97 data file for PC by conference website.

Authors are requested to indicate the preferred type of presentation (oral or poster).

Also, the abstracts will be published in a volume, available for conference participants.

Trans Tech Publications Ltd agrees to publish the proceedings of “BIOMMEDD 2012” in the periodical “Key Engineering Materials”with a separate soft-cover book edition for the conference participants and for general sales.

Also, based on a careful selection, the best papers will be recommended for publication in ISI journals representative for each scientific conference section.


To encourage international participation, members of the European biomaterials societies can register as members and receive the same benefits as members of SRB. The organisers have also given special consideration to young researchers with low registration fees for students.
Registration Fees:
Early Rate
paid by
15th July 2012 / Normal Rate
paid between
15th July -15thAugust 2012 /
Late Rate
paid on or after
15thAugust 2012
300 EUR
350 EUR
450 EUR
200 EUR
300 EUR
400 EUR
Young researcher – Non-member
200 EUR
250 EUR

350 EUR

Young researcher – Member**


150 EUR


200 EUR


300 EUR

Accompanying person


100 EUR


150 EUR


250 EUR

* Registration fees for participants (members, non-members and students) include:access to the scientific sessions and seminars, to the technical exhibition and poster sessions, the coffee breaks, welcome cocktail & dinner at Hotel Oxford after Opening Ceremony, abstracts volume, the conference’s materials, publication fee in TTP proceeding, and the certificate of attendance;

**Members of the organizators and the sister societies also benefit from the special Member rate. Sister societies include: Swiss Society for Biomaterials-SSB, Polish Society for Biomaterials-PSB, Romanian Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology-SOROT, SRPDMF and Romanian Union of Dental Association-UNAS.Please provide your membership number during the registration process.

Note: To qualify for the young researcher registration fee, an official letter from the head of training is required or other valid an acceptable proof of studentship status (e.g. Certificate ofenrolment or copy of student ID card). Preferably, send these as an attachment by e-mail.

The payment is possible by bank transfer.Please mention the participant name and the conference title "BiomMedD 2012".


  • IBAN RO09RNCB5060000295580002, Scientific Association ROMANIAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMATERIALS, Romanian Comercial Bank, sector 6, Bucharest (for payment in EURO)
  • IBAN RO09RNCB5060000295580001, Asociatia Stiintifica SOCIETATEA ROMANA DE BIOMATERIALE, Banca Comerciala Romana, sector 6, Bucuresti (pentru plata in ROL), cod fiscal: 15318801.

Letter of Confirmation/Receipt

After receiving the registration form and payment the Organising Committee will send you a personal confirmation letter by e-mail.

Cancellations and Refunds

Cancellation of any kind has to be made in writing (e-mail) to the Organising Committee. Please note that for organisational reasons refunds will not be made until after the Conference. All refunds will be made at the exchange rate applicable on that date. Neither the Organisers nor the Conference Secretariat can be held responsible for any loss resulting from alterations in exchange rates. To receive your refund, please supply your full bank account details.
Cancellation of Participation

Registration fees are refundable with a deduction of EUR 100 for administrational expenses provided that participation is cancelled by 15 August 2012. No refund will be paid for cancellations made after 15 August 2012. There will be no refund for no-shows. Insurance to cover the loss of payment for registration fees and accommodation costs is recommended by the organisers.

Important deadlines

Final announcement & Registration Opening June15th, 2012

Reception of AbstractsJune30st, 2012

Notification of AcceptanceJuly15th, 2012

Reception of Full Paper (TTP Ltd.)August 15st, 2012

Early RegistrationJune30st, 2012


Accommodation is ensured at Hotel Zodiac****, Hotel Malibu*** and hotel Oxford*** from Constanta.

Special accommodation for PhD Student will be assured by the University Ovidius from Constanta, in the university campus (limited places).

Other accommodation options will be possible in Constanta (list of hotels).

For more details about accommodation (reservation, options, package), please contact mrs. Ionela Stanciu ().

Also, more information will be presented soon on the conference website (

General Assembly of Romanian Society of Biomaterials

Friday 31thAugust 2012, 19.00-20.00

The members of Romanian Society for Biomaterials are invited to participate at the Annual General Assembly.


  • Activity Report presented by the President;
  • Election of the Executive Committee (2 year term);
  • Future meetings [ESB 2013];
  • Varia.

