Life Size Model Book Report
A book review helps other people decide whether or not they would like to read that book. Your next book report will students will be to create a life-sized model of your favorite character and dress it as they are dressed in the book. You may choose which book you would like to read for this month. (Please do not choose the book we are reading in literature circles.)
- Choose a book that you would like to review. You can choose whichever book you would like, however, you need to have me review it by Friday October 5, 2012.
- Choose a character from the book.
- Create a life size model of the character. Dress the character as if he/she would dress in the story.
- Write a one page paper describing your character and his/her role in the book. Make sure to include the name of the character, personality traits, physical appearance, what his/her role in the book is, how the character connects with other characters in the book, and any other information you would like to include.
- Make sure you have the book’s author and title on your interview.
- Draw stars to rate the book-five stars mean the best book ever and one means it wasn’t so great.
- Turn the project in by Thursday October 25th.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. It’s better to ask me early on, than wait until the last minute to figure out the answer.
Requirements / Points Possible / Points Received1. Did you create a life sized model of the character that reflects what the character looks like? Did you include details on the model? / 10
2. Did you write a one page paper describing your character and his/her role in the book? Did you include the name of the character, personality traits, physical appearance, what his/her role in the book is, how the character connects with other characters in the book, and any other information? / 10
3. Do you have a title for your page? / 2
3. Do you have the book’s title and author on your paper? / 2
4. Did you rate your book? / 2
5. Is the report neat and written in cursive or typed? / 5
6. Overall, does it show good effort? / 5
Turned in by Thursday October 10? (Each day late=10 points taken off)
Total / 36
Interview Book Selection
I have read and understand the book report assignment. Please return this slip by Friday October 6th.
Book Title______Author______
Student Signature______Parent Signature______