Food Safety

Food Safety

Prepared to satisfy the requirements of

ISO 9001:2008

Food Safety

Food Safety Procedures (FS)

Content Page/ Section Revision Date


Food Safety Policy Statement

FS00 4 02 Feb 13

Flow Diagram of Catering Operation

FS01/a 5 01

Hazard Analysis Critical Control

Points Assessment Procedure

FS01 plus Appendix A 6 – 9 01

General Hygiene Procedure

FS02 10 – 14 01

Identification and Disposal of

Waste Products

FS03 15 – 16 01

Food Purchasing Specification

FS04 17 – 23 01

Food Poisoning Outbreak

FS05 24 – 27 01

Food Safety Hazards (FSH) HACCP’s

Content Page/ Section Revision Date


Supplier – Storage, Packaging &

Containerisation/ Transportation 28 – 29 01

Goods Received On-site 30 01

Storage – Dry Food – Environmental

Checklist 31 01

Storage – Dry Food – Vermin

Infestation Checklist 32 01

Storage – Fresh Fruit &

Vegetables Checklist 33 01

Storage – Canned Food 34 – 35 01

Storage – Chilled Food Checklist 36 – 37 01

Food Safety


Food Safety Hazards (FSH) HACCP’s

Content Page/ Section Revision Date


Storage – Frozen Food Checklist 38 01

Storage – Crockery, Cutlery, Utensils

& Glass Checklist 39 01

Food in Transit Checklist 40 01

Food Preparation – Surfaces Checklist 41 - 42 01

Food Preparation & Equipment Checklist 43 – 44 01

Frozen Food – Thawing Process Checklist 45 – 46 01

Food Preparation – Fresh/Dried Fruit &

Vegetable Checklist 47 01

Food Preparation – Cooked & Reheated

Checklist 48 – 49 01

Point of Service Checklist 50 – 52 01

Cleaning Checklist 53 – 55 01

Waste Disposal Checklist 56 01

Pest Infestation Checklist 57 – 58 01

Personal Health & Hygiene 59 01

Personal Health & Hygiene 60 01

Personal Health & Hygiene 61 01

Personal Health & Hygiene 62 – 63 01

Personal Health & Hygiene 64 01

Personal Health & Hygiene 65 01

FS00 ~ Food Safety Policy Statement

Sodexo specialise in providing on-site Quality of Life Services to the oil and gas, marine and construction industries. This approach ensures we create a package of support services customised to meet the individual demands of our clients.

Sodexo through the executive team and all levels of management acknowledges its responsibility for Food Safety.

Sodexo has a documented Food Safety Management System which is accessible to all Sodexo food operations and is based on the principles of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) in accordance with Regulation (EC) 852 / 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs.

Our objectives are:

·  To comply with the requirements of all relevant food safety legislation.

·  To provide safe and wholesome food for our customers, clients and staff.

·  To provide food safety and hygiene training to all employees involved in the receipt, storage, preparation, manufacturing, service or any other step, as identified within our food safety management system.

·  To continually improve food safety policy and procedure through a programme of proactive and reactive monitoring to include:

- auditing of food service operations; and,

- investigating incidences which may have lead, or could have lead to injury or illness.

The success of this policy is dependent on the total co-operation of every person working with food. It is therefore required that each Sodexo employee involved in food handling has an individual responsibility to:

·  Ensure that at all times they strictly adhere to the Companies’ food safety rules and guidelines to ensure the highest standards of food safety.

·  Immediately report any food safety incident, concern or deviation from the food safety management system to Sodexo Management.

To ensure that the requirements of this policy are implemented throughout Sodexo, each Operations Director / Manager is delegated the duty of implementing the requirements of this policy within their operations.

It is my responsibility as Divisional Director to ensure that this policy is implemented. This policy will be monitored to ensure it is effective and will be regularly reviewed and revised as necessary.

It is the ultimate main aim of Sodexo to operate our business with all due diligence, care and integrity.

Ian Russell

Divisional Director

January 2013

FS00a ~ Food Safety Flow Chart



To be read in conjunction with Appendix A to FS01 (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)

FS01 ~ Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Assessment Procedure

1.0 Scope

1.1 This procedure describes how critical areas, activities and processes have been identified in the selection, storage, handling and preparation of food to ensure the quality of product is maintained and the appropriate hygiene regulations adhered to. See Appendix A to FS01.

