Since stress is unavoidable, what can you do to reduce or manage it? Here are a few suggestions that may be helpful.
· Get a Check-up. If you suffer from chronic, debilitating stress, consider seeing your physician. Let your doctor know all the things that are happening in your life, and follow good medical advice. Remember, it is important to identify and change the underlying causes of your stress.
· Get Adequate Rest. When you are tired, it is even harder to cope with stress. In fact, when you are too tired and anxious it can interrupt your sleep, which tends to raise your stress level.
· Watch Your Diet. Be sure to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. A general lack of energy from poor nutrition can lead to fatigue and stress. Stress can also deplete your body of vitamins, which leave you more vulnerable to illness.
· Exercise. Regular exercise is excellent for dissipating stress.
· Engage in Relaxing Activities. Relaxation and recreation tend to help us keep things in perspective and give us a break from the stresses of day-to-day living.
· Listen to Music. Listening to relaxing and soothing music can help you unwind and make your life more enjoyable.
· Take a Break. When you feel yourself tensing up, remove yourself from the situation. Do something that breaks the pattern and gives you a release. You might consider taking a walk around the block.
· Take Regular Vacations. Vacations provide a break in your overall life pattern.
· Manage Your Time Better. One of the great stress reducers is not feeling continually overwhelmed or behind. Managing your time better may include dropping some things from your to-do list.
(Adapted from "Reducing Stress," © 2000 by Parlay International. Distributed under licensing agreement to BYU-Idaho employees.)