2007 EFT: Rataplan Ghost Rides the WWI Ambulance Packet 5
Packet by: Dennis Jang
1. During this event, its attendees were told that they would not be molested with “philosophical experiments with stocks, pants, and… Russian belts.” In its last session, Thomas McClintock read from Blackstone, and an article was read describing a group of people as “sleeping as quietly as the babes in the wood” while others must “renew the treadmill tasks of yesterday.” Hunt and McClintock joined a meeting in Waterloo, where they planned a meeting in the Wesleyan Chapel and replaced “King George” with “all men” in the a document of grievances called The Declaration of Sentiments. FTP, name this 1848 convention, headed by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, which sought to give rights to women at its namesake location in New York.
ANSWER: Seneca Falls Convention
2. Two Waltzes in C and Impromptu in Two Keys are two posthumously published works of this composer. He specifically noted that the bongos, gourd, claves, and maracas were to be positioned directly in front of the conductor for his Cuban Overture, while the timpani ushers in nervous themes in the opening of his Concerto in F for piano. His better known works a jazzy piano piece commissioned for “An Experiment in Modern Music,” as well as an opera that opens in Catfish Row and features the arias “A Woman is a Sometime Thing” and “It Ain't Necessarily So.” Also the composer of An American in Paris, this is, FTP, which American composer of Rhapsody in Blue and Porgy and Bess?
ANSWER: George Gershwin
3. After his wife and father-in-law are burned to death, this figure ties torches to the tails of three hundred foxes and lets them run through vineyards and fields. This occurs after he kills thirty men from Ashkelon to award his prize for those who were able to solve a riddle about eating honey from bees that had nested in the carcass of a lion. This man, having been born to Manoah and his barren wife with the promise that he will abstain from alcohol and unclean meat, cannot be bound by ropes nor fresh bowstrings, but his capture takes place after the actions of a servant break the Nazarite oath. The last of the judges, this is, FTP, which Biblical figure whose death at the hands of the Philistines is due to the betrayal by Delilah?
ANSWER: Samson
4. In this work, one character explains his use of the words “azures” and “ceruleans” instead of “blue” in his poem, which takes second prize to a work by Dr. Aita. In its postscript, the narrator explains that Captain Burton’s manuscript suggests that the title entity on Garay Street was actually false. Opening with the narrator recalling that April thirtieth was the birthday of his former lover, this work sees its narrator visit his cousin, who leads the narrator into his cellar to lie on a sack, where he is able to see, in a “small iridescent sphere,” the multitudes of America, a sunset in Querétaro, the bones of Beatriz Viterbo--in short, the unimaginable universe. However, the narrator tells Carlos Argentino Daneri that he saw nothing at the end of, FTP, which short story by Jorge Luis Borges?
ANSWER: “El Aleph”
5. One section of this work compares Copernicans and Ptolemaics, who may hope to produce a conviction, to Pyrrhonians, whose acknowledgment of the beneficial influence of their philosophy would mean that all human life must perish. In another section, its author states that the definitions of “liberty” and “necessity” have been a controversy about words, while, in another section, he distinguishes between “ideas” and “impressions” and argues that all creative power is nothing more than compounding the materials afforded by the senses. Yet another part of this work differentiates between “relations of ideas” and “matters of fact,” citing the example that a claim that the statement that sun will not rise tomorrow is no less intelligible than its affirmation. FTP, name this empiricist philosophical work by David Hume.
ANSWER: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
6. The use of both Sn-119 [“Tin 119”] Mossbauer and NMRspectroscopy has found direct correlations between the value of this property and chemical and isomer shifts, respectively. Kabachnik parameters can be used to find its value for a group, while Allred and Rochow usedan estimation from Slater’s rules and the square of the covalent radius to find it. A more absolute measure takes the arithmetic mean of the first ionization energy and the electron affinity, as proposed by Mullikan, but the dissociation energies between two atoms are used to calculate the difference in this quantity via calculations proposed by Pauling. Fluorine has the highest value of, FTP, which chemical property which is a measure of an atom’s ability to attract electrons?
