Workshop on the procedures governing the Union's financial contribution in the veterinary field
AGR 32247
organised in co-operation with the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Residence Boyana,
16, Vitoshko Lale Street
Tel +359-2 9398 341 or 345
3-rd of June 2010
For more information on TAIEX assistance and to download presentations of this event, please go to: .
Aim of the meeting:
The aim of the meeting is to present to the Bulgarian Farming sector with animal production the new rules laid down by Council Decision 2009/470/EC.
The workshop should inform the Bulgarian stakeholders about the principles of the Union’s financial contribution to animal disease monitoring and eradication schemes, including the combat against zoonoses.
Bulgarian stakeholders should be able to realize what kind of tools and procedures need to be set up in their country in order to gain from the Union’s financial support taking into consideration the experience and best practices of other Member States.
Once Bulgaria has made its choice about the tools and procedures to enforce Council Decision 2009/470/EC, it is expected that national legal measures are taken to set up the necessary instruments.
It is the target to adopt the necessary legal measures in the course of 2010.
3-rd of June 2010
Chair:Dr. Hinrich Meyer Gerbaulet
Co-Chair: Dr. V. Taseva, MoAF
Co-Chair: Dr. Y. Voynov, NVS
09:00 / Registration09:30 / Opening address
“The importance of animal production for the development of Bulgaria’s economy”
Dr. Miroslav Naydenov,
Minister of Agriculture and Food, Sofia (tbc)
10:00 / Principles of Union’s Financial Contribution to animal disease and zoonoses monitoring and eradication laid down by Council Decision 2009/470
Dr. Hinrich Meyer Gerbaulet,
Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Sofia
10:15 / Co-ordination of actions concerning the payment procedures between the European Commission (EC) and the MemberStates
Dr. Olga Zorko,
European Commission, DG SANCO, Brussels
10:45 / Compensation of farmers in the light of the Treaty of the Functioning of the EU (article 107/108 ex. 87/88 and Commission Regulation CEC N ° 1857/2006)
Dr. Ursula Gerdes,
Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, LAVES Oldenburg
11:15 / Coffee Break
11:30 / Tools and procedures for the compensation of farmers in DK in the light of Council Decision 2009/470/EC
Dr. Stig Mellergaard,
Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Copenhagen
12:00 / Tools and procedures for the compensation of farmers in The Netherlands (NL) in the light of Council Decision 2009/470/EC
Dr. Klaas Steijn,
Food and Consumer Products Safety Authority Animal Health, Zoonoses and Incident management, The Netherlands
12:30 / Lunch break
13:15 / Tools and procedures for the compensation of farmers in Belgium in the light of Council Decision 2009/470/EC
Dr. Kirsten Ceulemans,
Federal Public Service, Health, Food Chain and Environment,
13:45 / Animal Trust Fund (TierseuchenKasse) in the German Länders
Compensation payment to farmers, payments to contracted private veterinarianand contribution of farmers in Lower Saxony
Dr. Ursula Gerdes,
Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz undLebensmittelsicherheit,LAVES Oldenburg
The Bulgarian Situation
14:15 / The Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food as regards of Animal Health in Bulgaria.
Dr. Taseva - Director of Animal Health and Food Safety Directorate
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
14:30 / Current structure in charge of Animal Health in Bulgaria – legislation, implementation and enforcement.
Dr. Pencho Kamenov – National Veterinary Service, Ministry of Agriculture and Food
14:45 / Compensation scheme of farmers in Bulgaria in the past
Prof. Dr. Ivan Boshkov, Former CVO Bulgaria
15:00 / Current procedures for the compensation of farmers in BG in the light of Council Decision 2009/470/EC.
Dr. Y. Voynov, CVO NVS
15:15 / Expectation of BG farmers concerning compensation procedures in the light of Council Decision 2009/470/EC
BG Farmers Association (N. N.)
15:30 / Coffee Break
16:00 / Roundtable:
Best Practises as regards Farmers’ compensation schemes
16:45 / Conclusion of the workshop
17:00 / End of workshop
This meeting is being organised by the
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