(APPROVED ORAPC October 18, 2012)


Minutes – Fairfield Suites & Inn Marriott

3299 Caroga Drive, TORONTO, OntarioL4V 1A3

July 31, 2012 & August 01, 2012

PPresent:Rolanda Manitowabi, Chairperson, Treatment Centre

Wanda Smith, Treatment Centre

John Mattson, U.O.I.

Valerie George, A.I.A.I.

Leo Metatawabin, NAN

Penny Hill, Six Nations of the Grand

Shirley Mandoshkin, U.O.I.

Barbara Kejick, Independent First Nations North

Patricia Sword, Independent First Nations South

Yvonne Wright, Walpole Island First Nation

Lynn Baxter, Health Canada

Autumn Johnson, ORAPC Coordinator

Regrets:Francine Pellerin, NAN

DAY ONE – Tuesday, July 31st, 2012


  1. Review of ORAPC Agenda for July 31, 2012 & August 01, 2012
  2. Approval of May 01, 2012 Teleconference Minutes
  3. FNIH Update by Lynn Baxter
  4. Admission, Discharge and Assessment Training (ADAT) Training
  5. NNAPF Update by Wanda Smith
  6. Review of 2012/2013 ORAPC Work plan
  7. ORAPC Coordinator’s Update by Autumn Johnson
  8. Tri-Lateral Updated Report by Rolanda Manitowabi
  1. Opening and Introductions at 9:15 am.
  1. Agenda for July 31, 2012 and August 01, 2012:

MOTION: To accept the agenda for July 31, 2012 and August 01, 2012 with the following additions: ORAPC Coordinator Update; Leo Metatawabin, NAN – Economic Development Issue from his area.

Moved by Wanda Smith

Seconded by Shirley Mandoshkin


  1. ORAPC Teleconference Minutes dated May 01, 2012:

MOTION: To approved of May 01, 2012 Teleconference minutes with spelling correction on Page 3 from Roland to “Rolanda”

Moved by Leo Metatawabin

Seconded by John Mattson


  1. FNIH (First Nation’s Inuit Health) Update by Lynn Baxter, Health Canada:

-Lynda Roberts is leaving FNIH; moving to Provincial Health Unit;

-Health Canada/FNIHB staffing – affected by Federal cutbacks from headquarters;

-2012 NNADAP Conference – Funding approved by Contribution Agreement and has been sent out.

-Confirmation of approval for funding for Treatment Centre’s accreditation.

-P.D.A. $900,000.00 for proposals – 12 proposals were approved. 23 proposals received and over 5 thousand for past 4 months approved. This is not for establishing new treatment centres. There is no deadline – anyone can submit and follow the guidelines.

-NNADAP Renewal – working on the Worker’s Wellness Guide; seeking anyone to participate; John Mattson is interested.

-Treatment Centre Guide/Study—looking at client outcomes; draft study report available;

-No funding is available to cover the license fee for ADAT. ADAT assessment requirement of Treatment centres.

-NADS Funding: performance study for past 5 years; Workforce Development; Certification of workers 77% increase nationally for 2011/12;

-Health Services Integration Fund—proposals to improve access to provincial services; provincial collaboration;

-AHHRI Funding—Proposal call went out; deadline is July 15/2012.

MOTION: To accept FNIH update report by Lynn Baxter, Health Canada.

Moved by Penny Hill

Seconded Valerie George


Discussion on the need of ADAT assessment for Treatment referrals; no funding available to pay the licence fee for the administering; the fee is $300.00 fee per person. It would be the responsibility of each NNADAP Worker to obtain their licence for ADAT.

MOTION: That ajoint Treatment Centre/Community-based Sub-Committee be formed to review and develop an Assessment Tool for all Treatment Centres in Ontario. Rolanda and Wanda will talk to the members at the next Treatment Centre meeting. The Committee will meet at the next ORAPC meeting in 2013.

Moved by Penny Hill

Seconded by John Mattson


Discussion on NNADAP workers certification: For Ontario, there are a total of 58 NNADAP & Treatment Centres certified as of July 31, 2012; Community Based—20; Treatment Centres—38; Total—58; Nationally, there is a 77% increase in certification.

Certification of workers by PTO: AIAI—1; Treaty 3—1; Independent—11; NAN—3;

Union—4; TreatmentCentres—38.

Some of the NNADAP Workers are not receiving the Retention Bonus. Funds are sent to the First Nations throughContribution Agreement with Health Canada.

