Third Sunday of Easter April 14, 2013

Jesus said to them, "Come and eat."

(John 21:12)

ST. BERNARD’S (Moncton)





St. Bernard’s: Thursday @ 9:30 AM, Saturday @ 4:00 PM Sunday @ 11:00 AM

St. Vincent: Sunday @ 9:00 AM

St. Clement's & St. Bartholomew's: Saturday @ 7 PM (alternating)

Priest is available for Confessions prior to Saturday Mass upon request.


Priest Moderator: Rev. Allison S. Carroll Social Justice: Claudia McCloskey

Assistant: (part-time) Rev. Charles Broderick Catechetics:

Liturgy: Rick Shaw, Deb Gillespie Adult Faith:Dr. Andrew Wilson


Secretary: Darlene McGraw, Custodian:

Bookkeeper: Barb Bowes,

Catechetical Coordinator: Lorella Dunnett,

Facilities & Activities Coordinator: Sam Ermen

OFFICE: 43 Botsford St. Moncton, NB E1C 4W9 Phone 857-0425 Fax 857-9565

Web Site:

OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Fri. 9:00 AM– 12 PM and 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Mass Intentions for this Week

Thurs. Apr. 18th @ 9:30 AM—anniv. late Florence & Pete Pitre Eddy & Sherry

Sat. Apr. 20th @ 4:00 PM—anniv. late Ann Murray Charlie & Elsie

Sun. Apr. 21st @11:00 AM—anniv. late Norman Vautour Doreen & family

OFFERINGS from April 6th & 7th, 2013

Envelopes (343) $ 6,059.00 Loose $ 723.70 Karing Kitchen $ 31.35

Capital Expenditure (62) $ 1,427.00 Good Friday (15) $ 220.00 Share Lent (8) $ 150.00

Easter Offering (23) $ 495.00 Holy Thursday (1) $ 40.00

Thank you for your generous and continued support!


·  Carmelites 3rd Tuesday of the Month @ 6:30 PM

·  Circle of Friends -Thursdays - after 9:30 AM Mass

·  RCIA - Tuesdays @ 7 PM

·  Rosary for the Unborn - Tuesdays @ 7:30 PM

·  CWL Meeting Baptism Preparation Course - Next course is May 7th & 14th

·  Marriage Preparation - Thursdays (7- 9:30 PM) Apr. 18/25 & May 2/9/16

·  Next Baptisms - Sunday - April 28 @ 2 PM

Prayers for our Troops…we pray for all those who serve and for families separated from their loved ones in the military; and for the strength they need to face this time of isolation and uncertainty...

Ecclesiastes3…Under every season there is a time… A TIME TO HEAL…...We remember in our prayers those who are sick......

John Boom, Joe Sweeney, Harold Peterson, Sophia McGrath, Tony MacInnis, Jude Bourgeois, and Lester Rossiter.

A TIME TO MOURN……….our sincere sympathies to the families of...... Aurèle Lavigne, Mike Harborne, Marion LeBlanc, Sharon Sowerby, Pierre Doucet, Bryon Roach, Bruce Taylor and Rita Boudreau.

A very sincere Thank You is extended to the

St. Bernard's Council of the Catholic Women's League of Canada for their contribution of $ 2, 000.00 which was recently donated to the St. Bernard's Capital Campaign. This donation was a result of many hours of hard work and dedication from these ladies. Thanks so much !!

From the Offices of Faith Development

To contact us please call 857-9531:

Ellen, ext. 227 or

Deb, ext. 296 or

Trevor, ext. 289 or

The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming: The final session of the book study takes place Tues., April 16th at Holy Family Church Hall from 7-9 PM.

Theology on Tap: - Our next Theology on Tap for young adults in their 20s and 30s will take place on Mon., April 15th at 7 PM at Five Bridges Bar & Grill (121 Pine Glen Road, Riverview). Our guest speaker will be Fr. Angus Johnston, and he will be speaking about vocations. For more information or to register, please contact Trevor.

Christian Community and Catechesis:In the Greater Moncton Area, we will meet on Wed.,April 17th from 6:30 - 9:00 PM at St. Bernard's Church Hall for session 6: Your Call in the Ministry of Catechesis. Welcome if you haven’t come before, but please register with Ellen for this session.

Archdiocese of Moncton Liturgy Formation Program: Registration forms to audit the spring courses being offered as part of the Liturgy Formation Program are now available. Registration and payment should be received on the Monday prior to each course. The two spring courses are as follows: April 19/20: Gifted for Ministry: Spirituality and Liturgical Ministry (Claudette Derdaele); May 31/June 1: Sundays and Seasons: The Liturgical Year (Bernadette Gasslein)For more information, contactDeb or Ellen.

Baptismal Preparation: As an initiative of the Diocesan Pastoral Ministry Team, parishes of the English Deanery are invited to have a conversation about Baptism. Those who are presently involved, either directly or indirectly, or have been involved in the past, with preparing parents for their children’s Baptism, are invited to gather as we dialogue with one another about this most important sacrament of our faith. If you are someone who is not presently involved in baptismal preparation, but would be interested in exploring that possibility, you are invited to join us on Sunday, April 21st at St. Bernard’s Church Hall from 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 PM. Pre-registration is necessary by Thurs., April 18th and may be done by contacting either Deb or Ellen.


