CastleislandCommunity College
published in accordance with Section 15 (2) (d) of the Education Act 1998.
CastleislandCommunity College
published in accordance with Section 15 (2) (d) of the Education Act 1998.
Section 1. The School
1.1School Name:
CastleislandCommunity College
Contact Address re Admissions:
Phone: 066 7141196
Fax: 066-7143929
Contact Person:
Name: Carmel Kelly
Position: Principal
Office Hours: 9.00am---5.00pm
Section 2Organisational Matters
2.1Patron and Body Corporate: Kerry Education and Training Board ( Kerry ETB)
2.2 Board of Management: (Current Members)
Chair: Mr. Hugh O’Connell
Secretary Ms Carmel Kelly
Names: Mrs. Annette O’Connor, MrAidanJoy, Ms Máiread Corridon.Mrs Nora Feeley Mrs .Annette O’Donoghue, Mrs Angela O’ Donoghue,Ms Brid McElligott, Mrs Mary McGillycuddy, Mr Connie Horan, Ms Ann O’Dwyer.
2.3 Principal: Ms. Carmel Kelly
2.4 Deputy Principal: Mrs. Teresa Lonergan
Section 3
Governance, Mission and Resources
3.1 Recognised School
Castleisland Community College is a recognised school under the terms of the Education Act 1998 and operates within the regulations and guidelines laid down from time to time by the Department of Education & Skills.
CastleislandCommunity College follows the curricular programmes prescribed by the Department of Education and Skills which may be amended from time to time in accordance with Sections 9 & 30 of the Education Act, 1998.
3.2 Patron and Body Corporate
Kerry Education Service (Co. Kerry VEC) is the patron of CastleislandCommunity College, the employer of staff and the financial control agency of the school.
CastleislandCommunity College operates within the legal framework, mission and aims of Kerry Education Service (Co. Kerry VEC).
3.3 Ethos or Characteristic Spirit of the School:
The school adheres to the regulations and guidelines laid down by KES for its schools and upholds the ethos/characteristic spirit of KES schools as published by KES: See Appendix 1a.
3.4School Mission Statement:
-The following is the stated mission of CastleislandCommunity College.
The mission of Castleisland Community College is to create and nurture a quality, caring and safe learning environment, to foster personal and group achievement in the academic, sporting, artistic, cultural and social domains, to foster initiative and responsibility, to promote a sense of joy in life where people will grow in self-confidence and mutual respect. It will teach, encourage, lead, promote and organise so that all students will be enabled to achieve personally and contribute to the community. The school respects diversity of race, religion, language and abilities in its policies and practices and will make every effort to respond appropriately to those with special education needs. The school is committed to the provision of second-level education programmes for students of the CastleislandCommunity College catchment area and will provide adult education to the community.
Context: Our school is a Community College funded by Kerry Education Service and Department of Education and Skillsand supports the principle of equality for all students regarding access to and participation in the school. The school respects the diversity of traditions, values, beliefs, languages and ways of life in society. The school acknowledges the right of parents to seek to send their children to a school of their choice, subject to the resources available to the school including classroom accommodation, class size, teaching and financial resources and subject to the capacity of the school to provide for the needs of those who apply for admission. Where the school lacks the necessary resources to meet the needs of any applicant or student, it will make every effort to secure those resources – where the resources cannot be secured the school may refuse admission.
3.6 Management, Teaching & Financial Resources:
The school is funded by the Department of Education & Skillsand Kerry Education Service as part of the free education scheme. The school is staffed in accordance with the standard pupil-teacher ratios sanctioned by the Department of Education & Science and any additional teaching hours sanctioned by the Department in respect of curricular concessions, special needs, special programmes, etc. The school operates within the regulations laid down by the Department from time to time.
3.7 Curriculum:
The school offers a broad curriculum designed to meet the needs of a wide range of abilities and aptitudes. The details of the curriculum on offer are set out each year in the School Prospectus which is distributed to all who apply for admission and which is available from the school on request. The curriculum is subject to change from time to time as deemed appropriate by the school. The school also endeavors to provide a wide range of extra curricular activities. The provision of these activities is subject to a range of factors and the list of activities is subject to change from time to time.
Section 4
Enrolment is limited by school capacity and by the requirements of the school curriculum and organisation as prescribed from time to time by the Board of Management and as determined by DES regulations and standards. In assessing applications for admission the school will take fully into account:
1. The rights of children living within the local community.
2. The rights of parents to seek to enroll their children in the school of their choice.
3. The capacity of the school to provide adequately for the education of all of its pupils.
4.2The policy sets out procedures to be followed in all the following circumstances.
- Students applying to transfer from Primary to Post Primary
- Students applying to transfer from another Second Level school
- Students applying to repeat any year of any programme within the school including repeating the Leaving Certificate Programme.
