Heather Armstrong – Accountability Session 2 (January 2017)
Affiliation Fees
Question: At the last accountability session in November we discussed your plan to restructure how affiliation fees for Clubs and Societies work. Have you gotten any further along with this?
Answer: There has been no progress in this area so far, but I’m planning to discuss this issue at the upcoming Societies AGM to gauge members’ opinions. This will likely then be taken forward by the next Vice President of Societies and Citizenship.
Academic Societies
Question: You have previously talked about increasing the number of Academic Societies in the University – can you explain your next steps?
Answer: We need to work with staff, primarily academics, to help students start societies themselves. We’ve also been trying to encourage current groups, such as the Student Teachers Society, to affiliate to SAUWS. There is still a lot of work to do in this area.
Society Spotlight
Question: We discussed previously your idea for a Society Spotlight, where SAUWS will highlight regularly an individual group and their activities, and encourage people to get involved. What is your progress with this?
Answer: We held one Society Spotlight before Christmas, but it didn’t go as well as I would have liked, so we need to look at redeveloping the way we approach marketing our great clubs and societies to students.
RAG Week
Question: A key point of your plans for the year was RAG Week, which I’m aware you held last trimester. How did it go, and what are your plans for the future of it?
Answer: RAG week was very successful, and we raised £1322.28 for important local charities. Out of this we’ve also developed some exciting partnership work which we’re hoping to take forward this trimester and in the future. As for RAG week, I’m determined to ensure that my successor continues with the work and grows our links with these charities even further.
International Student Experience
Question: You’ve stated that one of your most important goals is to improve the international student experience. Last accountability session we talked about your plans for networking events and more involvement in SAUWS. Can you update students on your work on this so far?
Answer: We held an international welcome to the University and to SAUWS, and that’s something I hope we can continue in the future as well. We’re also looking at restructuring the SAUWS Executive to add a place for International Students, as we believe their voices need to be heard in the association. There are fantastically dedicated international students in representation structures within the University right now, and we want them to work with us too.
SAUWS in Communities
Question: You mentioned before that you have been in conversations with the Renfrewshire Youth Parliament, and others, about giving UWS students a chance to get involved in their local community. What progress has been made?
Answer: We’ve actively been focusing on improving and branching out our work on sustainability and this area, along with SAUWS involvement in communities in general, is at the forefront of our upcoming Strategic Plan for the next 5 years. We’re hoping to get this out to students very shortly.
London Campus
Question: One of the concerns I’d raised previously was over SAUWS representation at the London Campus, and how this works in future. Can you update me on where we’re at?
Answer: I visited London recently with my colleagues and had some incredible conversations with students, who actively want to be engaged in the work that we’re doing. We’ve been working on securing a SAUWS noticeboard on campus, so that we can highlight our campaigns and opportunities for students, and we’re also working with other London student associations on possibly shared activities and events.
Next Few Months
Question: We’ve just about covered all the issues and manifesto points that you’ve previously raised with me, and it’s good to see some progress is being made. Outside of those areas though, could you tell me what your plans for last part of your term in office are?
Answer: We’re going to be heavily involved with the Standing Safe campaign, which I’m now taking a lead on in SAUWS. I want to additionally hold a volunteer fair to highlight key opportunities for students to gain experience with areas they’re interested in. Work on the Big Awards is in progress, and is currently moving along well – as is development of the new Lanarkshire Campus, where I’m leading on work in relation to SAUWS and how we make sure students are involved in decisions. I’m also keen before I leave to look at SAUWS representation on various University committees, and getting us involved in areas we’ve not looked at in the past.
Ezra Wilson
Union Chair