
The Secretary maintains an accurate account of Section business, minutes of meetings, membership, and official Section correspondence.


1.Election Procedures

Election of the Secretary is by member vote. Nominees must be members in good standing for two (2) years prior to the election and meet any other qualifications required by the bylaws.


The Secretary is directly responsible to the BOD and the Section membership.


a.The Secretary shall submit a resignation in writing to the President who will inform the BOD.

b.In the event of a vacancy, the Executive Committee will appoint an individual to serve for the unexpired portion of the term.



a.The Secretary shall attend APTA's Combined Sections Meeting, and Educational Leadership Conference.

b.If the Secretary is unable to be present at a required Section meeting, the President is provided with a written report.

2.Records and Reports

a.Reports of the Secretary’s activities shall be presented at BOD meetings. Other appropriate records of activities during the term of office should also be maintained.

D.Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Presents all records and documents of the Section at business meetings and keeps a
    correct and permanent record of the meetings and transactions of the Section, in collaboration with the Executive Officer of the Section
  2. Keeps minutes of the proceedings of all Board of Director meetings, conference calls and
    Section Business Meetings.
  1. Distributes minutes of the Section’s general business meetings to APTA, to the BOD, and to the executive officers within sixty (60) days of the meeting, in collaboration with the Executive Officer of the Section.
  2. Maintains the books, records, manuscripts and correspondence of the Section.
  3. Ensures that board and committee chairs update Policy and Procedures Manual as needed.
  4. Maintains an accurate record of the membership roster, in collaboration with the Executive Officer of the Section.Notifies members of special meetings at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting date in collaboration with the Executive Officer of the Section.
  5. Receives pertinent materials from all appointed groups that are disbanded.
  6. Develops a list of documents to be included in the Section archives for BOD approval and maintains permanent Section files and historical data.
  7. Acts as an information source for Section members and the public.
  8. In collaboration with the Executive Officer of the Section, distributes agenda and reports to all executive committee members and board of directors at least one week prior to BOD meetings or special meetings.
  9. Completes other secretarial functions as may be required by the Board of Directors.
  10. Submit an updated job description and responsibility list to the Vice President for inclusion in the Section’s PnP Manual at the end of term.

E.Reimbursement Procedures

The Secretary shall be reimbursed for actual expenses related to Section activities to attend CSM, and the Educational Leadership Conference

Rates of Reimbursement for Expenses attending CSM and Annual meetings,

a)a maximum allotment for meals is $45.00 per day with receipts and $26.00 per day without receipts; .Alcoholic beverages are not covered.

b)the rate for reimbursement for mileage will be the IRS mileage rate effective January 1 of the calendar year the travel took place. Mileage will be reimbursed up to the cost of coach airfare.

c)Actual travel reimbursed expenses are subject to the provisions below.

(1)Coach airfare will be covered. Officers are requested to select the least expensive flight possible as to minimize cost to the section.

(2)Hotel costs will be reimbursed at a maximum of one-half ( ½ ) the double occupancy rate at the most expensive APTA designated hotel.

(3) The maximum rate will be pre-determined by the Treasurer prior to CSM or Annual Conference and published on the Section Website.

F.Orientation of Successor

1.The outgoing Secretary shall orient the newly elected Secretary after the Section general business meeting at which the new officer was elected.

2.Each newly elected Secretary shall receive from the outgoing Secretary a copy of the Section Policy and Procedure Manual, records of previous Secretary’s activities during the last term of office, and any other material deemed necessary for the smooth transition of operations.