Department Approval 9/13/10
College Council Approval 10/06/10
Course Syllabus
Department of: Human Environmental Studies Course No: CF310
Title of Course: School-Age Child Care Revision: Fall 2010
I.Catalogue Description and Credit Hours of Course
School-age child care programming and administration: Theories and program models;
developmentally appropriate practice and environments; assessment of program effectiveness.
II. Prerequisite(s)
CF 120, The Child; plus any 3 credit CF or PY or related course; permission of instructor.
III. Purpose or Objectives of the Course
A. Identify factors in children’s development across physical, social-emotional, and cognitive domains and external influences.
B. Demonstrate skill in planning and implementing appropriate activities for school-age
children across a wide range of developmental needs.
C. Demonstrate skill in planning curricular environments that promote healthy
developmental outcomes.
D. Analyze models of school-age child care programs, effective administration, and
funding sources.
IV. Expectation of Students
A. Be present, prepared, and cooperative in lecture/seminar.
B. Develop activity lesson plans, a program design, and a policy and procedure manual.
C. Complete field observations and experiences.
D. Demonstrate ethical and professional standards of the child development/early
childhood education fields.
V.Course Outline 45 Hours
A. School Age Programs: Purpose, Rationale, and Overview 2 hours
1. Community and Social Issues
2. Culture
3. Service Providers
4. Family
5. Child
6. Quality and Standards of Care
B. Program Development: Philosophies and Models5 hours
1. Play Based
2. Education Based
3. Social Skill Based
C. The School-Age Child (Ages 6 through 12)5 hours
1. Physical Development
2. Socio-emotional Development
a. Social Competence Development
3. Cognitive Development
D. Family Systems5 hours
1. Structures
2. Functions
3. Changing Roles and Responsibilities
E. School-Age Child Care Curricula8 hours
1. Observation
2. Assessment
3. Planning
4. Curriculum Development
5. Learning Modes
a. Kinesthetic
b. Visual
c. Auditory
d. Mixed
6. Scheduling
7. Play and Learning
a. Games
b. The Arts
c. Science
d. Math
e. Language
f. Literacy
g. Exercise and Sports
F. School-Age Child Care Environment5 hours
1. Health and Safety Assessment
2. Optimal Learning Spaces-Indoor and Outdoor
G. Program Funding2 hours
H. Administration and Implementation5 hours
I. Quality and Standards5 hours
1. Licensing and Accreditation
2. Professional Ethics
3. State Standards
J. Community Resources3 hours
Click, P.M. & Parker, J. (2009). Caring for school-age children (5th ed.) Delmar, Cengage Learning: Clifton Park, NY.
VII.Basis for Student Evaluation
Observations and Reflection25%
Research Papers25%
Total 100%
Grading Scale
below 59%F
The weights of evaluation criteria may vary at the discretion of the course instructor.
VIII.Academic Policy Statement
Students will be expected to abide by the University Policy for Academic Honesty regarding plagiarism and academic honesty. Refer to:
IX.Student with Disabilities Statement
If a student has a special need addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and requires materials in an alternative format, please notify the instructor at the beginning of the course. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate special needs.