Welcome! 8th Grade Science -Mrs. Schmitt 956-4564- 1st page of Binder.
A little about myself…
This is my 27th year of teaching at Carlton Oaks. I have a husband, and a 20 year old son who is a junior at San Diego State University. I earned my bachelor’s degree as well as my teaching credential at San Diego State. I received my Masters Degree in Instructional Technology from Chapman University. Besides teaching Science, I also teach a 7th grade computer class and I am the current ASB advisor. In my spare time, I enjoy traveling, reading, and watching my son play Volleyball.
Please read through the following information and sign and return the bottom of page 5 by Friday.
Homework/Test postings: http://new.schoolnotes.com
My Website: 1. Go to Santee School Website http://www.santeesd.net/
2. Select Carlton Oaks School
3. Select Staff Websites tab and select Schmitt
All of the above information as well as a link to posted grades can be accessed from my website.
The year in brief:
1st Trimester- Metric System. Space: Universe and the solar system.
Projects- Space Contracts. Due approximately every 2-3 weeks.
2nd Trimester- Chemistry: Periodic Table and States of Matter. Project- Periodic Table Poster Project
3rd Trimester- Physics: Motion, Energy, Simple Machines, and Family Life Project-Marble Machine: Using 6 simple machines, design a complex machine that will drop a marble into a cat food can.
Grading- Homework/ Classwork- Grades are posted online and updated regularly. It is the responsibility of students to check grades for missing work. Late work is not accepted.
Online textbook. www.pearsonsuccessnet.com username: carltonoaks password: student104
Academic Grade is determined by Tests and Projects.
Tests are worth 100 points Projects range from 50- 100 points
Homework is usually assigned using the Science workbook that goes along with the Science textbook. Workbook pages are typically assigned Monday-Thursday. Homework is graded randomly. The purpose of these assignments is to either review or preview Science lessons. Students are not to copy homework from other students. If this should occur, any student involved will receive a score of “0” on the assignment. Other disciplinary procedures will also be followed. Please see planner for more information. The process of finding the correct answer using your Science book is more important than “getting the right answer.” Much of the Science tests come from workbook information. Late work is not accepted.
If you are ill, you have one week from the date of absence to make up the work or a Test. This is your responsibility. You may turn in absent work with missed notes using an “Absent Form.” Please see absent policy page.
Requirements- Bring in by Fri. worth 5 points
Binder tabbed with a section for Science for handouts and a spiral notebook to take notes. I have for .50.
Other helpful materials… calculator colored pencils thin markers (black) pink eraser hand held pencil sharpener marker set
Mrs. Schmitt 8th Grade Science 2016-2017
Very often I am asked “Do you need anything?” The answer is “Yes”!
If your child would like to donate any of the following items, he/ she will receive 5 extra credit points for each item. (10 point limit)
Things Science teachers could always use….
Paper Towels
Sandwich sized baggies
Gallon sized baggies
Pack of party balloons
Play Dough
Glue Sticks
Alka-Seltzer- not for me, for labs!
White Vinegar
Food coloring
Plastic spoons
Paper plates
Plastic Bowls
Hot wheels- used are fine
Wind up toys-used are fine
Ping Pong balls
Double AA batteries
$5 Gift cards for supplies (Wal- Mart, Target Etc…)
Sharpie markers
White board markers
Absent Policy
Make up work was originally designed for students who physically could not complete assignments or take tests due to illness. As the years go on, students are missing class for vacations, appointments, sports tournaments, family issues etc...
Grading, recording, and updating grades for make up work takes on the average of an hour or two per week to complete. I would rather use this time to plan lessons and have more labs which would provide additional “hands on” Science experiences for my students.
If you are absent, you can turn in make up work within a week of the absence. Of course exceptions would be made for long term absences as well as illness accompanied by a doctor’s note.
Projects- Contracts, Projects, etc…need to be brought in on the due date. If you are absent the work is still due. Email it to me, send with a friend, have a parent drop off in office. Points are taken off final total (50%) if materials are turned in after the deadline. If you know you will be absent, bring in projects before they are due.
Test make ups for absent students will be during lunch on the Friday following the missed test.
If you do miss class, here are the steps you should follow…
Check http://new.schoolnotes.com. This is the website I use to post class assignments, test info, and project due dates.
Write the missed work in your planner.
Complete an “I Was Absent” form- sample on back
Talk to a reliable student for further explanations.
Bring the completed work to class within a week.
Please use the above checklist anytime you are absent. This takes minimum responsibility!
Communication is very important. Please use the tools that Carlton Oaks has provided. Each teacher’s email is included in your planner. Grades are also consistently posted online. You should always know your progress.
I was absent form
Name______Date of absence______
□ Check http://new.schoolnotes.com for warm up words, textbook pages
covered, and homework assigned.
□ If a worksheet was passed out the day you were absent, collect it from the absent work file.
□ Fill out this sheet completely. You do not have to do this if you gave your work to a friend to have graded on time, and you have homework completed the day you return to school
Warm up…
Words defined or question(s) asked.
Book pages read.______
Please write each heading or sub headline from the textbook that was covered in class. Write a main idea or draw a picture showing that you understand the information that was read.
Headline 1:______page # ______
Main idea: ______
Headline 2:______page #
Main idea: ______
Headline 3 :______( if applicable)
Main idea: ______
Please attach work that was graded and recorded the day of your absence as well as the assignment that was given the day you were absent.
Assignment that was graded the day I was absent: ______
Homework that was assigned the day I was absent: ______
You have one week from the date of absence to turn in this form and your work.
Routines and Procedures Mrs. Schmitt
Hello and welcome! Here are a few of my rules. The consequences for choosing not to follow the rules can range from a gentle reminder, receiving a referral or a step, to being suspended from my class. The rewards of following my rules are free time, science games, no homework and computer time.
A reminder of the step system used by all Junior High teachers
Step 1=Warning
Step 2=Student/Teacher conference.
Step 3= Phone call home.
Step 4= In school suspension, conference with principal or vice principal, and loss of next activity.
Step 5= Suspension.
Class Rules
1. Cell phones must be “off” and left in backpacks. Texting in class = Red Card
2. No food or drinks on desks! (Unless special activity day)
3. No passing, reading, or writing notes.
4. Stay in your seat, (No cruising) and raise your hand if you need something.
5. No restroom use during class.
6. Come prepared! You will need a pencil, pen, and paper each day. This can affect your effort grade.
7. Save trash and throw away upon exit.
8. Late work is not accepted. You have one week to make up the missed assignment. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed. Check your grades and a reliable student’s planner. Use new.schoolnotes.com.
9. Pay attention to the instructional modes of the class. (casual, informal, formal)
10. Write in your planner on a daily basis. Don’t make me beg!
11. Conduct yourself in an appropriate, mature 8th grade manner. Remember you’re in high school next year!
12. Do not copy or allow anyone to copy homework.
The above should get us off to a good start, but remember, these rules can be added to at any time. Circle the rule that you think will be the easiest for you to follow. Do the same for the rule that you think will be the most difficult.
I have read Mrs. Schmitt’s Class rules. ______** Keep this paper in your notebook as a reminder. (please sign)
I have read the Mrs. Schmitt’s class requirements and information.
______I am aware that class information is posted on http://new.schoolnotes.com
______I have read and understand Mrs. Schmitt’s absent policy as well as class rules
______I am aware of the online textbook. www.pearsonsuccessnet.com username: carltonoaks
password: student104
______Instead of the online textbook, I would like my child to check out a Science book.
(Replacement cost is approximately $68.00)
Parent Signature Parent email Student name