Coalmining Resources at the IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania:

Oral Histories: Interviews Conducted by Eileen Cooper:

Beyer, Pa.:

Ben Trunzo, "Beyer Coal Mine Occupations." (November 11, 1978).

Coral, Pa.:

Andrew Golish, "Discussion About Coke Making." (September25, 79).

Jim Uiliciny, "Coke Works at Coral, Pa." (c. 1978).

Commodore, Pa.:

Paul Gill, "Discussion of Commodore and Its Sewage TreatmentPlant." (No Date).

Andrew Hudzick, "Working Conditions in the Commodore Mine."(June 16, 1978).

Mrs. Hughes, "Life Experiences of a Doctor's Wife in a CoalMiningTown." (October 9, 1978).

A.E. "Shorty" Long, "CommodoreMiningTown." (October 13, 1978).

Alvie Lydick, "Opening of the Commodore Mine in 1920." (October 16, 1978).

Ella Seanor, "Opening of the Commodore Mine in 1920." (November 13, 19780.

Ernest, Pa.:

Pete Calhoun, "History of the Ernest Coal Cleaning Plant." (September 8, 1978).

Pete Calhoun, 2nd Interview (October 17, 1979).

Andrew Miserack, "Coke Manufacturing in the Early 1900's."(January 15, 1977).

Miserack, 2nd Interview "Ernest Cleaning Plant and CokeProduction." (October 23, 1978).

Joe and Helen Yesolivich, "Ernest Photo Identification."(November 20, 1977).

Yesolivich, 2nd Interview "Mining Experiences." (May 5, 1978).

Yesolivich, 3rd Interview "Life in Ernest." (October 4, 1979).

Five Points, Pa.:

Luther Peterson, "The Miners at 5 Points." (July 6, 1979).

Wilbur Shaffer, "Mayor of 5 Points." (February 19, 1979).

Iselin, Pa.:

Victor Fello, "Life in Iselin." (March 7, 1978).

Lucerne, Pa.:

John Cippolini, "Lucerne Photo Identification and Discussion of the Lucerne Power Plant." (March 29, 1979).

Cippolini, 2nd Interview (March 31, 1979).

Blair Cummins, "Laying Overhead Transmission Lines for LucernePower Plant." (No Date).

Pete Yanity, "Lurcern and Ernest Strikes of 1924." (March 21,1978).

McIntyre, Pa.:

Roy Smith, "McIntyre Tipple, (How It Worked)." (June 27, 1977).

Sagamore, Pa.:

Roy Blystone, "Life in Sagamore." (January 13, 1978).

Blystone, 2nd Interview "Mining Lore." (April 9, 1979).

Norman Coy, "Mining Experiences." (December 13, 1977).

Coy, 2nd Interview "Growing Up in Sagamore." (December 28, 1977).

Coy, 3rd Interview "Discussion of the Black hand Society." (March1, 1978).

John "Bounce" Kovalchick, "Mining Experiences." Two Cassettes(January 10, 1978).

Kovalchick, 2nd Interview "Mining Experiences." Two Cassettes(February 1, 1978).

Roy Orr, "Sagamore and the Black Diamond Mine." (January 24,1978).

23rd Sagamore Reunion, Plumville Fire Hall, (September 2, 1978).

Sykesville, Pa.:

Ed Murphy, "Discussion of Coke Making." (September 26, 1979).

Whiskey Run, Pa.:

Liberty Bartilino, "Whiskey Run." (April 17, 1978).

Glenn Faith, "Whiskey Run and Iselin." (March 21, 1978).

James and Walter Patterson, "Walking Tour of Whiskey Run."(April 23, 1978).

Christine Ruddock, "Murders at Whiskey Run." (May 30, 1978).

Mary Wagner, "WhiskeyRunSchool Teacher, 1923-1926." (August 29,1978).

General/Coal Companies:

Merle Craig, "Early Mining Experiences as a RochesterPittsburgh Coal Company Employee." (February 25, 1977).

Merle Craig, 2nd Interview "R.& P. Mines." (April 19, 1978).

Robert James "Jim" Craig, "L.W. Robinson, President of Rochester& Pittsburgh Coal Company During World War I." (April 22,1977).

Robert James Craig, 2nd Interview "Work Experiences." (May 12, 1977)."

Robert James Craig, 3rd Interview "Yatesboro Strike of 1906." (February 10, 1978).

Robert James Craig, 4th Interview "Mining Experiences." (March29, 1979).

Mrs. Gilbert Remey, "Discussion of Gilbert Remey's Career withthe Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Company." (September 29, 1978).

General/Coal Mining:

Victor Fello, Caroline Kaminski, and Merle Craig, Taken fromThree Master Tapes August, 1978. Original Interviews – Spring, 1978.

Archie George, "Early Life – Mining Accidents." (December 6, 1977).

Andy Haggarty, "The Coal Industry." (April 3, 1978).

Andy Haggerty, 2nd Interview "Discussion of Mining Occupations,Accidents, Experiences as a Foreman, and Unions." (April 28,1978).

Andy Haggerty, 3rd Interview "Mining Experiences." (July 10,1978).

Hale McQuilken, "Coal Mining-General." (1979).


Lucia Christy, "Immigrating from Italy." (August 22, 1979).

Caroline Kaminski, "Immigrating from Poland." (April 11, 1978).

LawrenceRedding, "Discussion of Italian Immigrants and MiningExperiences." (May 13, 1977).

LawrenceRedding, 2nd Interview "Italians in Indiana, Pa. Mines."(September 15, 1978).

Butch Tortella, "Immigration-General." (June 5, 1978).

Charles Potter Collection/Interviews:

Conducted by James Dougherty, Eileen Cooper and Irwin Marcus

Potter was a former President and Chairman of the Board at Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Company.

March 1, 1989. "Discussion of GraduateSchool at West VirginiaUniversity, N.R.A., N.WV. Coal Association, Harry Truman, andJohn L. Lewis.

March 8, 1989. "Discussion of World War II."

March 15, 1989. "Discussion of John L. Lewis, Labor-ManagementRelations, and War Labor Board."

April 5, 1989. "Discussion of World War II Impact on Coal

Industry, Scientific Aspects of Coal Production and ChangingCoal Markets."

April 27, 1989. "Discussion of Coal Markets During World War II,European Coal Fields After World War II."

May 9, 1989. "Discussion of Senator John Saylor, and Reflectionsas a Government Employee.

May 23, 1989. "Working Experiences as a RochesterPittsburghEmployee, International Labor Organization and CoalDevelopment."

May 31, 1989. "Discussion of Continuous Miners, The Kent Mines,Mechanization of Coal Mining, and UMWA after World War II."

June 7, 1989. "Discussion of Reclamation, Coal and Safety Act,Black Lung, and Potter's Presidency of R.& P.

June 12, 1989. "Discussion of Coal Markets, R.& P.'s Competitors,and Labor-Management Relations.

June 27, 1989. "Discussion of John L. Lewis, the UMWA Taft-Hartley Act, Effect of Marshall Plan on Coal Industry,and Mechanization of Coal Mines after World War II.