For procurement of PVC Thermal Printers & consumables.
Date of first Publicationof RFP : March 16, 2018
Last Date of Submission of sealed Technical & Commercial Proposal : 4:00 PM on March 23, 2018 (Next working day, if last day of submission falls on banking holiday)
Opening of Tender/ Negotiation Meeting : March 28 2018
2 Printers are requested to ship for proof of concept : March 30 2018
Contract award to the vendor if their printers passed proof of concept : March 30 2018
Final Contract award to the vendor with passing on proof of concept printers : April 6th 2018
- Introduction
- Eligibility
- Schedule of Requirements
- Terms and Conditions
- Offer Validity Period
- Address for Communication
- Proposal Ownership
- Modifications and Withdrawal of Offers
- Clarification of Offers
- No Commitment to Accept Lowest or Any Offer
- Submission of Technical Details
- Requirement for Technical Offer
- Terms & Conditions
Annexure A- Pricing Schedule
Annexure B- Scope of Work (SOW)
Annexure C- Minimum Technical Requirements.
- Introduction
KBZ Bank Ltd (hereinafter referred to as KBZ), the leading Bank of Myanmar having more than 500+ Brancheswishes to procure PVC Card Thermal printers to be deployed in branches to facilitate card issuance. In line to the Bank’s growth plan, it is looking forward to enhance customer experience with value added services by offering innovative services. In this regard, KBZ Bank invite proposal from qualified suppliers to supply and provide after sales services for proposed PVC Card Thermal Printers.
- Eligibility
Only those Vendors who fulfill the following criteria are eligible to respond to the RFP. Offers received from the bidders who do not fulfill all or any of the following eligibility criteria are liable to be rejected.
- The Vendor must be registered as a company and should submit latest renewal document of the Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Commencement of Business issued by the Registrar of Companies & tax registration document as applicable.
- The proposed supplier should be the owner / certified or authorized agent / reseller / partner of OEM for the proposed products. Certification document from OEM should be included in proposal.
- Schedule of Requirements:
This tender comprises of the following schedule.
Schedule Number / Name of ScheduleANNEXURE –A / Price Schedule
ANNEXURE –B / Scope of Work
ANNEXURE - C / Minimum Technical Requirements
- Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions for vendors who will participate in this tender are specified in the section named “Terms and Conditions”. These terms and conditions are binding on all the vendors. These terms and conditions will form part of the purchase order.
- Offer Validity Period
The Offer submitted by the Vendor must be valid for Ninety (90) days beyond the date of opening. A Bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Purchaser as non-responsive.
- Address for Communication
Any communication/ clarification/ Submission of this RFP should be addressed to:
C/o Ma Mee Mee Hein, Deposit_ Wealth VCGM, 4th Floor, KBZ Bank Limited, Head Office, 6/12, Pyay Road, Kamaryut Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Email: , Ph: +95 09459090882
- Proposal Ownership
The proposal and all supporting documentation submitted by the Vendor shall become the property of the Bank.
- Modifications and Withdrawal of Offers
No offer can be modified or withdrawn by a Vendor after the submission of Offers.
- Clarification of Offers
To assist in the scrutiny, evaluation and comparison of offers, the Bank may, at its discretion, ask some or all vendors for clarifications on the offer made by them. The request for such clarifications and the Vendor response will necessarily be in writing and it shall be submitted within the time stipulated by the Bank.
- No Commitment to Accept Lowest or Any Offer
The Bank reserves its right to reject any or all the offers including incomplete offers without assigning any reason thereof whatsoever. The Bank will not be obliged to meet and have discussions with any Vendor and / or to entertain any representations in this regard. Also Bank is not obliged to offer the lowest commercial offer without assigning whatsoever reason.
- Submission of Technical Details
It is mandatory to provide the technical details supported by documents like data sheet, brochures, original equipment manufacturer, OEM confirmation to confirm the product meets the required specification as per technical requirement. The offer may not be evaluated and may be rejected by the Bank in case of non-submission of technical information.
The Bank shall not allow/permit changes in the technical specifications once it is submitted. Any other relevant technical details the Vendor wish to furnish for technical evaluation of the solution to be quoted can be furnished as an attachment.
- Requirement for Technical Offer
The Technical Offer shall be made in an organized, structured and neat manner and shall be paginated and shall be signed by authorized signatory along with the seal of the company one each page together with Brochures/ Leaflets etc with proper binding (not in loose format).