Young Scientist Forum

The YSF is an event, usually integrated in the conference BIOMMEDD that is aimed at discussing biomaterials education and training in Europe, emphasising the existing and emerging career, as well as research opportunities in the field. In these events discussion is fostered by creating an interactive environment amongst participants, thus promoting an enriching discussion on topics that concern everyone who graduated, or will do so, in Biomaterials.

Preliminary program:

-Lectures by high level experts and young scientists;

-Round table: interactive public discussions between young scientist (previous selected) and some representative from education, research & industry field.

-Plenary discussions (open to all participants).

Preliminary list of speakers: Izabela Stancu (Romania); Peter Dubruel (Belgium); Ilaria Calciotti (Italy); Nicholas Dune (Northern Ireland); Roman Tzarik (Germany).

Technical exhibition

The technical exhibition will run in parallel with BiomMedD'2012 in the foyer of the Faculty of Medicine, University Ovidius Constanta, Romania. The technical exhibition will provide an opportunity to see the products and/or services offered by the companies from the fields of biomaterials, medical devices, in vitro diagnostics, dentistry and pharmaceutics.


The official language of the BIOMMEDD 2012Conference will be English.

Simultaneous translation will be provided.

Internet services

Internet access is provided on the conference site.

Keynoyte & Invited Lectures

Keynote & Invited Speakers (confirmed)

• Luigi Ambrosio (Italy)• Teodor Traistaru (Romania)

• Horia Iovu (Romania)• James Kirkpatrick (Germany)
• Zhang Xingdong (China)• Mirela Toth-Tascau (Romania)

• Elena-Carmen Cotrutz (Romania)• Marius Enachescu (Romania)

• Matteo Santin (U.K.)• Iulius Popa (Romania)

• Heimo Ylanen (Finland)• Mihai Rominu (Romania)

•Peter Dubruel (Belgium)• Iulian Antoniac (Romania)

• Alexandru Morega (Romania)• Alvaro Mata (Spain)

• Simona Cavalu (Romania)• Lidija Siller (U.K.)

•Catalin Carstoiu (Romania)• Damien Lacroix (Spain)

• Petru Bordei (Romania)• Diana Dudea (Romania)

• Brandusa Ghiban (Romania)• Davorin Medakovic (Croatia)

• Marioara Moldovan (Romania)• Jose M.Martin-Martinez (Spain)

• Andrei Firica (Romania)• Rui Reis (Portugal)

•Tiberius Danut Epure (Romania)• Frederic Marin (France)

• Alina Sionkowska(Poland)• Mihai Tarcolea (Romania)

• Viorica Simon (Romania)• Lucien Reclaru (Switzerland)
• Ioana Demetrescu (Romania)• Nicholas Dunne (Northern Ireland)

• Rodica Sirbu (Romania)• Fokion Vosniakos (Greece)
• Tania Zaharia (Romania)• Yuri Dekhtar (Latvia)
• Radu Ciorap (Romania)• Ioan Cristescu (Romania)
• Dionezie Bojin (Romania)• Ionel Droc (Romania)
• Liliana Verestiuc (Romania)• Rodica Marinescu (Romania)

• Cornel Munteanu (Romania)• Anton Hadar (Romania)

• Mihai Raduta (Romania)• Norina Forna (Romania)
• Ion Patrascu (Romania)• Florian Purghel (Romania)
• Gabriela Stanciu (Romania)• Mirela Mihaela Bratu (Romania)

Keynote & Invited Speakers (not confirmed yet)

• Vlad Alexandru Ciurea (Romania)• Geoff Richards (Switzerland)

• Mario Barbosa (Portugal)• Marc Bohner (Switzerland)
• Maria Sajin (Romania)• Dan Poenaru (Romania)

• Ecaterina Andronescu (Romania)• David Williams (U.K.)

• Bruce Milthorpe (Australia)• Sampath Kumar (India)
• MihneaCostoiu (Romania)• Kunio Ishikawa (Japan)

• Cristina Ghitulica (Romania)• Jan Chlopek (Poland)
• Guy Daculsi (France)• Paul Botez (Romania)

• Abhay Pandit (Ireland)• Aurel Serban (Romania)

• Josep Planell (Spain)• Gultekin Goller (Turkey)

• Costel Cotet (Romania)• Elazar Gutmanas(Israel)

• Joelle Amedee (France)• Buddy Ratner (U.S.A.)
• Ion Morjan (Romania)• Viorel Braic (Romania)
• Catalin Popa (Romania)• Florian Purghel (Romania)