ANSWER: electronegativity
7. King Hemming of Denmark signed the Treaty of Heiligen with this ruler, whose conquest of neighboring Nordalbingia was due to the efforts of the Slavs under Witzin. Those people helped this ruler defeat a rebelling group led by Widukind; he had earlier ordered the beheading of others from that duchy at the Massacre of Verden. This ruler deposed Tassilo to seize Bavaria, and he would gain Lombardy with a victory at Pavia. His defeat by the Basques at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass was immortalized in the Song of Roland, and he would crown the king of Aquitaine, Louis the Pious, as his successor shortly before dying in 813. The brother of Carloman and eldest son of Pepin the Short and crowned by Pope Leo III, this is, FTP, which Frankish ruler and first Holy Roman Emperor?
ANSWER: Charlemagne [accept Carolus Magnus, but prompt on “Imperator Augustus”]
8. The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre forms the basisfor a largely-lost work written by this author. That work, along with his first play, Dido, Queen of Carthage, was among his historically based plays, including one where the title character burns the Koran and another about "The Troublesome Reign and Lamentable Death of" this close friend of Piers Gaveston. Two lovers are separated by the Hellespont in Hero and Leander, which was written by this author, who also wrote the aforementioned Tamburlaine the Great and Edward II. His other dramas include one aboutthe machinations of Ithamore and Barabas, as well as another about the title character's pact with Mephistopheles. FTP, name this 16th century English dramatist, author of Doctor Faustus and The Jew of Malta.
ANSWER: Christopher Marlowe
9. The Jarzynski equality gives the upper bound on the bounds provided by this statement. The fluctuation theorem is sometimes used to reconcile Loschmidt’s paradox, which was formulated as a criticism of this statement. Claude Shannon and Louis Brillouin resolved an apparent violation of this statement by applying it to information theory, thereby showing that Maxwell's Demon had to obey this law. Clausius first formulated this law, which is equivalent to Kelvin's formulation that heat cannot transfer from a cooler body to a hotter one. For ten points, identify this scientific law which states that the entropy of the universe is always increasing.
ANSWER: Second Law of Thermodynamics
10. In a section titled “Our Debt to the Savage,” this work describes how it is only ordinary men who cannot “play fast and loose” with “old-world maxims” and the “venerable saws” of “savage philosophers.” This follows sections about tabooed acts, persons, things, and words, while another section refers to the Shilluk tribe when discussing “Succession to the Soul.” Several chapters are dedicated to both Adonis and Osiris, and it opens by discussing the deities at Nemi in the section “The King of the Wood.” Taking its title from the gift presented by Aeneas and the Sibyl to enter the underworld, this is, FTP, which “study in Magic and Religion,” a work by James Frazer?
ANSWER: The Golden Bough
11. Richard Medville and Robert Turgeon discovered that symplastic loading of this entity against a steep concentration gradient occurs in species like the cucurbits. In some other species, albuminous cells, which are specialized parenchyma cells, serve similar functions to those of companion cells, which help control movements of particles into and out of sieve cells found in this entity. Ernest Munch proposed that the apoplastic and symplastic pathways are used for translocation of it, via turgor pressure causing source-to-sink movement, with his pressure flow hypothesis. Found just inside the tree bark, this is, FTP, which type of living tissue which serves to transport sugars and nutrients in vascular plants?
ANSWER: phloem
12. Bertrand Russell's essay “The Ancestry of Fascism” argues against this person's point of view in a certain work, which stated that Hitler accepts or rejects doctrines on political grounds. In addition to that work, “The Will to Believe,” this person argued that Walt Whitman is an example of one who cannot feel evil due to his healthy mind in another work. In addition to The Varieties of Religious Experience, he wrote The Meaning of Truth as a sequel to another work which defines its title concept as whether a man chasing a squirrel around a tree goes around the squirrel or not. FTP, name this American philosopher and psychologist who wrote The Principles of Psychology and Pragmatism.