1.2 These critical areas, activities and processes include:-

a)  selection of suppliers

b)  storage and maintenance of foodstuffs at suppliers

c)  transportation to site

d)  receipt and storage

e)  preparation

f)  serving

g)  equipment cleanliness

h)  personal hygiene

1.3 The company has identified specific critical areas, activities and processes relating to the catering business and has developed the following checklists to be used by competent designated persons in monitoring and controlling quality and hygiene of all food served to the client.

2.0 Related Procedures / Instructions

2.1 Management System Review Procedure MP01

Retention & Control of Quality Records Procedure MP02

Non conformance Procedure MP06

Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure MP07

Customer Complaint/Feedback Procedure MP10

Supplier/Sub-contractor Appraisal Control Procedure PP02

Receipt & Storage of Supplies Offshore Control Procedure PP03

Food Preparation Procedure PC02

Inspection, Testing & Release of Finished Product Procedure PC07

Handling, Packaging, Storage, Preservation & Delivery Procedure PC08

Internal Audit Procedure MP04

3.0 Definitions

3.1 HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point.

3.2 Hazard - Anything that may cause harm to the customer/client. In food this may be biological, physical or chemical.

4.0 Responsibilities

4.1 The Unit Managers are responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this procedure are implemented and maintained throughout all the Company’s offshore and onshore activities.

4.2 The Operations Managers or designated auditors are responsible for carrying out regular audits refer to quality procedure PC09, to ensure HACCP’s are being effectively carried out.

4.3 The Operations Manager, or designated auditor is responsible for carrying out supplier audits in accordance with this procedure on an approximately three monthly frequency to ensure standards and specifications are met, such audits will be recorded on Form QAF 07.

4.4 The Unit Manager is responsible for ensuring that HACCP assessment is carried out in accordance with this procedure and reporting non conformances to the Operations Manager, refer to quality procedures MP06 & MP07.

5.0 Procedure

5.1 HACCP assessments will be carried out by personnel detailed in “Responsibilities”, with the aid of the appropriate checklist/s and recorded on the corresponding HACCP Assessment Records, QAF 52, 60, 61 & 62.

5.2 To ensure continual effectiveness and improvement to the assessment programme, the person designated to carry out the inspection will continually review the checklists and records to ensure adequacy.

5.3 Any suggestions for improvement/changes should be relayed to the Quality Manager via the relevant Operations Manager.

5.4 Any deficiencies/non conformances identified during assessment (or at any other time), will be actioned accordingly, dependent on severity and criticality, and reported as a non-conformance to the Operations Manager, refer to quality procedures MP06 and MP07.

5.5 These are to be filed and retained on site for a period of three months. However, if a non-conformance has been raised as a result of this control check then a copy of QAF 60, 61 & 62 is to be sent to base office with your end of trip paperwork. During the Internal Audit these records will be checked for completion, accuracy and record findings.

5.6 Supplier audit/assessment shall as far as practicable be arranged to coincide with the loading of a container consignment.

5.7 The following checklists have been grouped into specific areas and activities as follows:-

a) Suppliers - Storage, Packaging and Transportation

b) Goods Receipt & Storage

f) Food in Transit

g) Food Preparation Surfaces & Equipment

h) Thawing Process of Frozen Food

I) Food Preparation & Control of Food at Point of Service

k) Cleaning & Waste Disposal

j) Pest Infestation

k) Personal Health & Hygiene


FS02 ~ Food Hygiene Procedure

1.0 Scope

1.1 This Procedure details the hygiene standards that shall be maintained to ensure all aspects of providing a product or service meets the requirements of the client and current legislation.

1.2 Hygiene of product and service is of paramount importance and is an essential ingredient for preventing harmful effects to customers and the environment, e.g. prevention of illness via food poisoning.

1.3 It is company policy that high standards of hygiene and quality of product and service are maintained. Therefore knowledge and obligation of specified requirements is of paramount importance to prevent occurrences caused by human error from providers of product or service.

2.0 Related Procedures / Documents

2.1 Management System Review Procedure MP01

Document and Data Control Procedure MP02

Recruitment, Induction and Training Procedure MP03

Internal Audit Procedure MP04

Customer Complaint/Feedback Procedure MP10

Customer Care Procedure MP09

Purchasing Procedures PP01-04

Product Identification and Traceability Procedure PP07

Process Control Procedures PC01-09

HACCP Assessment Procedure FS01/OHSM

Non-Conformance Procedure MP06

Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure MP07

Site Visiting Reporting Procedure PC09

3.0 Definitions

3.1 Food Hygiene

The action taken to ensure that food is handled, stored, prepared and served in such a way, and under such conditions, as to prevent, as far as possible, the contamination of the food.