ACTION: ORAPC can send a letter to communities/Chiefs encouraging First Nations to pay out incentives/retention bonus.

Discussion on ORAPC membership: Treaty 3 Representative required to replace Reuben Wasacase.

ACTION: Rolanda to make request to Tracy Antone, Chiefs of Ontario to get the Treaty 3 Chiefs to appoint a member to the ORAPC.

NOTE: Twelve (12) copies of the “Community Guidelines for Community-based prescription Drug Abuse Projects in Ontario” were distributed to ORAPC Members in attendance.

  1. Report from Wanda Smith on NNAPF:

Wanda Smith provided verbal update on NNAPF:

NNAPF held the following meetings; May, 2012 – Board, June, 2012 – Board,

June, 2012 – AGM in Saskatoon. Annual Report available online at

NNAPF have reduce their face to face meetingsto once per year. Annual General Assembly held in Saskatoon in June 2012; holding monthly meetings on-line.

Workforce Development Committee—Scope of Duties, Job Descriptions I, II, III are complete; Clinical Supervision, Cultural Competencies.

Process: All workers invited to participate in Committees; hold monthly teleconferences; draft projects are posted online for 30 days for comments/feedback. Final draft available online. This is a long process but it allows workers to participate.

NNAPF completed 96% of their work plan in addition to a 10% increase in workload; negotiated Contribution Agreement to a 3 year agreement; Projects are Human Resource Guidebook, Cultural Competencies; Improving Employee Performance; Addictions Information Management System.

Question posed: What is NNAPF’s action regarding Wage Parity; is it still a concern that NNAPF is working on? Is it part of the National Renewal Committee?

TASK: Wanda email NNAPF minutes to ORAPC committee members.

MOTION: To accept NNAPF Update provided by Wanda Smith.

Moved by John Mattson

Seconded by Shirley Mandoshkin


Discussion on ORAPC website: Suggestion to have a display booth at the NNADAP conference; to inform NNADAP workers and gain feedback.

Discussion on need for Renewal Framework presentation: Lynn will discuss with Darcy, National NNADAP office on presenting NNADAP Renewal Framework and FNIH Strategy Planning at the October meeting.

  1. 2012/2013 ORAPC Workplan:

Review of the 2012/2013 ORAPC Workplan by Rolanda Manitowabi.

Discussion on the need for the development of indicators to measure the progress of ORAPC over the past years; to focus on achievements.

Suggestions for implementation:

  • Feedback form allowing NNADAP workers to make comments/recommendations to ORAPC; available on website and at the Conference.
  • Indicators to measure progress—number of reports/recommendations presented to Chiefs of Ontario.
  • ORAPC Action Plans—development of Indicatorsand tracking;
  • What are the current needs of NNADAP and track whether as ORAPCare meeting them.
  • Each PTO representative meet and talk with workers about any concerns they face; present a brief report from each area.
  • ORAPC 5-year report listing highlights, progress, recommendations made.

ACTION: Autumn Johnson will search previous recommendations sent to Chiefs of Ontario office; and development of ORAPC progress report.

7. ORAPC Coordinator Update:

Autumn Johnson, ORAPC Coordinator gave a verbal update.

  • Website is up and running; available for posting upcoming training; documents, resources, etc.

Coordinator’s Tasks:

Promotion of certification of NNADAP workers; Updating Workers’ Data Base and NNADAP Guide Book; ORAPC Newsletters to be published quarterly.

Ideas for Newsletter: Success stories; Workshop information, Self-Harm information; LandBase Treatment; Youth Treatment Centres.Updates Oxys, Cocaine, Heroin, Crystal Meth.

Development of Toolkits; Dilico Pre-treatment readiness video; Youth issues, Withdrawal management, Aftercare; Resource kits: Identity & Stigma of Addictions, Healing Journeys, Addiction Research.

Questions suggested to ask Conference participants?

  1. What would you like your community to look like?
  2. What are you willing to do? As an individual community member.

MOTION: To accept ORAPC Coordinator’s Autumn Johnsons’ report.

Moved by Wanda Smith

Seconded by Valerie George


8. Tri-Lateral Update by Rolanda Manitowabi:

Tri-Lateral Committee Update provided by Rolanda Manitowabi. Announcements of 1.5 million to provincial/federal workplan. Community Wellness Development Teams. Evaluating Community-based Treatment; Public Health Campaign, Common Assessment Tool. Funding Mental Health Workers; children and youth a priority; looking at agencies with funding and workers already in place.

