(Please attach job description)

Appraisal Period 7/1/200 to 6/30/200

Please return form to Professional Development Department, Milwaukee Campus room C212 or fax with signatures to 414-297-8156 after the appraisal year (June 30), but before August 15th .

(Please start typing in underlined shaded area)





Click one: Full-Time Part-Time

The purpose of this evaluation is to provide annual written feedback to employees about job performance. This evaluation is an indication, not the entire indication, of how well an employee is performing his/her duties. The primary performance indicator has to be the supervisor and employee participating in honest ongoing communication centered around an expectation that good performance should prevail.


This evaluation is designed to evaluate an employee’s job performance as defined by the employee’s job description. Review the job description of the employee prior to completing this evaluation to ensure a correct understanding of the expectations for rating.

Employee evaluations are an assessment of the employee’s performance against the expectations of the employee’s job. Do not compare one employee to another. The rating is not a comparison function.

Employee should receive a blank copy at the beginning of each fiscal year (July 1) with his/her job description attached. The employee should receive a copy of the final evaluation form before August 15 of the following year.

Read carefully and consider each of the following factors separately. Comment on each factor as appropriate. Do not be influenced by unusual or one-time cases which are not typical. Comment on job performance; do not let personal feelings govern comments. Comments should relate to specific job duties.


Fully Satisfactory - (Specific employee job duty strengths should be listed here.)


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And complies with all the requirements of the American With Disabilities Act

Local 587, AFSCME Annual Staff Evaluation Page 2

FACTORS (Continued)

Needs Improvement – (Comment only on specific job duty areas where written documentation has been given to the employee about duties that require further attention.)


Unsatisfactory - (Comment only on specific job duty areas where written documentation has been given to the employee about duties that require further attention.)


Overall Performance Rating – (In making this overall rating, the supervisor should review the employee’s job description to determine responsibility areas, importance of responsibilities, and how well the employee performed these duties. Employee disagreement with this overall rating should be expressed in the employee comment section.)

Rating: (please click on one box)

Fully Satisfactory

Needs Improvement


If less than a satisfactory overall performance rating is given, the comments on the factor portion of this evaluation should be supported by prior documentation within this fiscal year. Concerns that have been resolved should not affect this rating.


The purpose of this developmental activities section is to assist the employee in acquiring additional skills to improve job performance. This section may be used regardless of the overall performance appraisal rating that a person may receive.

In the event an employee has been rated as “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory,” it is important to assist the employee in understanding how the rating can be improved. The Developmental Activities portion is one concrete area where this assistance can be offered. Again, make sure that the areas identified relate to the employee’s job description. Be as specific as possible. Under “Developmental Plan” include not only what the employee should do to improve in an area, but be specific as to how you are going to help the employee.

Local 587, AFSCME Annual Staff Evaluation Page 3


Developmental Need: Skills/tasks that could/should be learned to enable this employee to do his/her job better.


Developmental Plan: What employee/supervisor can do to acquire success with the above skills/tasks.


Supervisor comments and/or suggestions (be specific):



Supervisor’s Signature Date


Supervisors, Supervisor’s Signature Date


Division Head Date

Employee comments:



Employee’s Signature Date

This signature indicates that I have reviewed and discussed the above information, but does not necessarily indicate agreement.