- Students from within the school applying for a place on any programme within the school (e.g. Transition Year).
4.3This policy also aims to ensure that appropriate procedures are in place to enable the school:
- To make decisions on all applications in an open and transparent manner consistent with its Ethos, the Mission Statement of the School and legislative requirements.
- To make an accurate and appropriate assessment of the capacity of the school to cater for the needs of applicants in the light of the resources available to it.
- To put in place a framework which will ensure effective and productive relations between students, parents and teachers where a student is admitted to the school.
4.4The Education Welfare Act, 2000 (Section 19 (1)) requires that a Board of Management shall not refuse to admit a child except where such refusal is in accordance with the school’s Admission Policy. Section 19(2) requires that parents must provide relevant information to the school while Section 19 (3) requires that the Board of Management shall, as soon as partible (but not later than 21 days) after receiving such information ‘ make a decision in respect of the application concerned and inform the parent in writing thereof’.
The Equal Status Act, 2000 (Section 5 & 7 (2) prohibits discrimination on the grounds of ‘gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race or membership of the Travelling Community’ regarding admission, access to programmes, participation in the school or regarding expulsion or any other sanction.
The School will comply fully with this legislation and render any application void, which does not comply with this legislation – in particular Section 19(2)
Section 5
5.1 Date of Application
Application for enrolment at Castleisland Community College for the coming school year will take place by post or completed applications can behanded intothe school office:
To commence on 1st December 1stto1stFebruary, for enrolments commencing the following August
Section 6
6A: Application Procedures for transfer from Primary to Post Primary
- The school will have an Open Day/Night each year circa. December. This will be published by contacting all Primary Schools in the catchment area and by advertising in the local press.
- Application forms will be forwarded to all 6th class students in our school’s catchment area/ and to others on application, together with School Prospectus.
- Application forms must be completed in their entirety and signed by parents. Incomplete forms will be returned to parents.
- Application Forms will be accepted up to and including February 1st.
- Further information may be requested from time to time. Failure to provide this additional information could result in the application for enrolment not being accepted
- In some circumstances the school may request to meet with students and parents. Failure to meet with school management could result in the application for enrolment not being accepted
- All parents and students will be required to sign the School’s Code of Behaviour. Failure to provide a signed Code of Behaviour could result in the application for enrolment not being accepted
- It will be the policy of the school to accept all students from its catchment area regardless of ability or special educational needs except where there are limited facilities, shortage of places etc. Criteria for admission from outside the catchment area is outlined later in this policy.
Students will be accepted from all backgrounds as well as those from minority groups. If a situation arises where Castleisland Community College receives more enrolments than it can cater for the following will apply:
(a) Priority given to pupils living in the catchment area and attending National Schools in the catchment area.
(b) Students living in the catchment area and attending NationalSchool outside the catchment area will also be given priority.
(c) Priority will also be given to brothers and sisters of pupils from the catchment area already enrolled in the school.
If more students enroll from the catchment area than the school can cater for then the following will apply:
(a)Priority to brothers and sisters attending the school.
If there is still more student enrolment places available a:
(b) Lottery system will decide.
- All students entering 1st Year must be 12 years of age on 1st September of year of entering, except in exceptional circumstances.
- The current capacity, for the coming academic year, 2016-2017, for enrolment into first year is 48.
- Late applications will be considered should there be space capacity.
6B:Applications from Outside the Catchment Area – First Year
The BOM may consider applications from outside its Catchment Area. In exceptional circumstances students from outside the Castleisland Catchment Area (as outlined by the Department of Education & Skills) may be admitted to Castleisland Community College, provided that they can be accommodated. If students cannot be accommodated in individual classes, they will be informed and the process will be terminated.
The following procedure will apply for applications to enroll, from outside the catchment area:
- Application Form completed
- Interview with parents/student
- Suitable reports from previous school
- Good attendance record
- Full disclosure of all relevant information
- Good behaviour record of previous school
- Receipts of written assurances regarding full compliance with school rules and regulations
- Overall capacity of school to meet educational needs of the child
- Class size
- Capacity of the school / sufficient time to deliver programme (late applications only).
All applications must be submitted with full documentation to the Board of Management for decision.
Failure to complete the necessary documentation listed above or to supply any other relevant documentation / information requested by the school may result in an applicant being refused admission to the school.
Applicants are advised that the Board of Management meets approximately every six weeks.
6C:Application to transfer from another PostPrimary school
- Application Forms are available from the Office, CastleislandCommunity College. These will be accompanied by School’s Prospectus plus this Admission Policy/ Code of Behaviour/ Opening and Closing dates.
- Any application must be fully completed.
Incomplete application forms will be returned to parents.
- Normally applications should be submitted by April 1st. late application procedures are outlined later in this policy.