3.2 Cross-Contamination

The transfer of food poisoning bacteria from contaminated food to raw food or cold cooked food.

4.0 Responsibilities

4.1 The Operations Managers are responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this procedure are implemented.

4.2 The Operations Managers are responsible for ensuring that the requirements of hygiene are provided at each job site/location and all personnel employed in the preparation of products or service are adequately trained and experienced regarding their knowledge of hygiene. Also to carry out audits on a regular basis at each base site to ensure that quality system and HACPP requirements are met, refer to Site Visit Report Procedure PC09 and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points Assessment Procedure FS01.

4.3 All personnel employed by the company who are engaged in food preparation or providing a service to the client shall be aware of their duties via job descriptions, procedures, work instructions and specified training/qualification requirements.

4.4 The Operations Managers are responsible for ensuring that all codes, legislation, specifications and standards are made available to and at locations where deemed necessary. The Operations Managers are also responsible for monitoring any incidences which may occur and reporting them to the Divisional Director.

5.0 Procedure

5.1 All food handlers shall require to be trained to Elementary Food Hygiene Certificate grade.

5.2 The company provides in house training to all personnel by the use of authorised personnel who have attained the Diploma in Food Hygiene. These personnel are authorised by The Royal Society of Health (RSH) to provide elementary food hygiene training courses.

5.3 Training aids are provided in the form of Hygiene Videos and the issue of the booklet prepared by REHIS or RSH entitled “Essential Food Hygiene”, together with Hygiene Management System training course.

5.4 Records of all training provided and certificates attained shall be maintained by the Unit Manager and the Personnel Administrator. Procedure MP03 refers.

5.5 Specific training shall be provided in the following activities, for example, but not limited to:-

a)  Kitchen hygiene, Dish washing and laundry machines

b)  Kitchen cleaning

c)  Personal Hygiene

d)  Safety

e)  Food Poisoning, causes and cross contamination

f)  Bacteria control

g)  Pest control

h)  Food storage - temperature control and cleaning

i)  Food handling, HACCP Requirements

5.6 Work instructions shall be provided for specific activities in the catering and domestic services offered by the company where the lack of them could affect the hygiene of the service provided. Hygiene schedules shall be completed as specified for a contract.

5.7 Good catering practice shall be observed to ensure foods are maintained before use in correct temperature controlled areas, during preparation and cooking cycles. Temperature controls shall be maintained in accordance with HACCP Assessment Procedure FS01. Prepared foods shall be presented, stored and served in accordance with specified requirements.

5.8 All catering equipment used shall be kept clean in good working order. Specified cleaning agents shall be used refer to the Cleaning Schedule. Any equipment that fails to meet the task shall be withdrawn from service and replaced.

5.9 Food handlers have a direct responsibility to guard against the contamination of food by observing simple rules e.g.:-

a) Keep themselves clean

b) Wear clean issued clothing and equipment

c) Follow the rules of personal and general hygiene

Paragraphs 5.7 to 5.9 are controlled and maintained on a regular basis by HACCP assessments refer to HACCP

Assessment Procedure FS01/SMS Manual.

5.10 Set out below is the Sodexo uniform standard to be adopted by all locations. (Onshore corporate company uniform provided)


Unit Manager Trousers (Blue) 2

Polo Shirt (Navy Blue & Logo) 2

Chef Manager/Chefs/Bakers Chef Checks – Blue & White 2

Chef Jacket (Logo) 2

Chef Neck Tie (Blue) 2

Skull Cap (Blue) 2

Chef Apron (White) 2

Accommodation/Laundry Steward Trousers (Blue) 2

Polo Shirt (Navy Blue & Logo) 2

Steward with Galley Duties Trousers (Blue) – Accommodation 2

Trousers (Blue) – Galley 2

Polo Shirts (Navy Blue & Logo) Accommodation 2

Polo Shirts (Royal Blue & Logo) Galley 2

Skull Cap (Blue) 2

Galley/Mess Steward Trousers (Blue) 2

Polo Shirts (Royal Blue & Logo) 2

Skull Cap (Blue) 2

Handyman/Steward Trousers (Blue) 2

Polo Shirts (Navy Blue & Logo) 2

Coveralls FR (Blue & logo) 1

Radio Operator Trousers (Blue) 2

Polo Shirts (Navy Blue & Logo) 2