Sandy Hook School – PTA Meeting Minutes May 20, 2010

Meeting called to order at 9:30 a.m.

Present: Donna Page, Barbara Gasparine, Joanne DiDonato, Stacie Doyle, Tara Kortze, Karen Meisenheimer, Lea Ann Clifford, Cheryl Stenz, Bev Bjorklund, Laurie Antous, Robin Moore, Jeanne Phaneuf, Jen Finnegan, Stephanie Burns, Lillian Bittman, Jen Taylor, Rena Estes, Jenn Barrett, LuAnn Kelly, Brenda Soriano, Jen Finney, Margaret McCarthy, Mimi Beardsley, Sarah Beier, Megan Bissit, Kathleen Young, Cindy Carlson, Patty Kelleher, Kathy Fetchick (29)

Review and approval of minutes from March 18, 2010 meeting.

Vote on Slate of PTA Board Candidates for 2010-2011

President – Tracey Jaeger, 1st Vice President – Cindy Carlson, 2nd Vice President – Mara Street, Treasurer – Jenn Barrett, Secretary – Kristin Larson

Approval of motion to accept slate of candidates.

Vote on 2010-2011 PTA Budget

No significant changes to the budget other than the Dinner Dance to be replaced with a smaller scale auction event.

Motion to accept 2010-2011 PTA Budget. Budget accepted.

Vote on Auction Proceeds

The auction made a profit of slightly over $20K. Options for fund allocation are as follows:

a. 10' high fence of approximately 200 feet to border part of playground - $14,000.

b. Irrigation system needed after the field is leveled - $3,000

c. 10x12 shed to house recess equipment - $2,549

Lillian Bittman asked about playground equipment and Donna Page responded that was not discussed previously. The facilities director has met with Parks and Rec. and will continue to discuss baseball field usage and other issues with the school.

Motion approved for field expenditures.

Treasurer's Report:

A copy of the Summary report from July 1, 2009 through May 19, 2010 and the 2009-2010 Budget vs. Actual report are attached. Due to a timing issue, the Scrip net income is actually $3,500. The EOY expenses outstanding are 4th grade yearbook, the picnic, and scholarship funds.

Review and approval of Treasurer's report.

First Vice President's Report

Tara Kortze - Reflections Program Unfortunately no one from Sandy Hook School won at the state level. All entries will be returned soon. Scholarship winners have been chosen and will be announced at the high school awards ceremony.

President's Report

The following chair positions are currently open: Active wear, Auction/Raffle, Campbells Soup & Tyson Labels, Connection Writer, Directory, Fall Conf. teacher luncheon, Plates/mugs/giftcards, Holiday shop co-chair, Fun Fair: raffle, games and volunteer coordinator, Labor Day parade, School supplies, PTA membership, Publicity, Publishing Center, Sock Hop, Veterans Day Breakfast, Year End picnic (2011)

The end of year picnic is scheduled for June 1.

Bev Bjorklund spoke - On behalf of the teachers, thank you to the PTA for the wonderful partnership. Over $6K in books have been purchased due to parent generosity. Joanne DiDonato spoke - The office staff greatly appreciates all of the committees that take the burden off of the office staff. Thank you to the Board from Stacie Doyle.

Principal's Report

Donna Page reported that the One School One Read event was a huge success. Kindergarten enrollment has decreased to 92 children for 2010-2011. The cultural arts program is sponsoring a tile mural replication next year. Hundreds of tiles will be created by Sandy Hook students, creating a beautiful mural. Donna thanked the PTA and the great SHS parents for their support over the years. Heartfelt thank yous from S. Doyle, J. Didonato, B.Gasparine and L. Bittman to Donna for being a wonderful advocate to the children and mentor and for creating a wonderful environment with many fond memories.

Members shared memories and well-wishes for Donna Page.

Budget Update

Leg. Council last night added $200 K to the Education Budget. $100K of which was from the town side and $100K from an increase in taxes. The referendum date is tentatively scheduled for June 8th. Updates are on the town website.

Meeting adjourned at 10:10.