- All applications must be accompanied by school reports, to include behavior (suspensions, on report etc.) and academic, Christmas and Summer reports of the previous year. Psychological Reports (where applicable) must also be enclosed with enrolment application form.
- The BOM is entitled to review any suspension or behavior record and review enrolment on Health and Safety grounds.
Late Applications
- Applicants will be required to furnish details about previous 2nd Level education including school reports and other relevant information. The procedures as outlined for students entering first year from outside the catchment area also apply.
- All applicants will require the following:
Approval of Board of Management/Interview with Principal/Deputy Principal/ Written Assurances regarding compliance with the school’s Rules & Regulations.
Selection Criteria: The following will be considered when determining the success of late application:
- The capacity of the school to cater for the applicants needs i.e. subject choice, class size, etc.
- The behaviour record of a student in their previous school
- The attendance record of a student in their previous school
- The potential negative impact on existing students.
- Late applicants to year Groups: In the event of applications being received after April 1st from students wishing to enter a particular year group the following will apply:
(1) All procedures as outlined previously for ‘Application for other year groups’
(2) Class Size – certain subjects (i.e. practical classes must comply with Department of Education & Skills capacity limits.
(3) Subject Choice / availability of subjects.
(4) There are certain restrictions on class sizes also in line with Department of Education & Skills guidelines and with school policy.
Details of such restrictions may be had from the school.
6D:Admission to specific programmes or subjects (or subjects at a specific level) to students from the school.
If there are limits in Transition Year, LCVP or Specific Subjects the following will apply:
- Behavioural record
- Attendance record
- Performance in subject previously
- Student’s commitment to the programme
- Student’s participation in all aspects of the programme
In relation to the above courses an application process will apply. The school will be the final arbiters of who enters any of the programmes listed above.
6E:Repeat a Year:
- Applicants must meet with Principal and outline reasons.
- Department of Education & Skills forms to be completed.
- Since places are limited the following will apply:
(a) Application of Department of Education & Skills criteria
(b) Attendance Record
(c) Behaviour Record
(d) Subject availability
(e) Class size
6F:Admission to Repeat the Leaving Certificate.
- Applicants must meet with Principal/Deputy Principal
- Department of Education & Skills forms to be completed and guidelines to be followed
- Since the school does not provide a specific Repeat Year Course and if space is limited the following will be considered:
(a) Subject availability
(b) Class size
(c) Behaviour Record
(d) Attendance Record.
Section 7
7.1 Code of Behaviour
All students and their parents/guardians will be required to sign and return a document with the application form indicating that they have read and accept the schools Code of Behaviour and discipline.
Enrolment is subject to this requirement.
Section 8
8.1 Notification of Decision re Application to enrol
Decisions on the enrolment of student will be notified to parents within 21 days of receipt of the required documentation required under the terms of this policy.
Section 9
9.1 Enrolment of students with Disabilities and Special Educational Needs.
The School welcomes special needs applications
CastleislandCommunity College welcomes applications from students with special education needs. This policy provides for the inclusion of students with learning disabilities in our mainstream programmes to the maximum extent feasible. The principles of inclusivity and integration underpin the admission policy of special educationneeds students in this school.
9.2 Definitions:
For the purposes of this policy, a student with ‘special education needs’ is a student who, because of attributes arising from a disability, is unable to benefit from an ordinary school programme without special classes or other special education services.
Students who have been in receipt of special education programmes or services immediately prior to the application to enrol will be deemed to have special needs.
Students whose parent/guardians claim them to have need of special education services will be deemed to have special education needs for the purposes of the application to enrol.
Students who in the view of the school, on information provided on application, are deemed to be students with special education needs, and shall be so treated under the terms of this application process.
9.3 Early Application
It is the policy of CastleislandCommunity College to try to identify at an early stage of the admissions process students who may have special education needs. The school will make every effort to become familiar with these needs and to make the necessary arrangements to meet them. The school may request to access the student’s records from Primary school/ individual learning programme.
Applications for enrolment for students with special education needs must be received on or before the closing date above. Late application may result in deferred enrolmentor the deferred commencement of the educational programme for the student at the school.
The school Principal or deputed teacher, will arrange for such meetings as are necessary to discuss the students’ needs and the capacity of the school to meet these needs, with the parents/guardians.
In some cases, it may be necessary to arrange for a case conference with all the
professionals working with the student/family.
The staff and Board of Management will do all it possibly can to identify, plan and
provide for a special needs or disabled child seeking admission to the school.
Decisions on such applications will be made within 21 days of all the required information being made available to the school.
9.4 Information on Special Education Needs
Parents / Guardians will be required to provide information on educational, medical or psychological reports relevant to the education of the student. Parents / Guardians will be required to provide written information on the education plan or programme being provided for the student prior to their application for enrolment. Lack of information or failure to provide required reports may be a basis for a decision to defer the commencement of the educational programme for the student at the school.