Class 12 Curriculum Newsletter

Spring 2018

What is Class 12 learning this term?

English: Throughout the Spring term, our English work will be based around our class novel: The Iron Woman by Ted Hughes. We are going to continue developing our knowledge and understanding of grammar including: sentence structure, word classes and a key focus on using VCOP (vocabulary, conjunctions, openers and punctuation) to enhance writing. We are also going to be focusing on reading comprehension based on The Iron Woman in order to develop a sound understanding of the text and to improve inference skills. With this understanding, we will then explore the book further through a range of text types including: explanation, newspaper articles and debate as well as a range of fiction texts i.e. descriptive writing (character and setting descriptions) and narratives. As always, there will be a strong emphasis on spelling (throughout all curriculum areas).

Maths: Throughout this term, we are going to continue practicing arithmetic styled questions, with key focus on fluently using the four operations in different contexts. Also, we will be developing a sound understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages. We will then be applying this knowledge to problem solving and reasoning using our understanding of equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions to enable us to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and find percentages of amounts. In addition to this, we will be building our skills in other areas of maths including: time,angles, shape and measures. Finally, we encourage all children to focus on the accelerated learning folder in Mathletics and to continue to practise their times tables; resources to support this or any other area of maths can be sent home if needed.

Topic: Our topic this term is ‘’World War II’. We aim to incorporate our topic into many different subject areas. Children will be developing the appropriate use of historical terms and be noting connections, contrast and trends over time to construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information. In computing we will be using the internet to research aspects of this historic period and will be creating documents to present to others. In Art we will be exploring the representation of war scenes including The Blitz and investigating the famous artist Henry Moore and others.

Welcome to Miss Melia: We are pleased to be working with Miss Melia who will be taking various groups for English and Maths in the mornings. She will also be helping with interventions to ensure each child reaches their fullpotential. She has plenty of teaching experience with SATs preparation, includingbeing the third year six teacher at Whitkirk Primary last year.

Class 12 reminders:

Spellings: Your child will receive 2 daily spellings (these are individual to your child’s needs) as well as their weekly spellings which are given out on Mondays and assessed on Fridays. Please support your child in practising and learning their spellings as it has a notable impact on their written work.

Reading: Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school every day with their reading book and record. Throughout the week, we listen to children read individually as much as we can. Furthermore, children are given opportunities for independent reading every day so they are welcome to bring in a book from home to read. In order to support your child’s reading, please listen to them read as much as possible at home.

P.E: This term, Class 12 will have P.E every Tuesday. Please ensure that your child has their P.E kit in school. Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing and footwear for P.E.

If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to come and speak to us.

Kind regards,

Miss Forshaw & Miss Melia