Curriculum & Instruction Committee (C&I) Meeting Agenda
January 11, 2016, 3:10 p.m., Scarborough 356
Voting Membership: Dr. Mark Canterll (A&H 2016), Dr. Scott Hippensteell (A&H 2017), Dr. Meg Galligan(B&SS 2015), Dr. Lindsey Levitan (B&SS 2016), Dr. Stacey Kendig (E&PS 2016), Dr. Douglas Kennard (E&PS 2016), Dr. Ruth Conley (NS&M 2015), Dr. Weidong Liao (NS&M 2014), Laura Neal (L&IS 2015), Dr. S. Bailey Shurbutt, Chair (Senate)
Quorum = 6, Vote=2/3 or 4 of 6 for approval.
Ex-Officio Membership: Tracy Seffers (Registrar), Donna Semler (Secretary), Chris Lovelace (CCC chair), Dr. Robert Warburton (Assistant Dean of Teaching and Learning ), Kristen Desantis(Admissions), Dr. Christopher Ames (VPAA), Dr. Mark Cantrell (Director of Honors Program), Emily Gross (Director of Academic Support).
Meeting Dates: February 8, 2016, March 28, 2016, April 11, 2016
I.C&I Announcements:
A.For curricular proposal guidelines, see the C&I Senate website at . Please be sure electronic files with all forms have minutes embedded in them, and catalogue copies with changes should be embedded in the program change form. C &I submissions are now electronic, with signed hardcopies only submitted to the C&I chair. A representative from the department submitting the proposal should be present at C&I meetings to respond to committee questions.Submissions should come to the C&I chair at least one week prior to the next C&I meeting.
II.Approval of November 9, 2015 Minutes(See Sakai) MVP
III. Report from Core curriculum Committee Chair: (Dr. Lovelace)
Dr. Lovelace reported that no February meeting was scheduled for the Core Committee, so departments must plan accordingly. He also asked that the C&I/Core Flow Chart be consulted as proposals were made: course changes should go first to Core, whereas course additions should go first to C&I. It is possible to go through both committees simultaneously, as long as proposals were adapted to both committees in terms of suggestion and changes to curricular proposals.
IV. Second Readings:
B&SS: SOWK Course Addition, SOWK 330 International Community Service Learning
SOWK Program ChangeThe committee asked that Dr. Horner provide catalog copy to show visually precisely how the program will change. This item will go on the March agenda for a second 2nd reading.
A&H: MUSC Course Change, MUAP497 Senior Music Activity The course has been adapted to accommodate assessment. MVP
MUSC Program Deletion, BA, Theater Concentration MPV
MUSC Program Change, BA of Arts in Music MPV
E&PS: EDUC Course Change. EDUC 200 Foundations of American Education MVP
V. First Readings
B&SS: International Studies Interdisciplinary Major Program Addition
GLBL Course Addtions: GLBL 200 Introduction to Global Studies, GLBL 350 International Experience, GLBL 450 Capstone in Global Studies
SOCI Course Changes, SOCI 323 Social Research Methods, SOCI 307 Population and Development, SOCI 324 Intro to Social Statistics
SOCI Course Additions, CRIM 415 Gender and Crime, SOCI 418 Faculty Led Research
NS&M: CHEM Couse Change:CHEM 450 Research in Chemistry;
CHEM Course Deletion: CHEM 427L Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab; CHEM 416, Advanced Organic Chemistry II; CHEM 415 Advanced Organic Chemistry; CHEM 332 Seminar; CHEM 327L Solution Chemistry Lab; CHEM 327 Solution Chemistry; CHEM 308 Radio Chemistry C&I asked Chemistry to provide a course deletion form for CHEM 427, both electronic and hard-copy.
CHEM Course Addition: CHEM 250 Intro. to Forensic Science
This course has been taught three times.
Math & Computer Science Program Change:CPIS Concentration
ENVS Course Deletions: ENVS 210 Intro to Park Admin., ENVS 310 ParkManagement, ENVS 319 Land Use Planning, ENVS 320 Environmental Interp. & Education, ENVS 360 Sedimentology & Stratigraphy, ENVS 440 Solid Waste/Air Quality Management & Lab
ENVS Course Deletions: ENVS 101 Environmental Studies First Yr. Experience, ENVS 460 Environmental Research Capstone
ENVS Course Changes: ENVS 201 Foundations of Environ. Sc. I, ENVS 462 Environmental Capstone, ENVS 461 Environmental Research, ENVS 306 Environmental Policy, ENVS 202 Foundations in Environ Sc. II, PHYS 301 Energy
ENVS Course Additions: ENVS 201L Foundations in Environ. Science I Lab, ENVS 202L Foundations in Environmental Sc. II Lab, PHYS 302 Physical Computing
ENVS Program Deletions: Environmental Engineering Concentration; Environmental Sustainability Concentration; Environmental Science Concentration;
ENVS Program Changes: Aquatic Science Concentration; Environmental Studies Major; Sustainable Research Management Concentration