Please ensure that you have read all the information on the website
( before completing this form.
Supporting documents must be submitted on the Small Grants Scheme Countryside Access ‘Application Appendices Form’.
Completed application forms and appendices must be emailed to no later than 4pm on the application deadline (25 April, 25 July or 24 October).
1.1 APPLICANT (to whom the grant is paid)
1.2 LAND OWNER (if different from applicant)
1.3 Do you have permission of the land owner to undertake the work?
YES NO Provide written consent in Appendix 1A
1.4 If you are the land owner do you have the support of the local community? (e.g. parish council)
YES NO Provide written consent in Appendix 1B
2.1 Provide a brief explanation of the work proposed (e.g. what is the work, why do you want to do it, what is the current condition of the area?)
Provide photos of the current condition of the area in Appendix 2A
2.2 Where is the location of the project? (e.g. is it on a right of way, access land, a common or village green)
Provide a map of the area with the location and extent of the work marked in Appendix 2B
2.3 What benefits will the work have? (e.g. to the community, countryside access, etc)
2.4 What evidence do you have from local people that this project is supported? (e.g. parish council meetings, wider consultation with local community etc)
Provide evidence of support in Appendix 2C
2.5 How do you plan to keep the community informed about the project? (e.g. parish notice boards, temporary signs on site, parish newsletter etc.)
2.6 Does it tie in with any local strategies or plans? (e.g. parish plan)
Provide extracts of local strategies or plans in Appendix 2D
2.7 Which action(s) from the Countryside Access Plan will this project fulfil?
The Countryside Access Plans describe what people in your area want from the countryside. All projects must tie in with these plans to qualify for funding. Visit the website ( to find the plan for your area.
Plan area:
2.8 Who will be responsible for the maintenance of any structures? (e.g. gates, bridges, boardwalks, mapboard, etc)
2.9 If works are to a permissive path, who will be able to use the path when works are complete (tick all that apply)?
Walkers Cyclists Horse Riders Motorised users
2.10 Who will carry out the work?
(a) contractor If using a contractor provide the quotation and specification for the work in Appendix 2E and 2F. For work costing more than £2,000, at least 2 quotations are required.
(b) volunteers If using volunteers provide an estimated number of volunteer hours. This volunteer time can be used as part of your match funding (see volunteer labour calculator).
Estimated volunteer hours:
(c) landowner If the landowner will be completing the work using their own staff and equipment, it can be deemed an in-kind contribution and can be used as part of your match funding. Provide a breakdown of the contribution in Appendix 2E and a specification in 2F.
2.11 Name the officer you have spoken to about suitable materials and specification for your
project. You must discuss your project with an HCC officer before submitting your application and the specification for proposed works must meet the Countryside Service Design Standards ( The Design Standards represent a minimum requirement for all applications to the Small Grant Scheme. Provide a specification of the work proposed in Appendix 2F.
2.12 Is a temporary path closure required? If you are completing works on a right of way
that may restrict access or result in a potential danger to the public it may require a temporary closure – discuss the works with an HCC officer before submitting your application and they will advise whether this will be necessary. If a closure is required you will need to account for this in your project costs. The average cost of a closure will be £160 (excluding VAT) for advertising (no administration fee is charged for temporary closures resulting from a Small Grants Scheme application).
2.13 If applying for leaflets, where will they be distributed?
Description of the works / Estimated Costs (£)Landowner in-kind contribution
May form no more than 50% of the total project cost. A breakdown of the cost/contribution must be provided in Appendix 2E.
Estimated Volunteer Hours =
To be calculated at no more than £50/person/day (i.e. £6.25/person/hour) and may form no more than 25% of the total project cost. Use the volunteer labour calculator to help work out your project costs.
Total Project Cost (excluding VAT)
Total project cost should equal the sum of the Small Grant Scheme funding requested and the match funding. Is using volunteers, use the volunteer labour calculator to help work out your project costs.
A. Funding Requested50% of the total project costs / B. Match Funding -
remaining project costs (including landowner in-kind contributions) / C. Match Funding – volunteer labour / D. Total Project Cost
£ + / £ + / £ = / £
4.1 If a grant is offered, where will the remaining funds (match funding) come from? Please give sources and amounts
“I have read the funding conditions and guidance and if successful in this application undertake to ensure that any work will be completed in accordance with these.”