MOTION: To accept Update on the Tri-Lateral Committee provided by Rolanda Manitowabi.

Moved by Penny Hill

Seconded by Leo Metatawabin



The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. to August 01, 2012 at 9:00 a.m.

DAY TWO – Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Present:Rolanda Manitowabi, Chairperson, Treatment Centre

Wanda Smith, Treatment Centre

John Mattson, U.O.I.

Valerie George, A.I.A.I.

Leo Metatawabin, NAN

Penny Hill, Six Nations of the Grand

Shirley Mandoshkin, U.O.I.

Barbara Kejick, Independent First Nations North

Patricia Sword, Independent First Nations South

Yvonne Wright, Walpole Island First Nation

Lynn Baxter, Health Canada

Autumn Johnson, ORAPC Coordinator

Regrets:Francine Pellerin, NAN


  1. 2012 NNADAP Conference Planning
  2. Leo Metatawabin, NAN Representative – Economic Development issue.
  3. NNAPF Renewal – Honouring our Strengths – review of document
  4. Letter of Request from Weechi-it-te-win Family Services Inc.
  5. Next Teleconference ORAPC Meeting
  6. Adjournment

10. 2012 NNADAP Conference Planning and Update:

  • The Committee reviewed the Workshop options. Keynote speaker will be Dr. Allen Jones, MD, CCFP. His topic is on Oxycontin: The Science of Addiction, Treatment and an Update on its controversial withdraw from the market.
  • Information Booths will be set up by FNWACCB; CACCF; CCPC; Treatment Centres; ORAPC website (ontarionnadap.org) for viewing newsletter, meeting minutes, members, workplan, reports, resource information, Addictions CounsellorJob descriptions, etc.
  • Entertainment to be Scott Ward, Native Hypnotist/Facilitator.
  • Special Presentations: Honour NNADAP Workers who are certified.
  • Invite Darcy Stonehage from Health Canada to make presentation on Renewal Framework.
  • Information Gathering Survey: Salary range; Education Level/qualifications; Secondary School Diploma/College/University/Other training; Number of year in NNADAP; Certification; Training Needs.
  • Discussion on 2013 NNADAP Conference and booking as key note speaker, Gabor Mate, MD. Possible dates October 04, 2013 or October 7 -12, 2013 or October 21 – 25, 2013. Gabor Mate is physician, public speaker, Author of the “The Hungry Ghost”.

11. Training Sub-Committee Recommendations:

The Sub-Committee provided update on the three various training opportunities; but do not apply to Prescription Drug Abuse guidelines.

12. Leo Metatawabin, NAN Representative – Economic Development issue:

Leo Metatawabin, from Fort Albany First Nation (in the James Bay area) gave description of issues and concerns faced by activities happening in Northern Ontario; as a result of the economic development happening in north (ie, gold mining, hydro dams);organized systems of trafficking; bringing in alcohol and drugs into the reserve. Expressed the need for education; ie, safety issues, licenses. Companies looking for workforce; It is a challenge, due to high unemploymentmore people tempted to work for the drug dealers, etc. Young people need support systems when entering the workforce; to train young people to prepare for challenges; need for partnering with organizations to ensure companies are aware of community needs/issues.

13. NNADAP Renewal-- “Honouring our Strengths”:

Discussion on the NNADAP Renewal process and “Honouring our Strengths” document; available on the NNAPF website. Invite Darcy to October pre-conference meeting for presentation.

14. Letter of Request from Weechi-it-te-win Family Services Inc.

Discussion letter fromWeechi-it-te-win Family Services Inc. requesting letter of support multi-year proposal to Health Services Integration Fund.

MOTION: That ORAPC acknowledges Weechi-it-te-win Family Services Inc letter dated July 20, 2012 requesting a letter of support for their proposal submission; unfortunately, ORAPC is not in a position to partner with any one agency.

Moved by Penny Hill

Seconded by Wands Smith


TASK: Rolanda Manitowabi will reply to this request.

15. Next Teleconference

MOTION: The next ORAPC Teleconference is scheduled for Monday, September 10th, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. E.S.T.

Moved by Wanda Smith

Seconded by Valerie George



MOTION: To adjourn at 3:00 pm

Moved by Wanda Smith

Seconded by Shirley Mandoshkin


ORAPC Minutes- July 31 – August 1, 2012 Page 1 of 9