- Terms & Conditions:
- Suppliers will be provided with a time schedule/ delivery order for delivery of the printers/ consumables a month (30 days) in advance
- Supplier must assist branch in setting up hardware and software installation of the printer and PC and arrange for training to the branch users including troubleshooting of printer errors or unable to print, replacing printer ribbon and uploading card stock etc.
- Unit price per printer shall include all requirements in # ii including delivery to the final destinations in good condition.
- Vendor is responsible for warehousing of printers/consumables prior to delivery to respective branches.
- Upon selection of successful supplier, KBZ will issue a purchase contract agreement (PAC) together with delivery schedule.
- Three purchase orders will be issued for minimum of 500 printers.
- the first purchase order will have 100 printers order quantity,
- the second purchase order will have 200 printers order quantity and
- the third purchase order will have 200 printers order quantity.
- KBZ reserves the rights to test the printers for proof of concept (POC) before awarding the final contract agreement. The vendors without the prior POC printers are encouraged to provide at least 2 sample printers before March 30th. In this situation, contract aware date shall be April 6th.
- Following will be the payment terms of each purchase order:
- Within 15 days of award of purchase order issuance:
25% of total purchase order value
- Within 15 days of shipment confirmation against shipment documents:
25% of total purchase order value
- Within 15 days of shipment arrival in vendor’s warehouse in Yangon:
25% of total purchase order value
d. Within 15 days of delivery to the final destinations:
25% of total purchase order value
- KBZ reserve the rights to change the time and venue for delivery, installation and training. KBZ will issue a final delivery schedule monthly to the vendor.
- Supplier must ensure that printers delivered are in good working condition and not damaged. Any damaged printers will be replaced by vendor.
- Supplier must bring along an additional printer as backup during installation.
- KBZ has the rights to change any clause and any phrase for pricing, delivery, training and product specifications in purchase contract agreement (PCA) without the prior notice to the vendors before the next purchase order.
ANNEXURE - A: Price Schedule
- Commercial Bid for supply of 500 units of PVC Card Thermal Printers:
(Please submit in separate sealed envelope)
SN / Particulars / Printer Cost/unit USD / Delivery Cost (if any) / Installation/ Training Cost (if any)1 / Cost of Printer/unit as per specification:
For Yangon Region
2 / Cost of Printer/unit as per specification:
For Branches in Upper Myanmar Region:
a) Chin
b) Kachin
c) Shan
d) Sagaing
3 / Cost of Printer/unit as per specification:
Branches in Middle Myanmar
a) Mandalay
b) Magway
c) Nay Pyi Taw
d) Kayah
e) Rakhine
4 / Cost of Printer/unit as per specification:
Branches in Lower Myanmar:
a) Taninthayi
b) Bago
c) Ayerwaddy
d) Mon
e) Kayin
- Cost for supply of Consumables (Ribbon, Cleaning Kits etc)
SN / Particulars / MOQ / Amount per unit (USD)
1 / Full Color CMYK Ribbon (200 images/roll)
2 / Monochrome Black (1,000 images/roll)
3 / Single Color White
4 / Other Single Color (Please mention)
5 / Cleaning Kits
6 / Annual Service fee (AMC) after warranty period covering all parts
ANNEXURE-B: Scope of Work (SOW):
i.Supply of 500 units of PVC Card Thermal printers to the designated branches of KBZ Bank Limited (Existing & upcoming) as per delivery order.
ii.Installation & training of branch user/s for operation of printers, changing of ribbons, using cleaning kits, & simple maintenance.
iii.Hot swap replacement of faulty printers within 2 working days during warranty period. KBZ will arrange for the delivery of faulty printers to designated location of supplier for maintenance.
iv.Maintain sufficient stock of printers for backup (minimum 10 units) for hot swapping requirement.
v.Maintain sufficient stock of consumables, ribbons, spare parts, cleaning kits as required as supply as per demand of the Bank.
Annexure – C: Minimum Technical Requirements:
SN / Requirements / Yes/No1 / Direct to Card (PVC) Thermal Printing.
2 / Single Side Printing
3 / Single Card Feeder
4 / Multi Card Feeder
5 / Full Color and Monochrome printing
6 / Min 300 DPI Resolution
7 / Printing speed – Minimum of 150 cards (Color) & 500 Cards (Monochrome) per hour.
8 / Standard Windows Software application required to print cards.
9 / Lock and key for card hopper
10 / USB Interface
Other additional details:
1 / Warranty Period for Printer2 / Capacity of Printer Head (No of prints if any)
Any optional features offered without additional cost:
KBZ Bank- Request for proposal for procurement of 500 units of PVC Card Thermal Printers Page1 | 8