April 14th, 21st, 28th @ 9:45 AM or 12:00 PM

First Communion - May 5th @ 11:00 AM.


Confirmation - May 8th @ 7:00 PM. All candidates and Sponsors for Confirmation are to arrive at least 30 min prior to the celebration.

First Reconciliation - May 22nd @ 7:00 PM.

All workbooks for Levels 2,3 and 7 are due on April 21st, 2013 and all letters for level 7 are also due April 21st, 2013.

The 76th Annual Meeting of the Moncton Archdiocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2012 at Immaculate Conception Church in Rexton, N.B. Registration at 8:15 a.m. at cost of $6.00 , Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. Luncheon is $8.00. All ladies are welcome. Please call Donna Shaw 382-0503 or Louise Ongo 859-7306 before April 22nd, if you wish to attend.

Archbishop Vienneau and all the priests of the Archdiocese extend grateful thanks and appreciation to St. Bernard's Council Catholic Women's League of Canada for preparing and serving the most delicious turkey dinner here prior to the Chrism Mass.

Heartfelt thanks ladies for all your hard work!!!


Due to the generosity of a parishioner this year St. Bernard's Catholic Women's League is able to offer a $ 1,000.00 Bursary to a student graduating from High School in June 2013 who is a parishioner and is pursuing post-secondary studies. Please submit a letter of application by June 1st, 2013 including your future plans to: St. Bernard's Catholic Women's League Bursary Selection Committee, Parish Office, 43 Botsford St., Moncton, NB, E1C 4W9.

Due to the generosity of a parishioner this year St. Bernard's Parish is also offering a $ 1,000.00 Bursary to a student graduating from High School in June 2013 who is a parishioner and is pursuing post-secondary studies.. Send or deliver your application to: St. Bernard’s Parish Bursary, Parish Office, 43 Botsford St., Moncton, NB E1C 4W9. Deadline for applications: June 1st, 2013. Please include a personal letter detailing your involvement at school, in the parish and in the community as well as your future plans.

The Westmorland – Albert - Kent (Moncton) Chapter of the Irish Canadian Cultural Association of NB is pleased to offer three scholarships: Gerry McCarthy Memorial Scholarship: Rev. Peter McKee Memorial Scholarship, and Dan & Marie McGee Medical Science Scholarship. Valued at $500.00 each, these scholarships are made possible through the generosity of members, as well as St Bernard’s parish who allow us a freewill offering during the St. Patrick’s Day Mass. The scholarships are open to all students interested in their Irish or NB Irish culture and/or heritage who have completed grade 12, are residents of Westmorland, Albert or Kent counties, and are planning to attend, or are currently enrolled in post-secondary institutions this fall. The first two scholarships are general scholarships. The Medical Science scholarship can be applied to all aspects of the medical profession including medicine, nursing, as well as medical technology and health support services. Deadline for entries is June 1, 2013. Application forms are available from St. Bernard’s Parish Office, or from the address below or by E-Mail: . Send completed application forms to: WAK Chapter - Irish Canadian Cultural Assoc., PO Box 26022, Moncton NB E1E 4H9, or by E-Mail.

Potluck Supper

Where: St. Clement's Parish Hall

When: May 5th-- 4 - 6 PM

Cost: $ 10.00 - adults, Children under 12 - $ 5.00

Preschoolers -- free

All are Welcome -- Hope to see you there

For more info. call 538-2262


This position is responsible for janitorial/cleaning services for the church, set up and take down for all church meetings, activities, etc., & maintenance security and grounds work within the church property. Competence and experience with floor cleaning equipment and chemicals is desired. Persons applying for this position will be submitted to a background check and screening process as required by Diocesan Policy. This position reports to Richard Shaw and the Pastoral Ministry Team. Hours of Work -- 30 hours per week including Saturday & Sundays. Complete job description available upon request. Interested applicants are invited to send a resume with references to:

Richard Shaw

St. Bernard's Church

43 Botsford St., Moncton, NB

E1C 4W9

After a 2 year hiatus the Greater Moncton Area Council of Churches will hold a Spring Assembly to ask its membership for direction on its future. The 2013 Spring Assembly will take place Wed., Apr. 17, 2013 at 7 PM at Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Church situated at 854 Mountain Road, Moncton. All churches are asked to send some representatives to help decide our future.

St. John's United Church will be having a CHICKEN SALAD TAKE-OUT SUPPER., April 27th. Includes Chicken & Potato Salads, Coleslaw, Roll, and Carrot Cake dessert, all for $8.00. COD orders accepted. Delivery in Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe area from 2-5 pm is available. Order before April 24th by contacting: Brenda at 852-3550; Phyllis: days 854-3837, evenings 852-4761; or the Church Office at 858-8289 or .