ANSWER: William James
13. One section of this work states its author’s view that humans are, by nature, the world’s most imitative creatures, citing man’s fascination with the most realistic representations of painful objects, such as dead bodies. Signs and marks, as well as poor reasoning on the side of the other party, are discussed as means of recognition, in one section, while another section discusses the meaning of peripetia in the context of Theodectes’s Lynceus. This work also discusses that the perfect plot has its protagonist goes from happiness to misery only from hamartia, which allows the audience to experience catharsis. Discussing mimesis and separating the namesake form of writing into tragedy, comedy, and epic verse, this is, FTP, which treatise by Aristotle?
ANSWER: Poetics
14. The 95 articles in its main text were based on recent unsuccessful peace treaties, while 56 of them, signed less than a month later, were “particulars” or secret articles. It established a special chamber to settle disputes as well as 66 places de sûreté, such as Montauban and La Rochelle. However, soldiers were billeted in homes under the system of dragonnades, and its political clauses were removed by the Peace of Alès. While it ended the Wars of Religion, it was revoked by Louis XIV’s enactment of the Edict of Fontainebleau, which declared that Protestantism was illegal. FTP, name this 1598 decree, where Henry IV of France granted religious freedom to the Huguenots.
ANSWER: Edict of Nantes
15. Recurring images in this film include ones that appear on the top of every doorway and as a Fallopian tube structure seen in the bathroom by the protagonist. One scene in this film sees one character believe that a pair of pliers will symbolize a bond like those between brothers with another character, who he allows to try to count to three without stuttering. This follows a scene where another character eats two grapes, which results in the death of two fairies, since neither the title character nor the Book of Crossroads instructed her to eat from the Pale Man’s table. Despite not sacrificing the blood of her brother, she still returns to her kingdom as Princess Moanna after Captain Vidal shoots Ofelia at the end of, FTP, which 2006 Guillermo del Toro film?
ANSWER: Pan’s Labyrinth or El laberinto del fauno
16. In one work in which this character appears, he calls his son to instruct his friend to call Jerry Gaffney for a private detective. He later tells Major Bowes about his plan for an invisible plane that goes both faster and slower than sound. In an earlier work, this character tells his friends to go with eight-year-old virgins when they land in Palermo, where he learns about artichokes in a barbershop. Mayor of Palermo, he flies crates of artichokes up to Milan, but, like many of his other business endeavors, including an attempt to sell chocolate-covered cotton, this plan fails for, FTP, which mess hall officer of Yossarian’s who works for M & M Industries in Joseph Heller’s Catch-22?
ANSWER: Milo Minderbinder [accept either]
17. A blank-faced woman sitting against a red and ocher background is the subject of this artist’s The Plum Blossoms, while the subject of his Zorah on the Terrace is sitting under sunlight with a goldfish bowl next to her. He drew a portrait of his wife with the title entity serving as an artificial shadow line in one work, while he depicted a group of people holding hands in a circle against a blue-green background in another. In addition to The Green Line and Le Danse, this artist painted a work with various paintings, sculptures, and ceramics in The Red Studio, as well as a work subtitled “Souvenir de Briska” was burned at the Armory Show in 1913. The Red Studio and The Blue Nude were among the works of, FTP, which French Fauve artist?
ANSWER: Henri Matisse
18. It is either his brother-in-law’s gluttony or success at fishing which causes this mythological being to trod on him and stretch his backbone to turn him into a dog, according to one story. Another story claims that he rescued his wife from Pea-pea the Eight-eyed by flying in a bird made of leaves and feathers. After Ru helps him lift the sky, he turns into a bird to entangle Ru among the stars. This figure made a particular hook from the jawbone of his ancestress to fish up islands. Some myths claim that he caught the sun by stealing cooked bananas from his grandmother, who lived in the crater of Haleakala, according to Hawaiian mythology. FTP, name this trickster god of various Polynesian mythological pantheons.