2016 - 2017
Dear Parents,
We are looking forward to an exciting year in second grade. They are a beautiful group of children. Thank you for sharing them with us. We hope that the information in this letter will answer many of your questions and aid you in assisting your child to make this a very positive and successful year.
We expect our students to follow the expectations set forth in the handbook:
Be like Jesus for each other;
Be respectful;
Be responsible.
Our classroom rules are:
1. Be like Jesus
2. Follow directions
3. Raise hand to speak or for permission to leave seat
4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
5. Follow St. Clare rules
Smiles, praise, stickers, classroom job, surprises
We will use a clip system. Everyone begins the day on Green. If behavior is appropriate, the clip stays green. This is awesome!
After a verbal warning for inappropriate behavior, the child will change his/her clip to Yellow. When this happens, the child loses 5 minutes of recess.
If inappropriate behavior continues, the child will change his/her clip to Red. The consequence for this is a written reflection that will need to be signed by a parent. When this happens, the child will lose 10 minutes of recess.
If inappropriate behavior persists, or if there is a behavior that is dangerous to the child or someone else, the student may receive a Violation of School Policy, and discuss the problem with Mrs. Sinnett.
Every day, your child will indicate the color clip he/she earned for the day. This will be found in the far right section of the daily assignment book. Please initial this daily. This will also serve to let me know that you are aware of any homework that has been assigned.
Our goal is for the children to realize a need for rules and for them to begin to take ownership of their behavior. Please familiarize yourself and your child with our school wide Bill of Rights, Student Responsibilities, and Discipline Policy that can be found in the handbook.
Homework is an integral part of the second grade curriculum. Homework will be assigned Monday –Thursday. Homework includes copying assignments in the assignment notebook, taking materials home, doing the assignments, and returning all materials to school. If one step is left out, homework is incomplete. Reading of library books may also be considered homework, as is having the books checked out from school library in school every day. We believe it is very beneficial for each child to have a specific “homework time” and a specific “homework place” to work without distractions. This helps with organization of time and materials. If daily homework is missing, you will receive an email via Renweb. Students will be required to complete missing homework during afternoon recess.
It is important that your child learn basic addition and subtraction facts. In second grade, we focus on facts to 20. The children have been working on facts to 10. When they can complete with 90% accuracy 30 addition facts in 90 seconds, and 30 subtraction facts in 2 minutes, they are given a set of new facts to learn. These are usually 4 facts in what we call a “fact family”. When those are mastered with the same degree of accuracy as the basic facts to 10, another new set is given, and so on, until all the necessary facts are mastered. Each child will work at his/her own pace. These timed tests will be factored into the math grade, and most often will be given on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Most of the practice for these facts will need to be done at home, so we recommend a little bit of practice every night (maybe more than a little if your child is struggling with them).
I will place book orders with Scholastic Book Clubs on request. An order form will be sent home the Friday folder. Please pay by check only, no cash. The check should be made out to Scholastic Books and put in an envelope with an order form, labeled with the child’s name. You may also order books online. You will receive information on how to do that with the first book order.
To get to the website, you will need to log on to Renweb. (www.renweb.com ) Click on
the tab with your child’s name. A list of classes will appear. All of our pertinent information will be on our homeroom page, so click on 02-HR 2F, or 02-HR 2K.
To get to the links for online games and activities, click on the “Resources” tab, then click on the orange icon next to the name of the site. Dates for tests will be on the calendar. If you’re having trouble navigating through all of that, never fear---we will spend a little time at Back-to-School night on the webpage.
Papers will be sent home on Wednesdays. When you receive papers stapled together, please look them over carefully, sign the front page, and return the entire stapled packet the following day. Feel free to attach a note if you have any questions about any of the written work. Remember that this only represents a portion of the work done at school.
Beginning the week of August 29, a child’s name will be drawn randomly through a lottery system for Student of the Week. Every child will have this opportunity during the year. Prior to your child’s turn, we will send home a few simple at home activities to be completed and returned to school. The children enjoy the opportunity to be extra special for a week and to share some things about themselves with their classmates. On Friday, they may bring in show and tell items.
Children are welcome to bring in treats to celebrate their birthdays. Summer birthdays may be celebrated as half birthdays. Remember that treats must be commercially prepared and individually wrapped. Due to several allergies, we will be sending all birthday treats home at the end of the day for mom and dad to inspect. Thanks!
If you have any questions or concerns, send us a note or call the office, voice mail #170 for Mrs. Franks, or #154 for Mrs. Kusky. We are off to a wonderful beginning. Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Franks email: .
Mrs. Kusky’s email: .
Mrs. Bonnie Franks Mrs. Patti Kusky