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Section 15-2.05E. Use for abandoning pedestrian undercrossings.
Replace section 15-2.05E with:
15-2.05E(1) General
Abandon pedestrian undercrossings as shown. Remove portions the undercrossing, pneumatically place aggregate fill, and seal the ends.
15-2.05E(2) Materials
Fill consists of pneumatically placed fine aggregate with water added at the nozzle.
Fine aggregate and water must comply with section 90. Fine aggregate must contain not more than 6 percent moisture by weight.
You may substitute not more than 30 percent pea gravel for fine aggregate in the fill. Grading must be such that 100 percent of pea gravel passes the 3/8-inch screen and not more than 5 percent passes the no. 30 screen.
Concrete must comply with section 90-2.
Concrete block must be commercially available 8 by 8 by 16 inch nominal size. Mortar for joints and grout for filling cells must be prepackaged materials made for mortaring joints and grouting cells of concrete block walls. Mortar must contain not more than 0.05 percent soluble chlorides when tested under California Test 422 or 0.25 percent soluble sulfates as SO4 when tested under California Test 417.
15-2.05E(3) Construction
Disconnect and abandon utilities connected to the pedestrian undercrossing not shown to remain in place.
8. Consult with designer if the spans of PUC are over 7 feet long; coring the invert may be recommended.
Break the invert slab. Completely fill the interior with fine aggregate. Seal the ends of the undercrossing.
You may dispose of removed concrete within the pedestrian undercrossing or stairwells at a depth of not less than 3 feet below finished grade. Fill voids in concrete-fill material with fine aggregate.
You must select the aggregate velocity and amount of added water that result in the maximum density of fine aggregate in place. The Engineer authorizes aggregate velocity and water content. Maintain the authorized aggregate velocity and water during filling activities.
Maintain a pressure of 45 psi in the placing machine if the hose length is 100 feet or less. Increase pressure by 5 psi for each additional 50 feet of hose length or fraction thereof.
Maintain a uniform water pressure at the nozzle of not less than 15 psi more than the machine air pressure.
You may propose alternative methods of placing fill.
14. Delete if included in other items; edit to suit job.
Tightly seal the ends of the undercrossing with (1) a plug or wall of reinforced concrete not less than 6 inches thick or (2) a reinforced concrete block wall not less than 8 inches thick with cement mortar joints.
Construct concrete plugs under section 51-7.
15-2.05E(4) Payment
Not Used