LCCC Peace IV Partnership
Minutes of the proceedings of the LCCC PEACE IV Partnership held in the Library, Lagan Valley Island,
Friday 25th November 2016 at 3pm
Cllr Jonathan Craig (Chair) / DUPCllr Uel Mackin / DUP
Cllr Hazel Legge / UUP
Mabel Scullion / Early Intervention Lisburn
Adrian Bird / Resurgam Trust
Patricia Lewsley-Mooney / TWN
Pauline McMullan / Lisburn YMCA
Peter Crory / Lagan Valley Vineyard
John Howcroft / Ballybeen Improvement Group
John McMaster / NIHE
Ralston Perera / SEHT
Jim Rose / Director Leisure & Community ServicesRyan Black / Head of Service
Niamh O’Carolan / Peace Programme Manager
Louise Black / PA to Director
Cllr Sharon ScottDiane Ewart
Angela McCann
Stephen Dallas
Donna Casey
2.Minutes Partnership Meeting held on 2nd September and Matters Arising
Cllr Craigwelcomed everyone to the meeting and asked members to review the minutes of the Partnership meeting held on 2nd September for accuracy.
Cllr Uel Mackin pointed out that his surname had been spelt incorrectly and his surname should be amended from Mackle to Mackin.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Peace IV Partnershipmeeting of 2nd September be adopted as a true and accurate record of proceedings.
Proposed: Patricia Lewsley-Mooney, Seconded: Ralston Perera
3.Conflict of Interest
Cllr Craig asked if anyone wished to declare a conflict of interest on any of the items on today’s agenda. No declarations were made.
4.Peace IV Update/Project Summary
The Peace Manager, Niamh O’Carolan gave an update of the Peace IV application process reporting that since the Partnership last met on 2 September, the application had been submitted on 14 September. Following from this SEUPB had issued 3 different deadlines with points of clarification to be submitted over September and October. Niamh also reported that she had met with personnel from SEUPB on 13 October, along with the consultant, Therese Hogg from Blu Zebra, to discuss the Peace IV Projects, after which the last points of clarification were submitted.
Niamh reported that an email had been received from SEUPB on 24th November to say that the application had been considered and was successful subject to conditions, with a draft Letter of Offer to follow. She went on to request that no public statement be made by the members while the conditions are being considered.
Following on from this Niamhinvited members to review the document entitled “Draft Peace IV Summary Plan” and gave an account of the projects that were submitted to SEUPB pointing out the budget allocations and outcomes. She also mentioned that some of the projects had been altered slightly to meet the SEUPB criteria.
Cllr Craig congratulated everyone involved in completing the process and reminded members notto mention the Peace IV newsuntil an official offer was made.
5.Partnership Agreement
Niamh invited members to review the document entitled “Peace IV Partnership Agreement” adding that it had been reviewed by the Solicitors. She stated that if members were content with the agreement, and once it had been approved by Committee, it would be ready for signing.
6.Sub Working Groups
Niamh suggested that three subgroups be formed to reflect the 3 themes of the Peace IV Local Action Plan, namely Children and Young People, Shared Space and Services and Building Positive Relations. It was agreed to defer this matter to the next meeting as some members, who may wish to sit on the subgroups, were absent and the Letter of Offer should be secured by then.
7.Launch of Peace IV
Jim Rose asked aboutthe timescale for a Peace IV launch. It was agreed that the launch of Peace IV would take place in January 2017 as the Letter of Offer should be issued by then.
8.Any Other Business
No additional business was tabled.
9.Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting was agreed for Wednesday 18th January 2017 at 3pm in Lagan Valley Island offices
The meeting closed at 3.30pm