Expressions of interest are invited from employees interested in relieving in the position of Japanese Language Officer (Senior Education Officer 1) – Learning and Leadership Directorate from 6 October until 18 December 2015.
This position is located at Oxford Street, Darlinghurst State Office.
Position information
The Japanese Language Officer provides support to schools for the teaching and learning of Japanese.
Duties include:
- managing projects for the development of innovative programs and services supporting Japanese language learning
- liaising with Public Schools NSW staff, tertiary institutions and other state and national organisations regarding curriculum issues in Japanese
- leading the development of innovative programs and services in a range of media for teachers of Japanese
- identifying issues and researching initiatives in Japanese and providing advice to senior officers
- developing partnerships with external organisations to develop innovative programs and services to support Japanese language education.
Only teachers with current NSW Department of Education teaching approval (including teachers working in Educational Services teams and state office directorates) are eligible to apply for this position.
Selection criteria
- Teaching qualifications, recent school-based experience and high level of proficiency in spoken and written Japanese
- Demonstrated knowledge of curriculum content and understanding of current issues in relation to teaching and learning of the language
- Capacity to harness ICTs to develop and support innovative programs and services
- Ability to assist in building the capability of Public Schools NSW staff in the development and delivery of innovative curriculum programs and services
- High level organisational, interpersonal, and oral and written communication skills
- Proven ability to liaise with a range of stakeholders and work collaboratively within and across teams
- Demonstrated commitment to the values of public education
- Knowledge of and commitment to the Department’s Aboriginal education policies.
If you are interested in this opportunity, submit by email:
- an expression of interest using the template attached
- your application (no more than four pages) addressing the selection criteria.
Your principal/manager must sign your expression of interest, indicating her/hiswillingness to support your application and your immediate release from substantive position at the beginning of Term 4.
Applications must be received by 5pm on Friday 18 September, 2015.
Both documents should be forwarded as an attachment by email to Maria Lomis, Languages Advisor Secondary Curriculum at .
Further information may be obtained by calling Maria Lomis on 9244 5385.
Please complete all sections of this form. This document should be signed by your principal/manager, then scanned and emailed as a pdf attachment (together with your application addressing the selection criteria) to Maria Lomis, Languages Advisor Secondary at no later than 5 pm on Friday 18September, 2015.
My details (Please use blue or black pen only)First name / Family name
Home address
DoE email / DoE Serial No
Work phone / Mobile
Current workplace
Current position
Contact details of my two referees
Current principal/manager
DoE Email
Work phone / Mobile
Second referee
Work phone / Mobile
Learning and Leadership Directorate
Expression of Interest – Japanese Language Officer
My teaching qualifications (Include brief details of courses studied and qualifications obtained)My employment history (Include details of positions held and period of employment)
Endorsement of current principal/manager
I have read the information provided and support the Expression of Interest.
I agree to release the applicant from the beginning of Term 4, 2015.
Comment (optional)
Principal/manager signature / Date
Attach a maximum of 4 pages addressing the selection criteria
Learning and Leadership Directorate